CRONUS (Charmer of Females) Comments
Loretta Oxyer
I love this ending to this chapter. I can’t wait for the next chapters. Well done!
09/04/2023 16:03Lana K
thanks for the updates! love the story!! I’m excited to read more!!!!
09/04/2023 16:01Loretta Oxyer
Pretty please continue writing this book. i love all your books.
09/04/2023 15:54Loretta Oxyer
When do you think you’ll the next chapter?
09/04/2023 15:52Hi! when will be an update ?
09/04/2023 15:46I want to know why it was so important for her hair to be up and everyone see she is unmarked. Most people don’t have such a large age gap but I’m sure they didn’t wait so what is he really trying to prove? She’s still learning but it’s not like he left her back home or is letting her go to school (like college) or anything. I can’t believe he’s keeping her in the dark about all of it either.
09/04/2023 15:39murphy90
does anyone from her private page have anything to update us on with post, contracts etc etc?
09/04/2023 15:33Bonib2
Hey guys, Luna Liz isn't well at the moment as she contacted Covid. Let's all wish her to get better. I know everyone are getting a tad impatient waiting for new chapters but please understand she can't write at the moment.
09/04/2023 15:29I hope everything is ok. The snippet was posted awhile back on FB but chapters didn’t post.
09/04/2023 15:17Rose Ann Johnson
this book needs to move faster she did the same on the other books updates took forever I don’t care what the contract conflict is fix it or discontinue the thing
09/04/2023 15:16no update yet??
09/04/2023 15:16SummerStorm_93
He gave her love marks to keep other males away because he doesn’t feel secure..
09/04/2023 15:08when will it be the next update 😟
09/04/2023 15:06claudine gaffar
luna liz, please update!! it's been a while and am desperate for more!!
09/04/2023 15:02Neva Dat
please don’t tell me u left too😩
09/04/2023 14:59Shamira Johnson
Is this the end of the book because now I wish I didn't read it
09/04/2023 14:59Carol Dionne
I just have one question Qiyara is an alphas daughter and she wanted to be with Cronus for years and NEVER underwent any kind of training?!? What was her parents letting her do all this time? She doesn’t know place settings how to dance or carry herself as a Luna? If I was Crunus I would be disappointed with her even having to do this. She should have been trained to be a Luna since birth…
09/04/2023 14:58Erna Nuna
Please Queen Luna Liz I need updates ❤❤
09/04/2023 14:58I’m sorta aggravated Cronus. not sure. i feel bad for her. I want her Cronus definitely to be together. but at the same time I feel like she is not appreciated. and should take a step back and teach them a lesson.
09/04/2023 14:57love the story! how often is it updated?
09/04/2023 14:55Tiffany Prichard
please update. it’s June and I really need my reading fix lol
09/04/2023 14:51Danis Greathouse
I'm ready for the next chapter whenever you are
09/04/2023 14:46Loretta Oxyer
We haven’t heard from you for over a month. when will you be writing again do you think?
09/04/2023 14:45Meghana Ramavath
pleaseeeee upload we waited complete may because you said you were busy.. it's June 5th now..!! please update
09/04/2023 14:42Neva Dat
09/04/2023 14:33Alexis M.
when are typical updates? I don’t know the schedule anymore
09/04/2023 14:24Reader-254912
yessss I love, love love this book I can’t wait for more 👏👏👏👏
09/04/2023 14:23SummerStorm_93
I get the age difference but I wish the real romance and intimacy happens faster than in the last 2 books.
09/04/2023 14:22Loretta Oxyer
When do you think you’ll have the next chapter posted?
09/04/2023 14:21SummerStorm_93
gosh it’s been forever just waiting for the next chapter…
09/04/2023 14:19Reader-742372
this is driving me cray lol
09/04/2023 14:115 chappies as of Tuesday 7th June 2022 I am a Luna +4 more
09/04/2023 14:09Luna Liz 💖 I've set my phone to update me when you update Cronus! im so excited 😀 XXX also hope you are having a lovely chillaxing week x
09/04/2023 14:07Reader-254912
yessss I love love love it 👏👏👏
09/04/2023 14:01Sherah Greer
There it is! That holy s#it moment! I can't wait to hear the stories of the other two mates. When these come out in paper I'm going to read them all again then place them on my bookshelve next to my In Death Series collection.
