The Forbidden Alpha Comments

  • julie melander

    Im dropping reading this book. I can't handle what Shane does to Olivia. Not something I wanna read. If you like sexual torture/detailed rape this book is for you but Im tapping out. To much details for me.

    11/05/2024 15:36
  • Jaclyn Smith

    love this

    08/19/2024 07:22
  • micdel1725

    This was an emotional rollercoaster! A great story with so many twists and turns. The end made me feel for all of them; my heart was crushed!

    08/17/2024 14:50
  • Cassie Padilla

    Ijust don't understand... is the author a man? Cause the only time Ethan ever returns the favor of oral IS WHEN IT WASN'T EVEN HIM!!! While I enjoy the intimate scenes... they are like a 3rd of the book and ever scene is almost exactly the same. I like the story line but it would be much better if... a) It wasn't interrupted by so much sex b) If the sex scenes were different each time c) If he wasn't so selfish and he pleased her orally also.

    11/16/2023 17:28
  • Reader-432801

    I loved this book! so many twists and turns and the last section was an emotional rollercoaster but very well written and enjoyable!!

    10/02/2023 17:47
  • Stephanie Zayas


    09/05/2023 07:51
  • Monica Liland

    This was an awesome book. The repetetive dream was a bit much, but all in all a very good story. hope There will come a book with Adea and Shanes nett life.

    09/05/2023 00:01
  • seriously this is rediculous, how many times do I need to read the same thing 😡🤦‍♀️

    09/04/2023 23:36