Alpha's White Lie Comments

  • Nadine Klimek

    Waiting for an update :-(

    12/28/2023 14:55
  • Karina Marthinsen

    byen waiting months for an update now

    10/05/2023 02:17
  • Merle Langevoord

    x1c5 enjoyed reading the first few chapters. really looking forward to how the story will continue

    09/05/2023 00:29
  • Jenna Mc Augustine

    x1c5 very good introduction. what the hell is twin bond. will read thia

    09/05/2023 00:19
  • Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton

    x1c5 This is a very interesting story. I hope it gets completed soon as I am not into unfinished stories.

    09/05/2023 00:06
  • Tricia Freligh

    x1c5 I love that there is a twin that is thrown in the mix. I can’t wait to read more just started it.

    09/04/2023 23:55
  • x1c5 #x1c5 interesting introduction got my hooked onto the story I'll wait until the book is completed then I'll binge read this story.

    09/04/2023 23:48
  • KayCee Kai Malanos

    x1c5 oohh.. twin bond. nice introduction.. i hope its a good read..

    09/04/2023 23:35
  • x1c5 I've had this book in my library for a while. it's cute. I stopped reading it months ago because it's not completed. I wanted to wait until it's done.

    09/04/2023 23:31
  • Kerry Graham

    X1c5 I am enjoying it so far and I cannot wait to see what happens next in the story

    09/04/2023 23:08
  • Vicki usher

    x1c5# Just reading the introduction and I have added the book to my ever growing library. I like the fact that the writer cares about her readers and asks for their input not many do this how thoughtful

    09/04/2023 23:04
  • Hey my wonderful readers. SPOILER ALERT! I’m looking for advice. how would you like the book to end? would you like to see Rosy reconcile with her family. would you like to see a wedding take place? just trying to gauge on what you would like to see before I draw the curtains!

    09/04/2023 20:22
  • I think this book was abandoned

    09/04/2023 19:19
  • BOOK HAS NOT BEEN ABANDONED. Please be patient with me as I battle a writers block😔

    09/04/2023 19:18

    omg it must be Christmas is it Christmas thank you so much sweetheart 💞 for the amazing update ❤️

    09/04/2023 18:52
  • Chris Steeprock

    what is live? am I missing the up dates?

    09/04/2023 16:46
  • Melissa Ann Hatfield

    any word on updates

    09/04/2023 16:16
  • Naomi Baleikasavu

    oh no hope he isn’t her mate too

    09/04/2023 15:15
  • Ladies and Gentleman, we are now live! 🥰more updates to follow!

    09/04/2023 15:07
  • Melinda Cline Hazel

    I have enjoyed this book & am intrigued. I know writers block sucks but it will pass. Can't wait for the next chapter.

    09/04/2023 14:08
  • Melissa Ann Hatfield

    any word on an update

    09/04/2023 14:07
  • Hey wonderful readers, My family and I have tested positive for Côvid and I have been very unwell. I was suffering from massive writers block and now côvid symptoms have made things worse. I sincerely apologise for the delays. please be patient with me ❤️ love, Shazza.

    09/04/2023 13:45
  • Gloria Acosta

    is this story about two men having the same woman? if it is, I'll pass

    09/04/2023 13:37
  • Hey wonder readers! I need your help!😞 I’m currently encountering major writers block and need some motivation. Comment below to tell me what you think you should happen next or which direction you would like to see the story go into? I really appreciate your help and thank you for being so patient! ❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 13:32
  • Evelyn Buckle

    just this blurb got me hooked , as well as a good buddy saying that I'm going to be chuckling my self to hell n back got me interested & un edited I can work around I'm used to.doing that used to be a job to read the UN edited books for an author before they were sent to the editor they had it was fun marking in red ink lol

    09/04/2023 12:57
  • Chris Steeprock

    nothing In 19 days?! have you given up on this story? 😞

    09/04/2023 12:56
  • Robyn Valdez

    I was really enjoying this story, then the updates are so far between, I have lost interest, unfortunately. This book began June 2021 and is not finished yet - only at chapter 76...Sorry Shazza Writes, but it is just taking wag too long.

