The Wicked Alpha Comments

  • Visitor

    Lies!!! It says the sequel is included, but it just stops at the end of book 1, "Fart" chapter 114. The author notes that there IS NO 2nd book. So disappointing! I won't be reading anything else by this author.

    10/20/2024 06:38
  • Kimberly Sansores

    This is by far, one Of the funniest books i've read in a while.. Every chapter has been Hilarious so far šŸ¤£

    09/11/2024 03:54
  • Helena Engstrƶm

    #BookDay. This is one of the better books I have read. Interesting and funny story. Every chapter will make you laugh šŸ˜

    05/07/2024 18:08
  • Lanita Rowe

    I'm guessing that the book is finished (or unfinished). Nothing added beyond Chapter Fart and it's been a couple of months

    01/11/2024 02:46
  • Ana

    just a question is this finished? I have been giggling that the title of the last chapter is fart.

    10/25/2023 20:26
  • Nicole Sheridan

    Iā€™m dying!!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

    10/08/2023 04:29

    For best experience, I recommend reading, "His Evil Ways" first. This writer is extremely creative and crying cuz you are laughing too hard kind of funny!

    09/28/2023 20:12
  • Mirela

    The story is interesting. Emara is a young girl who doesn't know that she is a werewolf, because it says that they had to give her wolf to her twin brother so the can be stronger. When she met her mate, her life changed a lot. Everybody thought he was gay, but when he discovers that his mate is actualy a girl he couldn't wait to mark and mate her. - Emara-AS

    09/05/2023 05:50
  • Doobies

    I actually donā€™t mind BDSM if the writing is good, but the intro had too much awkward wording and words that didnā€™t quite fit within the context that it has kept me from being interested and wanting to read this book. Emara-AS

    09/05/2023 05:44
  • Lonnie Miller

    First, let me say that I usually don't go for heavy erotica or BDSM, but with this book it didn't matter. Second, there is definitely a need for editing, but again it didn't matter. This book is hysterical!! There are parts where I spewed my drink out of my mouth from shock and laughter. I literally laughed until tears were falling down my cheeks. I may have even peed a little (definitely did) from laughing uncontrollably. Emara is unapologetic in using what ever means possible to get what she wants. The Alpha has no idea what he is up against when he meets his mate. The plot is amazing and the twists and curve balls are unexpected. This book is well worth reading! Emara-AS

    09/05/2023 05:44
  • Ammie Kinyon

    My brain is in TRAUMA-SHOCK... flipped INSIDE-OUT! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ MASSIVE DARK CONSPIRACY involving DANIEL PLANNING TO KILL EVERYONE (but kill Emara LAST, 'cause he LIKES HER)! šŸ˜µTHEN...*NOTHING*... WHAT THE...???šŸ˜– NOW WHAT? šŸ˜±

    09/05/2023 05:38
  • Sammy

    Emara-AS Iā€™m really impressed with the authorā€™s writing style. A well written, unique and lighthearted read. Itā€™s definitely refreshing from the usual norm and has me invested to read more. A bit of proofreading needed. At first the blurb did not interest me much, however, after reading a few chapters, I was pleasantly surprised! It's a fun read.

    09/05/2023 05:36
  • Nadia Ogle

    Emara-AS why use the same characters in both books with 2 very different lives. I liked the other book better 7 Nights with Mr Black. Should have given these characters different names.

    09/05/2023 05:32
  • RedRum1928

    Emara-AS the beginning grabbed my attention because of her list I think it was a good attention grabber for the story plus the way her and her brother talk is very sibling ya know

    09/05/2023 05:32
  • Alice Pinto

    Emara-AS I am normally a big fan of werewolf stories, but not really into BDSM reading, so I donā€™t really know what to think of this book. the second part of the intro is pretty intriguing

    09/05/2023 05:25
  • Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton

    I am not sure that this story is for me. It is a bit too juvenile and the pace is a bit slow. I think that I will pass on this one at this time. Emara-AS

    09/05/2023 05:17
  • Ashley

    Emara-AS The introduction is very interesting and catches your attention. I was excited to start reading it. Emara is hilarious and I wish I was more like her. I can not wait to read more and see how she gets caught and how her brother reacts.

