The O'Connell Brothers Comments
Vickie Lynn Puckett
I need a book for Alex and Kevin. They deserve a happy family also.
09/04/2023 09:56Reader-839393
those aren't stepbrothers, those are half brothers, unless he's married and divorced each of their mothers. or unless their dad is married the their maid, making her their step sister.
09/04/2023 09:54Kerrie Pope
great story so far
09/04/2023 09:52Is this a reverse harem story or will she really end up with only one of them??
09/04/2023 08:31Diana Silburn
wait how old are the brothers she is 17 right ?
09/04/2023 08:22plus I'm not trying to be mean in any way shape or form but they aren't step brothers they are half siblings I have 6 of them lol when you share 1 parent it's a half sibling....
09/04/2023 08:20ok i soooooooooooooo did not see that coming!!!!!!!!!! great plot twist
09/04/2023 08:14Jenny Best Camacho
excellent, couldn’t put it down!!!!
09/04/2023 08:14Eiyah
This was adorable. I can’t believe I’m just now seeing it. thank you.
09/04/2023 07:53Eiyah
You and these cliff hangers kill me. I love this book so much.
09/04/2023 07:35Eiyah
I loved this story. thank you for sharing with us. can’t wait to see what comes next
09/04/2023 07:34Eiyah
poor boys.
09/04/2023 07:33Alaire
Andrew O'Connell can suck a big one. he's complete trash and lying to our Tessa. I'm glad she isn't believing him!
09/04/2023 07:31Eiyah
my heart is pounding
09/04/2023 07:31THE ROYAL LOUNGE👑
That's a wrap guys! thank you so much for joining me on this journey! it has been absolutely wonderful and I am grateful to have such loving and supportive writers, I love you all so much, thanks a lot for reading
09/04/2023 07:31Alaire
awwee i love the bonus chapters! maybe we can get some baby bonus chapters? 😁😁❤❤
09/04/2023 07:29Victoria Brinson
this is really good :)
09/04/2023 07:28Eiyah
I miss Tessa.
09/04/2023 07:28Eiyah
Andrew is a POS. I hope he gets what’s coming to him
09/04/2023 07:25Eiyah
I love them
09/04/2023 07:25Eiyah
Tessa come home
09/04/2023 07:24Jennifer Johnson
i thought tessa had gabriels number memorized. why hasnt she called yet?
09/04/2023 07:23Eiyah
Getting close I hope
09/04/2023 07:23Eiyah
I’m on pins and needles. Tessa where are you?
09/04/2023 07:22Eiyah
so tense. much excite.
09/04/2023 07:21Eiyah
I wasn’t seeing that twist coming.
09/04/2023 07:21Eiyah
I didn’t see that coming.
09/04/2023 07:20Eiyah
omg so freaking good
09/04/2023 07:19Eiyah
awesome update
09/04/2023 07:17Eiyah
I feel for them. I want them to find each other like now.
09/04/2023 07:16Corrin Mitchella
Is an update coming soon?
09/04/2023 07:15Eiyah
my heart hurts for them.
09/04/2023 07:12Becki Teney-Patsaros
I love this story please hurry
09/04/2023 07:12Alaire
I love this story. I can't wait for Gabriel to kick his dad's ass and find Tessa. I just hope she's okay wherever she is!
09/04/2023 07:11Eiyah
update soon?
09/04/2023 07:09Diana Valdez
cant wait for the next cheaper
09/04/2023 07:09Eiyah
oh man. this one stung a bit. great update.
09/04/2023 07:08Reader-802443
step siblings don’t share any dna. because they share one parent they are half siblings.
09/04/2023 07:07Eiyah
Ok. All I can say is yum.
09/04/2023 07:07Eiyah
this slow burn is killing me but I love it all the same. thanks for an amazing update.
09/04/2023 07:06Eiyah
Needing my Tessa fix. looking forward to the next update.
09/04/2023 07:04Eiyah
The drama. I love it.
09/04/2023 07:04Megan
love this new book!! when is the next update I cant wait for their dinner!!!!
09/04/2023 07:04Marissa Rhodes
Need more! Always so excited for new updates! 💜
09/04/2023 07:04Eiyah
Man, what’s his Dad’s problem? Their promise to one another was beautiful though.
09/04/2023 07:03Corrin Mitchella
Updates can't come fast enough! I love the book so far, great work!
09/04/2023 07:03Eiyah
Ok he’s an ass but I’m starting to like him a little bit. I understand his box because I have one too.
09/04/2023 07:02Eiyah
update today?
09/04/2023 07:02Eiyah
He’s an ass. Nice update hun.
09/04/2023 07:01Eiyah
I loved the latest update. I comment a lot but I just want you to know you’re appreciated for what you do.
09/04/2023 07:01genEm
09/04/2023 07:01Kris Cooper
sparkling water = highly salty, carbonated, tasteless water! bleck🤢
09/04/2023 07:01JamieHichew
loved this update!!
09/04/2023 07:01Eiyah
she’s turning the tables and I love it
09/04/2023 07:01Eiyah
I like this update but I’m hoping that Gabriel will show his real colors soon.
09/04/2023 07:00Eiyah
Reread all the chapters while waiting for the next update. My goodness I love this story.
09/04/2023 07:00Christina Depass
gray book can't wait for more
09/04/2023 07:00JamieHichew
can’t wait for more!! 😍
09/04/2023 06:59Eiyah
I wasn’t expecting Alex to be like that at all. I love this update
09/04/2023 06:59Eiyah
Looking forward to her talking with Gabriel when he pulls the stick out of his butt.
09/04/2023 06:59Eiyah
new update was awesome as always. thanks 💜.
09/04/2023 06:58Eiyah
I love this book of yours. How often are you updating the chapters?
09/04/2023 06:56JamieHichew
09/04/2023 06:56Eiyah
I love this new update. thank you for all you do 💜.
09/04/2023 06:55THE ROYAL LOUNGE👑
Hey! thank you all for adding this book. I have not been able to update more than one chapter because I am currently working on another book; The Luna Queen. once I am done, I promise you that I would start writing this book again. I have not forgotten it. The first chapter was just a preview
09/04/2023 06:55