    09/04/2023 12:49
  • Hi Everyone! just letting you know, I’m here and I will be updating. I’ve had some personal issues plus a writers block so it’s been a struggle. please bare with me! 🥰

    09/04/2023 12:24
  • Angelica Nicole Johnson

    Bet ya Blake is "Brownie"

    09/04/2023 12:23
  • Sakina van bokhoven

    This book is the same as an other book I'm reading here, only the names are slightly different. Love the book though and I won't judge... Just wanted to let you know... Don't know who wrote it first 🤗

    09/04/2023 11:59
  • Hello my wonderful readers, Updates have resumed! Please keep in mind that this book IS NOT EDITED! There are many errors and mistakes through out the story. If you are someone that can not deal with mistakes and errors, please turn back now. Once this book is completed, I will go back and edit everything. In the meantime, please enjoy the updates and make sure you add chapter number to your comments so I know what chapter you are referring to. Enjoy!

    09/04/2023 11:49
  • PLEASE READ:- Hey my wonder readers, A lot of you may not be aware of this but when you make comments on a story, authors don’t see which chapter or paragraph you’ve commented on. all we can see is that there was a comment made. sometimes we can figure out where the comment is made but most times it’s difficult and we have to scroll through all the chapters to find the comment so we can reply back. I love to reply back to all comments my readers make and I find it’s the best way to communicate with you all. so all I ask is if you could kindly add the chapter number at the end of your comment to make my life a little easier. I love seeing your comments as it’s my motivation to write more! I hope you all understand! thank you ❤️

    09/04/2023 11:44
  • Nadine Klimek

    Can't wait to read the last Chapters.... so excited 😁

    09/04/2023 11:30
  • Bella Jersey 2

    is Blake brownie? AWL

    09/04/2023 11:18
  • Guapo

    ok, I’m truly invested in this book, oh the twists and turns got me hanging on every word. so exited for the updates.

    09/04/2023 11:16
  • Hey Hey everyone! so sorry for taking so long to update. my sincere apologies! but here you are! enjoy the update ❤️

    09/04/2023 10:46
  • Tressa Anne

    sounds interesting except I'm not going to start reading an unfinished book bc by the time it's finished I've lost interest.

    09/04/2023 10:46
  • Kristina Mitchell

    hi, I'm really interested in this book! it looks really interesting and captivating! I was wondering though if this was a multiple partners type of book,like a harem or reverse harem? I'm not a fan of that and don't like stories with multiple mates for 1 person. I don't want to get into it and find it's like that. no disrespect or anything of the kind, it's just not my type of thing is all. thank you and you seem like a very talented writer!!

    09/04/2023 10:43
  • Bella Jersey 2

    I’m loving the relationship she has with people in her life. like Rocky he’s a big flirt and huge pick up for her

    09/04/2023 10:39
  • I just read chapter 73 and I want to continue reading the second book. what is the name of it??

    09/04/2023 10:38
  • any updates coming soon??

    09/04/2023 10:36
  • Essie Morgan

    great story

    09/04/2023 10:14
  • Hey my wonderful readers! A lot of you have been asking about updates. I’m really sorry my kids and I haven’t been well so it’s been difficult to write. going into the Christmas holidays now I’m short of time to write but I promise updates very soon. Please bare with me ❤️

    09/04/2023 10:05
  • Brandi

    I wonder what Max is up to? I bet he has some kind of end game planned.

    09/04/2023 09:59
  • Reader-752264

    This book is SO good!!! How often do you update?

    09/04/2023 09:54
  • Joanne Patrick-Allan

    So am loving this book and decided I wanted to see what else the author had written but it only shows this book on her page even though it says there are 2 stories, am just curious about what happened to the other story.

    09/04/2023 09:46
  • Hey Everyone, after a few weeks of thinking and a chat with my editor, I have decided not to end Alpha’s White Lie with the cliffhanger I currently have. a lot of you pointed out how you didn’t like the ending and I have taken every comment into consideration. I would like to say thank you to you all for the feedback and taking the time to encourage or discourage me. sometime this week I will continue the book so hang tight! ❤️

    09/04/2023 09:34
  • Nichole83pa

    I don’t normally do reviews because I’m not a writer as in at all but this book was amazing! All the characters are relatable and you can’t help but cheer for Rosy and Blake! I read this story in 2 days and yes the cliffhanger was a bit of a shock but a lot of stories on here end in cliffhangers with a continuation in book 2. This book is a perfect combination of suspense, love with some detailed love scenes that fit perfectly in the story. I was really shocked at all the nasty comments that so many wrote because as the author stated she’s planning on continuing this story so why the hate? Anyway loved your story and will continue to support any future stories.

    09/04/2023 09:32
  • Hey Eveeyone! I would like to hear some suggestions! what did you think of the ending? As always, I love to hear what you have to say so please go ahead and tell me what you’d like to see in Book Two?

    09/04/2023 09:26
  • Nichole83pa

    Holy moly that was a good chapter!! I can’t believe that Max would deliberately hurt Rosy! There has to be something I’m missing because although I don’t like him as much as Blake I really don’t see him hurting her. Cant wait for more!!

