Raven Writer

Raven Writer

1 Story of Raven Writer

Alpha Shane, Human Mate

Alpha Shane, Human Mate

“Do you take Shane Medes, Great and mighty Alpha King, leader of the blood moon pack to be your lawful wedded mate?” Lauren coaxed her words, holding a book in her hand.
“Yes.” I smiled, the butterflies in my belly started to dance as I looked at the Alpha king in his face.
“Now, your turn Shane.” Lauren darted her eye at him, “do you take Harley Steven, this ordinary human, a lowlife and outcast from her family to be your lawfully wedded Luna and mate?”
I look at Shane waiting for his reply in anticipation. I have always wanted this day to come. To finally get married to Shane, just as the moon goddess has promised.
“Yes! I would till death separates us.” He pulled me by my waist, my belly hitting his. He raised my chin with his hand, his lips curly to a kiss, and he…
Unrequited Love

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