    09/05/2023 05:05
  • Awurabena Afriyie Asare

    Emara-AS. Wow, this book is really interesting. I can't believe one would go to an extent to disguise herself because of a job. But I think I am very sorry for the boss when he realizes that his mate is actually a woman but not a man as many people know. He might even think he's gay until the final truth unravels itself.

    09/05/2023 05:02
  • Aisha Ali

    Emara-AS I loved this book it was refreshing and hilarious the female lead was my favourite character I love how she disguised herself and made her mate question his sexuality it was epic

    09/05/2023 05:01
  • Efrat Katz

    Emara-AS the intro doesn't describe the story well and is very short. it is very sexy though. it will be interesting to see how a human werewolf mating works out with bdsm

    09/05/2023 05:00
  • Rafael

    Emara-AS. oo I like the introduction. I love werewolfs stories and I like the wolf and human mate bond. It seems an interesting story with many twists and excitement. I think is going to be a very fun read.

    09/05/2023 04:59
  • Helen M

    Emara-AS The introduction is a bit short. It does give a basic idea about the story but not as much as others. It sounds interesting enough. I'm not a huge fan fo BDSM stories but I may give this one a bit of a read just to see if it's as funny as some of the other comments suggest. Emara-AS

    09/05/2023 04:57
  • Tiffany Miller

    Emara-AS I like the start Ive seen siblings act like that to each other. She is right about ruining Nutella like her brother is going to yuck is right. I like her attitude.

    09/05/2023 04:56
  • Kobie Stroebel

    Emara-AS good start

    09/05/2023 04:54
  • Daisy Francisco

    Emara-AS This book is really interesting and kinda intriguing story, but I guess I try to read more chapters so I can really understand whatā€™s behind the story.

    09/05/2023 04:49

    Emara-AS the book starts really with a bang. Man Woman. the plot of the book is really good. it's different from the usual plots. hope it continues to surprise. will definitely add to the library

    09/05/2023 04:48
  • Karen V

    Emara- AS sounds like a good read I love the characters so far. The chick reminds me of myself and studies. How she kicks the chair and is upset but wills it and is determined to pass. Her brother on the other hand I agree total *** . Way to rub it in on your sister.

    09/05/2023 04:47
  • Donna Pember

    Emara-AS I loved the first few chapters of the book. I can't wait to read the rest. The beginning of the book was not the usual same old plot line and characters. characters.

    09/05/2023 04:44
  • Amal Samir

    Emara-AS, the intro is short and doesn't describe the story well. Still the intro intrigues you to read the book to know what will happen next between the two of them. It seems interesting and fun to see how they will interact with each other. I really would like to see his face when he discovers that he is a she šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

    09/05/2023 04:44
  • Lori Holden

    Emara-AS. I like the intro. I had already had it in my library. I have already read the first eight chapters, they were funny. I feel for her studing issues. I love her first day of her job and meeting hopefully her mate. So far do good.

    09/05/2023 04:44
  • Vicki usher

    Emara-AS Well that was an introduction. It sounds like an interesting story that very different from others which makes it all the more intriguing. It looks well written and I am sure it will hook you in from the beginning.

    09/05/2023 04:41
  • Gemma Butler

    Emara-AS This book sounds right up my street. I loved the introduction to this book and Iā€™ve added it straight to my library and I canā€™t wait to start reading it.

    09/05/2023 04:40
  • KMKC11

    Emara-AS Iā€™m a little iffy on this story. On one hand Iā€™m not big into the werewolf genre but the introduction to this story is compelling. BDSM also isnā€™t my thing but Iā€™m giving this one a chance because the little bit Iā€™ve been able to read has left me intrigued.

    09/05/2023 04:35
  • Bianca Bratu

    Emara-AS the book seems like a really good book. I love it from the beggining even if I read just the first few chapters. I canā€™t wait to read more and see how the plot of this story plays out.