09/04/2023 13:58I think he needs to grovel a bit more. He embarrassed her and refuses to explain the way of things in his pack nor does he take time to see things from her side until much later. I think it’s time Yara isn’t the only one who bleeds. Cronus needs to be reprimanded.
09/04/2023 13:564amcripple
I feel for Yara. my husband was not a very physical person in the beginning of our marriage, so I felt like I had to beg for intimacy and that can almost ruin you. now unfortunately the tables have turned. I'm overworked, overstressed and not that interested in physical intimacy and he is.
09/04/2023 13:47toro toto
the next chapter
09/04/2023 13:47Rose
Am I the only one disappointed in Cronus’s behavior towards Yara? He needs to establish an open and honest dialogue with Yara from the start. Things will not go well for him if he does not. I know he is in shocked with the age and maturity difference. She is young and inexperienced about life. I truly understand his need to take time to adjust towards their new bond. Unfortunately, there is no time for that he needs to take control of the situation. As the older and wiser mate of the relationship. The slightest misunderstanding for a young woman can create a feeling of rejection. There are ways he could be affectionate without being overly sexual. Not showing any affection is going to build emotional walls. Which in turn will be almost impossible to tear down. He needs to ask Theia and Lumina for help. They both had older males in their youth.
09/04/2023 13:45SummerStorm_93
I feel like her last 2 books in this series were slow burners… I’m definitely hoping this one isn’t as slow….
09/04/2023 13:40Kristina Mitchell
what's the ordervyour books should be read in? (Alphas Virgin Tribute, Phobos, & Cronus) I want to be able to follow the story the way you meant for it to be read and followed. Also, how often/ when do you update? Thank you!!!!
09/04/2023 13:36Anna Pesi
i’m just at rating this book now after reading the other two IM SO EXCITEDDDDD THANK YOU LUNA LIZ 🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎
09/04/2023 13:35so excited for new chappies 😍😍 the slow burn is... well...👀slow burning me! 🔥🥵
09/04/2023 13:35Loretta Oxyer
When will you continue this book?
09/04/2023 13:32Jazmine Pratt
waiting for updates is slowing killing me
09/04/2023 13:28slow burn… love it
09/04/2023 13:26I'm waiting @LunaLiz when are u going to upload 😔 sorry for bothering but i can't wait anymore 😭
09/04/2023 13:26Reader-417820
omg! I love them. I need more!! thanks Luna Liz!!!
09/04/2023 13:26Dottie Rabino Andres
omg! 😂🥰🥰🥰
09/04/2023 13:22Daniel Jimenez
when is the next update. I am dying a slow death.
09/04/2023 13:18Juanita Mustapha
please when do you update
09/04/2023 13:17frostbite
I can finally move on with Phobos! He’s all yours, Theia 😄 I have your brotha Cronus now 😂 and to Yara girl, patience lol you can get what you wish for and i hope you can handle it 😂
09/04/2023 13:16Diana Slawson Ehrlich
Next Chapter Please...
09/04/2023 13:13Elle 🧿
I hope I’m not reading too much into it, but was anyone else worried about the line that said there was a faint smell of perfume? 🙈🙈 Why is there a faint smell of perfume in a locked room?.... I’m loving Yara though, go girl ❤️😘
09/04/2023 13:11dolly pit
Luna Liz, will we not have an update this week?
09/04/2023 13:10Reader-742372
oh. my. goodness! please don’t torture us. keep these coming don’t make us wait so long for next 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
09/04/2023 13:08Jazmine Pratt
cant wait for the next update!
09/04/2023 13:08Luna Liz 💖 I hope you enjoy your week off of writing! so excited for the next update when you are back on it! 💖
09/04/2023 13:06Reader-254912
oh how i love this book I can’t wait this is gonna be so good 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
09/04/2023 13:04Erna Nuna
Can't wait for the next update! ❤
09/04/2023 13:04so excited about the pov changing. This is going to be a real slow burner.
09/04/2023 13:02bisaayanna
welp all I'm going to say after reading the update today is Cronus is not going to mk it to 21 AND Yara is going to hv him wrapped more than he is.
09/04/2023 13:02Jennifer Andrus
loving this!!!