    09/04/2023 09:20
  • “please read comments at discretion, if May contain spoilers!” Hey everyone! how’s it going?! just wanted to jump on here and thank everyone for their continued love and support! comment below and let me know what you think Rosy’s life will bring next?

    09/04/2023 09:18
  • Hernandez Giuliana

    Okei so what a twist didnt like what you are doing with this book but you are the author

    09/04/2023 09:06
  • Tania

    I may be one of the few that actually wants to see Rosy with both Blake and Max. Being the proverbial "black sheep of the family"isn't easy and yes Max has done some real f*cked up things to Blake but does he not deserve a chance and forgiveness?

    09/04/2023 08:56
  • Mikki Hale

    Is there going to be any updates soon, I may just stop reading this author if this keeps happening.

    09/04/2023 08:51
  • Tania

    I also believe that Rosy is a hybrid mix of Wolf/Witch and the reason why she doesn't feel the mate bond as powerful with Max is because she hasn't yet tapped into the witch portion of herself. Author please keep Max around I really want to see the attraction grow between the two as well as with Blake. To be fair all Rosy knows about Max is what Blake told her (not saying he was lying) but she needs to figure out and make her own conclusions. Author please turn them into a powerful loving throuple combined of wolf/warlock. Please please please it would be beyond awesome. 😃

    09/04/2023 08:45
  • I kinda feel bad that Blake’s ex is my name Lol

    09/04/2023 08:44
  • Remy Bergez

    Who the hell are Taylor's parents to dictate and control other people's lives and make decisions for other people. Kicking Rosy out?! Telling Rocky he cant see Rosy if he wants to continue to see Taylor ?! aren't they like 28 years old. Parents lost that "right" at 18 wow is all I can say!

    09/04/2023 08:43
  • I love this book…but geez how much drama is there going to be before she gets peace? this seems excessive

    09/04/2023 08:43
  • Hey everyone! just a quick update, I am doing last minute changes to the story and so there may be a day or two delay on updates. MY SINCERE APOLOGIES! However, I do have a little Q&A for you all. Do you think Blake knew about Rosy’s curse? Was that the big secret he was hiding?

    09/04/2023 08:42
  • saima malik

    it’s been a long time since new chapters have been added! waiting……

    09/04/2023 08:42
  • I don’t think it should become a thrupple. Max should not be rewarded for being a terrible person and a terrible brother. he finds out his brother possibly found his mate he shows up and tries to cause problems and then when he THINKS she can be his mate he’s a good man? No, that’s rewarding bad behavior and a bad guy. he should remain friend zoned. I would be very disappointed in this book if they become a thrupple; that’s too easy

    09/04/2023 08:42
  • Hernandez Giuliana

    So you will start the sequel just after finishing this one ? Also please update . Thanks

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • LenkaH

    Oh boy her dad wasn't lying when he said to Rose they will kill her 😳so war of alpha's start inside pack

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • oh I hope her love of Max grows! Blake and Max thrupple power couple!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • I think it would be great if Rosy and max built a relationship that helped him find some peace. not a romantic one though. I wouldn't want to see Blake get heart broken!

    09/04/2023 08:34
  • Patricia Machado-Richard

    hi Shazza, any idea when new chapters will be coming along? i just finished her devious mate and really enjoy reading your stories. thanks

    09/04/2023 08:33
  • Patricia Machado-Richard

    love love love this story. i get that things might get messier beforebthey get better. i just hope that max is NOT her mate. im all for 2 mates and some of my fav books have had 2 mates. but i want blake to have her to herself. rosy has been through so much. she deserves to have just 1 man to worship her. she deserves blake all to herself!

    09/04/2023 08:32
  • hey everyone! my apologies. I’ve had a death in the family and have been a little busy. I’ll update as soon as I can. thank you ❤️

    09/04/2023 08:32
  • Catrina Ryan

    wow nice story, you got me hooked... when is the next update please...

    09/04/2023 08:30
  • saima malik

    more chapters please!!!

    09/04/2023 08:30
  • Brandi

    So if Rosey turns warewolf because of mating Blake, wouldn’t Max turn into a warewolf if Rosey then mates with him? The one thing that drove the twins apart.

    09/04/2023 08:29
  • Heather Kelley

    Am I thinking what is happening is happening with Max? Are you following the same principle others have wrote regarding twins in werewolf books?