    09/05/2023 04:29
  • Kristen Lewis

    Emara-AS The introduction definitely grabs your attention and peaks your curiosity. I am curious to read the scene where he discovers she is not a man, and the one where she discovers he is a werewolf Alpha. So many secrets to be uncovered!

    09/05/2023 04:24
  • Esther Samuel

    Emara-AS I like this book.the humour and the hilarious character of the female lead is refreshing.although the sexuality is a bit intense I will keep it for later when my mind is more calm to read it

    09/05/2023 04:22
  • Merle Langevoord

    Emara-AS the introduction made me very interesting in the story. I'm looking forward of what the plot has in store for me. I'm hoping there will be multiple spicy scene but also a good story line. I'm really looking forward to it.

    09/05/2023 04:19
  • Brenda Kay

    Emara-AS what a great chapter the author ā€¦ it has me very interested in their style of writing I hope the next chapter are just as interesting, this is a book that I wonā€™t be able to stop reading.

    09/05/2023 04:19
  • Emara-AS. The intro has completely captured my interest. To me this is a pretty new concept or plot line. I am excited to read the first couple of chapters and if those chapters have me still hooked I will be adding this book to my library. Emara-AS.

    09/05/2023 04:17
  • LerĆ© Saunderson

    Emara-AS Steaming hot intro and cover. Haha, I can just imagine if he is gay, what a shock it must be to find his mate and then find out she is a woman. I hope she is quite ready for BDSM role play to come change her life forever.

    09/05/2023 04:13
  • Diana

    Emara-As the introduction invites me to start the book... it raises many questions: Why does she sigh? how will he react? what else is going to happen? why is he so angry?...

    09/05/2023 04:13
  • Janaki Kollepalli

    Emara-AS... I like werewolf books but somehow I didn't really get impressed by the introduction... also the few chapters are not very captivating so I guess I won't be reading this book... sorry... not interested

    09/05/2023 04:12
  • Fernanda Neto

    Emara-AS LOL Gostei bastante do primeiro capĆ­tulo, diferente, irĆ³nico. Mas mais que o capĆ­tulo em si, adorei o aviso no final kkk. Espero que seja um pronuncio de um livro enquadrado na realidade das dificuldades do nosso dia a dia.

    09/05/2023 04:12
  • TinyReader

    Emara-AS Adding this book to my library immediately! This into is very interesting and the lifestyle is all too compelling. Will be back to tell y'all if I fall in love with The Wicked Alpha.

    09/05/2023 04:09
  • jules kc

    Emara-AS I like werewolf stories, but I don't know about this one. the description was not really appealing to me as she dresses as a boy. I think it is funny, but just not my kind of liking. But I do like the writing style!

    09/05/2023 04:07
  • Terri Bonomelli

    Emara-AS The book starts a little slow. It seems to have a good story. It will be interesting to see how the truth comes out and her brother's reaction to her using his identity.

    09/05/2023 04:02
  • Emara-AS I the description of this story is interesting so i started to read the beginning of this story and I will definitely be adding to my library. It made me smile, I love Emara's sassy character, looking forward to finding out what happens.

    09/05/2023 04:02
  • Kirsten Tooker

    The introduction was okay and left me on the fence about whether or not I would actually enjoy reading the story. After reading the first couple chapters I have decided that Iā€™m not really interested in the story enough to continue reading it. Emara-AS

    09/05/2023 03:57
  • Karooke

    Emara-AS das Intro ist mir doch etwas zu heftig, eher nicht meine Art von Geschichten... Ich mag Werwolf BĆ¼cher, dieses werde ich trotzdem nicht lesen.. Es wird bestimmt ein tolles Buch sein..