09/04/2023 12:59👏🏻
09/04/2023 12:51Elle 🧿
Theory - don’t read if you haven’t read Phobos 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 I wonder with the age gap that this will cause some issues with Cronus and who can help him with age gap... His sister Theia 🥰🥰, this means (hoping) that we’ll get to see more of Theia and Phobos and their babies eeekkkk 😂🤞😂🤞
09/04/2023 12:44Yalita Jezája - Makaio
You found me angel 🥺💖
09/04/2023 12:41Trimble Claudia
Yara mean butterfly 🦋
09/04/2023 12:41Jazmine Pratt
whens the next update I cant wait! 🤣🤣
09/04/2023 12:40dolly pit
thank you luna liz💗💗💗
09/04/2023 12:40Dottie Rabino Andres
09/04/2023 12:38Daniel Jimenez
when is the next update???
09/04/2023 12:38i think Luna Liz 💖 was having a break last week but decided do chappies as a surprise so maybe she is resting up 👑
09/04/2023 12:36I’m so happy they found each other! I’m worried about Yara though…remember how Theia was raised? The family seemed very conservative. Theia wasn’t even a freak in the sheets. She wanted it but she struggled, even with oral sex. Phobos had to get her there. Now all that stuff that was said will be coming back to bite them. From the previews it seems he is going to make her wait even though he gave other females what they wanted of him. I don’t think we will have to worry about her speaking up about it though.
09/04/2023 12:32Yalita Jezája - Makaio
checking almost every hour for updates😂🤭🥰
09/04/2023 12:32Jaime Berget
This book!!! ❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 12:29I don’t know if I’m emotionally ready for this after just finishing Phobos. 😂😂😂 lol
09/04/2023 12:25please update more often, we used to get at least 3 chappies per week with your previous stories.
09/04/2023 12:25Jazmine Pratt
when will the next update be?
09/04/2023 12:25dolly pit
09/04/2023 12:24Reader-785456
I read Phobos and Deimos books and LOVED them so I tried not reading this until there’s a few chapters for me to binge. I cracked and didn’t last a week 😂 More chappys please!!!
09/04/2023 12:23Yalita Jezája - Makaio
i am in love already!!! he is going to recognize her as his mate!!!
09/04/2023 12:19Reader-286149
I am already on edge waiting to see how things go for Cronus!!! He deserves a great story like Deimos & Phobos and I know you got this already!!
09/04/2023 12:17Erika Brewer-Brimmer
Cronus is Phobos mates brother?
09/04/2023 12:17Katie Harrison
omg I was not expecting that ending!!
09/04/2023 12:15it can be a couple of years later, and now he has to work for it when he relies what he did.
09/04/2023 12:15I wonder if he is saying she is not ready in the previews because she doesn’t have her wolf yet 🤔? All I know is she has been waiting so good luck on holding out Alpha! 🤣
09/04/2023 12:14lola
this must be sooo hard for her to witness this.. i tought no one will be more unlucky than theia but here we are please jump to qiyara 18 years old i can't take it anymore i feel so bad for her
09/04/2023 12:11vixlyez
can’t wait for this to begin. I check everyday 😫
09/04/2023 12:07I am so excited for this story!! ❤❤
09/04/2023 12:07Carol Dionne
I ❤️ it!!
09/04/2023 12:07Reader-254912
👏👏👏👏👏👏yessss can’t wait 😝
09/04/2023 12:05Sydney Smelko
I can't wait for more! I'm very sad Phobos has come to an end, but excited for Cronus' adventure... I think he'll have his hands full when it comes to Qiyara!
09/04/2023 12:05dolly pit
luna liz what is your schedule on updates?
09/04/2023 11:59Rachel Pilcher
omg! I'm so excited
09/04/2023 11:59I’m ready to read this one
09/04/2023 11:58Omg I can't wait to start! Cronus had me the day he stepped out of the car, looking at Lumina like she was the most Beautiful Thing he had ever laid his eyes on😍😍😍
09/04/2023 11:57I’m having withdrawals, I wish you would do this book like you did your others, one chapter is making me spiral🤪
09/04/2023 11:57oh my god! Cronus is in for it! kinda feel bad for him after all these years of waiting for his moon blessed. Guess he charmed me too because I think he’s the most eligible bachelor. quite the charmer for sure. my favorite!
09/04/2023 11:54Yay! can’t wait to read…Love Phobos and Theia & Lumina and Deimos
09/04/2023 11:52Shytown07 😍
Ahhhhh I’m ready!!! 😩😩
09/04/2023 11:50