    09/04/2023 08:29
  • Myra Martinez


    09/04/2023 08:28
  • Before reading comments please be aware that certain comments contain spoilers. ❤️

    09/04/2023 08:28
  • Emilie Downing


    09/04/2023 08:28
  • Hello all my amazing readers! Firstly let me apologies. I’m really sorry for having you wait for updates. For those that follow me, you already know I’ve had some personal issues and even though I still am recovering, I’m in a better place and have got a few things planned. Secondly, with the book reaching over 50 chapters, I have decided to make this story into a series. So what does this mean going forward? Like any good sequel book, you will find in the upcoming chapters an ending to Alpha’s White Lie which will then move into Book 2- “Luna’s White Lie”… if you would like more information, please follow me on FB and I will post up on there what’s happening next ❤️ I hope this gives you all some excitement and THANK YOU FOR BEING SO AWESOME AND SUPPORTIVE! Love you all❤️

    09/04/2023 08:26
  • Hey everyone! I need your help! I’ve got a little bit of writers block. 😩 How would you like to see the story proceed? Please do share some ideas to help me get over my writers block! thank you!!!

    09/04/2023 08:26
  • Cheryl Beaudry

    bbhvhbnbhbbhybbxvnchhbbhhbnbb by the church by bbhvhbnbhbbhybbxvnchhbbhhbnbb ñ

    09/04/2023 08:25
  • Really loving this book. Keep it up, I'm always checking for your updates. Rosy deserves some happiness.

    09/04/2023 08:24
  • KaterinaAdriah

    I absolutely love this so far. The pacing is great and the character development is sensible for the setting. I look forward to every update.

    09/04/2023 08:24
  • Hello wonderful readers, just letting you know, updates are daily at 1am GMT+12. (New Zealand time) please do comment and let me know your thoughts on the story!

    09/04/2023 08:24
  • LenkaH

    To the awesome author I cannot wait for the sequel and new story unrolling plus the updates 😍 I am glad to hear you getting better and overcoming your grievance,time is the healer❤️

    09/04/2023 08:23
  • Nicole Grace

    Question: who is novo? Is that a new person or someone we should remember? sorry!

    09/04/2023 08:21
  • Hey everyone! I know a lot of you seem to be confused about the story and it’s title after you’ve read the first few chapters. Please please continue reading as it will definitely start making sense. I promise it’s definitely worth it!

    09/04/2023 08:19
  • Sophie Raines

    I love the storyline but the grammatical errors keep pulling me out of the story. if you clean it up it will be amazing!

    09/04/2023 08:18
  • love the story. Vince has mentioned Blake’s secret. does it mean he is a ware wolf too?

    09/04/2023 08:18
  • Hernandez Giuliana

    Please will you update ? You are doing a really good story here don’t let it slip white no updates .

    09/04/2023 08:18
  • Queen Smith

    oooohhhh I think I figured it out max is drawn to rosy not as a mate but an innocent he will need to help save she is meant to be with Blake but max is her protector or white lighter shall I say lol I watch too much charmed lol

    09/04/2023 08:18
  • Queen Smith

    great job!!! I’m on the edge of my seat lol we need more chapters when u update oh and see my prev comment under our last conversation just some more feedback and options for u lol I bet Vince had something to do with the accident 🤔🤔🤗🤭😂😅😹💃🏻🤗👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💪🏽

    09/04/2023 08:18
  • So good to read a new chapter! I hope you are doing OK Shazza, I know this must be hard for you right now. excellent writing as always 🥰

    09/04/2023 08:17
  • saima malik

    pls upload chapters quickly!!! I can’t wait!! it’s sooooo good

    09/04/2023 08:17
  • Allison Kerpash

    plumbing has valves, not switches.

    09/04/2023 08:17
  • I'm hooked, love it

    09/04/2023 08:16
  • Myra Martinez

    I’m back in forth on both your books lol absolutely so good

    09/04/2023 08:12
  • Unicorn Reader

    wonderful story! can’t wait to read more 😍

    09/04/2023 08:11
  • Wow. applause to a very creative story with awesome plot twist. better than soap operas. can’t wait to read more

    09/04/2023 08:10
  • April Borchers

    god this girl just can’t catch a break, on the other hand she’s been alive for 29 years now so where’s the logic in his nonsense can’t wait for a update

    09/04/2023 08:10
  • Kayla Irwin

    another reason why Richard was the way he was. I think in his mind if he thought running away or then not knowing about Rosy would keep her safe in some way.

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • Myra Martinez

    omg what !! that’s so crazy lol I love it!!

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • I'm so happy he has decided to tell her his secret pretty early on. just hope her reaction doesn't hurt him!

    09/04/2023 07:55