
4 Stories of Ozioma

A Luna's battle.

A Luna's battle.

Katherine, is a young beautiful were-wolf, her story happens to me a very sorrowful and mysterious one at a very young age of hers. Her parents died when she was quite young.
Katherine grew to understand that her parents died as a result of the money they were borrowing for a very dangerous source.
The poor girl couldn't believe her parents would loan money from such a deadly source, this gave her more reason to stay alive and get to the root of everything.
She was captivated and sold out to a pack, where she was meant to server as a slave.
That still wasn't enough, the alpha of the pack turned her into a sex machine.
She was turned into a pleasure machine by the Alpha Rex, and he was never ready to let her go.
Along the line of the story, something sparked between she and Beta Alfredo,
He is a good looking and kind hearted male-wolf.
What happens if the alpha finds out beta Alfredo has something to do with his pleasure machine?
And what happens when Katherine finds out her family were as innocent as you could ever imagine?
Find out in this exciting and interesting book.
Billionaire clash

Billionaire clash

ng all the bad act anyone could ever think of,
Pretense happens to be one of the most dangerous, if you think you have seen the most dangerous act in the world then, you are just about to see one that is more dangerous when you read this book.
Mr Daniel happens to be a very rich billionaire who has everything I want in the world, but basically wasn't content with what he has.
She run over 36 companies in different countries around the world, the distance most company he converted them into his,
And then one day, he met one which wasn't easy for him to convert to his.
The CEO was a fearless man who has been into business for a very long time, practically knows every statics of a businessman, and decided not to fall into Mr Danielk's trap.
Daniel still didn't give up, he waited patiently for that day he would finally lay fingers on that company.
The man who owned the company was already getting old and wanted to give his company to someone since he had no child,
And then he remembered his nephew, he said for her and later he found her, after hearing all her stories and how a parent died years ago, did not hesitate before giving her his multi-billionaire company.
She died a few weeks later and she began to manage the company,
Mr Danielk was so happy at this, he decided to use this as a method of getting the company,
but little did he know that the businessman had already taught his nephew everything you know.
What if Mr Danielk uses a strategic means of getting the company such as marriage or love, do you think she would fall into his trap?
And if she doesn't fall into his trap, do you think Mr Daniel would ever give up on the company?
Find all this out in this exciting and interesting book.
Ceo mafia

Ceo mafia

Herry is an affluent 25 years old billionaire, he is very rich and feared likewise. He's the head of the mafia gang of the dark blood empire. He has a keen eye on the world's largest Colgate industry, which was said to have the world's records and assets under its wings. The prominent owner is dead and now, the Colgate industry holders needed someone strong and proficient to own the company. However, someone else came into the picture. Lisa. The owner of the Colgate industry was her father's late friend, the deceased man had imprinted her name as part of the deal in the Colgate industry and so; a war began between Herry and Lisa. None was ready to back down with a fight as they both prove their worth, metals, and intellectuals on who to own the Colgate industry.
The Luna slaves.

The Luna slaves.

Why do the innocent cry? Why must there always be a cross to bear?
Selena Jones happens to be a beautiful wolf, she was linked to her make by the Greek goddess, but In the end it all turned out to be a big disappointment.
She gets rejected by her mate who happens to be an Alpha.
He is in love with a vampire from a very fearless and reckless background.
What would happen when a war comes up between the vampires and the werewolfs?
Do you think she would later be accepted by the Alpha?
And who would win the war? The vampires or the wolves.

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