Paulina Aurieux

Paulina Aurieux

1 Story of Paulina Aurieux

Night Chere (18+)

Night Chere (18+)

Walking into the bar, Chase glanced back inside and over the swinging doors.
“What we gotta do, Bridgette? Ain’t much we can git done wit dat rain ou’side.” A man at least ten years his junior sat on a chest freezer pushed up against a back wall. Chase watched the man eye the curvy figure of the woman who was bent over tying the top of a garbage bag closed. Chase couldn’t help but notice the thick snake growing in the man’s jeans.
The man walked over to Bridgette, “What do you say we have some fun?” He hopped off the freezer. Before she even responded, he reached back behind his shoulder blades and pulled off his shirt, revealing the chiseled chest.
“Ah, shit!” Chase muttered quietly. What the hell have I gotten myself into?”
Arcadia is a seemingly forgotten stretch of road in deep Louisiana that breathes libation and sexual prowess in the surrounding waters of the bayou. It is a town of intrigue and mystery. It is a town where ghost stories begin and people disappear without a second thought. Arcadia amorously welcomes the occasional traveler - as long as that traveler moves on through. For those who stay...Well, ‘Night, Chère
Chase Fuller is hell-bent on purchasing the Bellefont Plantation House and has traveled from Nashville to see it in person. What he isn't prepared for is Lenora and Bridgette Theroit. Lenora is the youngest with a flaring temper that comes with irreconcilable consequences. Bridgette is the amorous sister who is both protector of Lenora and the eyes of Arcadia and its secrets.
Join Chase and his exploits to find one of the most alluring mansions of the old south. As well as the tragedy that comes to a town forgotten to history.
The Arcadia Stories follow the life of a lost jewel in southern history - one of superstition, mystery and the allure of sexuality.
Small Town
Supernature Earth

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