    09/05/2023 03:54
  • yes sir

    Emara-as I'm still laughing at his reaction when he sawher as man this book look interesting I enjoyed reading the first few chapters I will keep reading to know what will happen next

    09/05/2023 03:51
  • JustBee

    Emara-AS This book does not have a 100% original concept. The writer got her idea from a movie with the actress Amanda Bynes and I think the movie is called ā€œSheā€™s the manā€ The whole taking the twin brotherā€™s identity and dressing up like a man is same except this writer decided on a totally genre being fantasy and adding BDSM to camouflage where the initial idea came from. I would have found this book a lot more interesting if Emara didnā€™t take her twin brotherā€™s identity and that the writer got creative as to how Emara got to impersonate a man and not just take the idea from an existing movie.

    09/05/2023 03:41
  • KayCee Kai Malanos

    Emara-AS ..Ć²ohh kinky stufff.. the introduction shows an interesting plot.. and she is a bad kitty.. maybe the alpha must be wondering if he is really gay.. cant wait to read his pov by then..

    09/05/2023 03:40
  • Nedsa

    EMARA-AS I thought it would star with sad drastic drama but it is pretty funny. I like Emara she is crazy but so funny I havenā€™t read or meet the Alpha yet but this looks like a disaster waiting to happend. Cant wait to know more about this story. The description sounds has Emara was a shy girl but she is a firecracker well at the moment she is.

    09/05/2023 03:40
  • Sarah Wulf

    Emara-AS The 1st page captured my attention with the list, etc. After that I didn't get the wow factor. I honestly forgot that I was reading a werewolf book, there was nothing to make me think that. Nothing that eluded to it. Seemed to need a little editing right off the bat.

    09/05/2023 03:29
  • Zoya

    Emara-AS This book is hilarious, just like all the books of Almost Psycho, once you start it you cannot stop reading it. Their love story is great and his struggle is absolutely amazing about the mate he received from the Goddess. definitely worth the read

    09/05/2023 03:24
  • Hazel Honey

    Emara-AS Introduction peeked my interest, but after a few chapters I'm yet to be convinced this is a story for me. Style in writing is okay, but it might be that I don't just fancy the personality of the "leading lady".

    09/05/2023 03:24
  • Telma Santos

    Emara-AS I found the beginning of this werewolf story lacking in originality and excitement. The plot felt predictable and the characters failed to captivate me. I hope the story improves as it progresses.

    09/05/2023 03:23
  • Caitlin Sullivan

    Emara-AS .... so I wanted to get into this book. The intro showed that the story could go a few ways and at least one I would like, but the warning at the end of the first chapter shows it's not going to be my type of story... Emara-AS

    09/05/2023 03:21
  • Paula Almeida

    Emara-as so this book definitely has me really excited to read. I want to see what happens between emara and her mate. I want to know where all his anger comes from and excited to see where their relationship goes.

    09/05/2023 03:21
  • Irma Beck

    Emara-AS Absolutely loving the start of this book so far. it's such a unique start and unexpected storyline that makes for an interesting read. looking forward to reading further and seeing how the story unfolds. I think I am going to enjoy this book

    09/05/2023 03:18
  • Me Myself

    Emara-AS so far the introduction has piqued my interest. And the writing of the first chapter is well written grammatical speaking. so I will continue reading this book and may add it to my library in the future

    09/05/2023 03:11
  • Reader-564163

    OMG!! I havenā€™t laughed so much in my life for reading a book. itā€™s sexy, sassy, funny. what a read!! well done!

    09/05/2023 01:31
  • Cristina Mata

    This book has made me laugh so much. Iā€™m enjoying reading every chapter and the silly play on names of the characters gets me laughing every time.

    09/05/2023 00:57
  • Zoya

    is this book related to ā€œ7nights with Mr. Blackā€? Emara is the same character in both books? if are related, there is an order to read them? thanks

    09/05/2023 00:30
  • h1f8 i really enjoyed the two takes on the book. I have had this in my library for a long time just waiting for the author to finish the book. itā€™s been like 4-6 since last update

    09/05/2023 00:14
  • Konaha

    @almostpsycho are there any updates on when the follow up story will be released?

    09/05/2023 00:11
  • Julie Schmitt

    h1f8 Absolutely looking forward to this book but decided to start unlocking chapters before I continue. I hate getting into a book then have to wait for the unlocking or writing of more chapters.

