The Billionaire's Last Minute Bride Comments
Rhonda Gibson
I cramped so bad with my Tom, flowed so heavy, my best time was when I was pregnant and I was so glad after my partial hysterectomy.
07/23/2024 15:08Rhonda Gibson
servers get wiped not whipped
07/23/2024 14:59Rhonda Gibson
not moral should be morale is important
07/23/2024 09:33Rhonda Gibson
residence not residents in her bidy
07/23/2024 09:24Reader-136961
The progression of Blue’s character was captivating and fun to read. While the relationship between them had an awkward and quick start, their connection felt real. I enjoyed reading your storyline. #bingeread
09/05/2023 07:04Victoria Ortega-Allen
interesting start. I like the 2 point of views of Blue and Artemis. Their whole world is about to turned upside down and I’m here for it. #bingeread
09/05/2023 07:01Catalina Daniela
when you feel like you don't belong or don't have anybody to hold on to, here they are, people who support people,faith in humanity restored#bingeread
09/05/2023 06:51Dicowza
Captivating and funny!!! #bingeread
09/05/2023 06:04Brenda Kay
what a great chapter the author … it has me very interested in their style of writing I hope the next chapter are just as interesting, this is a book that I won’t be able to stop reading. #bingeread
09/05/2023 05:43Elzahn Kohn
What a ride. Starting off sweet and quickly the characters opposite views make life interesting. The spark between them is electric. #bingeread
09/05/2023 05:42Tiffany Michelle Rice
I am liking it so far. Can't wait to read more!! #bingeread
09/05/2023 05:41Anna
Interesting beginning, including main character development. Looking forward to see where the story of The Billionaire's Last Minute Bride author leads #bingeread
09/05/2023 05:20Tess
This novel has captivated my attention! I’m literally losing sleep cause I can’t seem to get enough.
09/05/2023 05:19Colleen Keller
I love this book!
09/05/2023 04:26Janine Phillips
Blue was a Great title. Sad to see the name change on this book.
09/04/2023 23:38D Coneghan
chapter 72 - 3/25/23
09/04/2023 23:35Maud Jane
I can’t load past chapter 3, is this book still working?
09/04/2023 23:19Aurora Love
I'm totally hooked on this book!! You have made me fall in love with both Blue and Artemis!! I love their love story. I want more!!!
09/04/2023 22:00Alexiis King
PLEASE tell me more chapters are coming. pretty pretty please
09/04/2023 21:19