    09/04/2023 23:38
  • Robyn Valdez

    h1f8 - Emara has easily become one of my top 10 characters of all time. I think she would be my spirit animal šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

    09/04/2023 23:33
  • Emily

    h1f8 bit confusing at times and a bit of editing would definitely help with the flow of reading. editing etc would help the book

    09/04/2023 23:31
  • Liliana

    h1f8 Wow, this book is so different from the ones I usually read. I don't typically mix supernatural with office romance but this book has been super entertaining.

    09/04/2023 23:30
  • Yes I read this won. why did you switch. I wasn't to see Ryan fight the other guy.

    09/04/2023 22:45
  • I'm a bit confused? I thought this book had a second story in a human version after the first ended. I could have sworn I had read a lot of the chapters and was just waiting for updates

    09/04/2023 21:54
  • Kim Cook Paige

    Thank You !!!!! šŸ˜

    09/04/2023 18:47
  • if books one and 2 ( this book) are completed why not load the whole book on here right away?

    09/04/2023 17:36
  • hey @almostpsycho when will the next update be?

    09/04/2023 17:10
  • when was the last update?

    09/04/2023 16:54
  • Akenji Shelly

    this chapter terribly needs to be edited.

    09/04/2023 15:19
  • Andrea Sether

    Did a teenager write this book? So immature. I canā€™t believe I made it as far as I did, but not continuing on.

    09/04/2023 13:05
  • I think emmara will have the two wolves, love this book

    09/04/2023 13:00
  • Ronell Wyena

    so when are you going to update this really like reading this book

    09/04/2023 12:50
  • Suzanne Daniel

    my sides are hurting so bad with laughter

    09/04/2023 12:35
  • sre2022


    09/04/2023 12:14
  • I read this one But there was another. That started . With Emma in school being Bullied and she was smart. Shy.what happened to that book it was also so funny. last chapter was her going to a fight club.šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

    09/04/2023 11:50
  • Megra Gray

    This book is so funny.

    09/04/2023 11:39
  • Vanessa Bonner

    when are you finishing the book i been waiting for months for a new chapter

    09/04/2023 10:13
  • when are you updating I want to known what happen at the warehouse fight an if they get together love novels like this one it keeps my mind an body wanting more šŸ˜ŠšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°

    09/04/2023 09:31
  • Stephanie Diekmann

    Omg... You have the best sense of humor...

    09/04/2023 09:24
  • love the book.. cracked me up, but wish updates were already available... it's been a while @AlmostPsycho

    09/04/2023 09:05
  • when will this book be up dated so I can know how ryan feel about her itā€™s killing me to know

    09/04/2023 08:58
  • Cindy Griffin

    EMERGENCY @Almost psycho we need our Emara & Ryan fixes STAT! LOVE your writing style & stories and I hope you are doing okay...

    09/04/2023 08:53
  • Donna DeNardo Grogan

    I read the other books . Same characters a different story still funny good. But love to see this one finished. PleasešŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢

    09/04/2023 08:51
  • Stephanie Diekmann

    friends reference!!!! hell yeah.

    09/04/2023 08:51
  • Rae Evans

    could you please update both of your books soon, or let us know if you have stopped writing

    09/04/2023 08:49
  • Rae Evans

    could you please update both of your books soon, or let us know if you have stopped writing

    09/04/2023 08:49
  • Thank you the up date Please let them come more often.ā¤ļø

    09/04/2023 08:47
  • how often is this updated ? Iā€™ve only seen one update since I started reading.

    09/04/2023 08:47
  • May Naisali

    Bacon flavoured condoms? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€

    09/04/2023 08:46
  • Kerry Bingman

    love the book!! so funny I haven't laughed this much from a book in a while but I'm dying for some updates!! when will that happen!?

    09/04/2023 08:44
  • omg Iā€™m dying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ

    09/04/2023 08:44
  • Darla Todd

    its been so long since there has been an update

    09/04/2023 08:44