Chosen By The Moon Comments

  • Munkee Sam

    please tell us your going to finish the story. the amazing 🔚 jg is right there and we cannot wait any longer.. 🙏🙏🙏 If life is getting in the way than I understand, but if you can let us know that would at least curb our curiosity. I'm sure I can speak for all your fans at saying we wish you well and hope everything in your life is going well and we hope to hear from you soon, because we are all excited to read the ending of the beautiful 😍 story.

    02/17/2025 05:19
  • Cielo De La Cerda

    I'm waiting, waiting, waiting..... for the update!

    02/05/2025 21:46
  • KaroB

    dear author, please finish this amazing story!!! i love it!

    02/05/2025 04:16
  • Breanna Fuller

    I wonder if Dylan will have a villain ark. it seems to be slightly foreshadowed. Then mention of her looking for away to take the lycans wolves away is mentioned a couple of times. And I don't see how she wouldn't after everything she's been through

    01/05/2025 22:03
  • Jenn Ferguson

    looking at the date of all the comments, it appears the author has been plunking out this story for over a year, there's too many comments indicating the author is not dedicated to writing the book and it well over 400 chapters and it's still not complete. this is exactly the type of books and authors I stay away from. not going to waste my time.

    01/04/2025 07:43
  • Breanna Fuller

    That's horrible. She was mated to the one wolf she hated the most

    01/03/2025 09:43
  • Visitor

    Dear author, Will this book get any more updates this year?

    01/01/2025 06:15
  • Visitor

    SO irritating! I had to find out the hard way, sadly.

    12/31/2024 23:13
  • Visitor

    Don't read this story until it is completed. The author has written up to what should be the big culmination, but either doesn't know how to end it or has lost interest. Half of the chapters are graphic abuse, then recovery and preparation to fight back. Then nothing. No new chapters for weeks at a time.

    11/17/2024 17:20
  • Vanessa Nagapillay

    Dear Author, I hope all is well with you. As a devoted fan of your book, I’m deeply invested in the story and eagerly awaiting any updates. While I understand that life can bring unexpected changes, it would be wonderful if you could share your plans regarding the continuation of the story. Thank you for your consideration and for crafting such an engaging tale 💕💕

    07/06/2024 00:01
  • Angela Phillips

    is this going yo be updated at all??

    07/03/2024 19:54
  • Visitor

    Will this be updated or provided on another platform?

    06/25/2024 18:27
  • Crystal Lindaberry Gonzalez

    I'm super excited to see what happens next!

    12/27/2023 18:17
  • Vicky Breaux

    #merry Christmas

    12/24/2023 22:17
  • KF1992

    More chapters are on readink.

    12/21/2023 10:46
  • Sarah Thomas

    This story is an emotional one to read but I can't wait to read what happens to Dylan in the end.

    12/06/2023 00:24
  • Obim Chumy

    pls update

    11/17/2023 15:59
  • Visitor

    Love the build up to Dylan finding her mate. Great read

    11/12/2023 16:19
  • Lonnie Bronco

    I want Dylan to finally get her peace after everything she has been through. I also think that this story has set her up to be a martyr that will bring the humans and supernaturals to work together. No one else seems to be willing or strong minded enough to do it alone.

    11/02/2023 17:56
  • Lonnie Miller

    Probably my favorite moment to date is when the King is thinking that Dylan is putty in his hands only to find out that he once again underestimated her. She uses the burning of the stage to tell the world that she is on her way to the rebellion and sends a big F/U to her mate when she leaves the chains he tried to imprison her with.

    10/28/2023 21:39
  • Lonnie Bronco

    One of my favorite moments is in chapter 68 where Dylan tells the King off. She moves past her fear and tells him every reason why he is an incompetent ruler. Then she reminds him that she will never wear his mark. And finally she tells the world that they need to choose a side, because the King will fall! EPIC!!!

    10/28/2023 21:20
  • Lonnie Miller

    I would love to see the Moon Goddess bless Dylan with some kind of AMAZING power that will help her kick that King's a**!!!

    10/28/2023 20:29
  • becky Nelson

    my favorite part is when she burns down the whipping stage and leaves the chains for the king to know she was the one who did it and then killing the wolf and saving her friend

    10/21/2023 00:14
  • izabella W

    I am currently having issues with uploading my new chapters. I have 8 new chapters ready to be uploaded as soon as the bugs are fixed. please bare with me as it is no fault of mine. I assure you this book has an end and you will receive all the new chapters in bulk.

    09/26/2023 18:11
  • GlamMa66

    Are you going to finish this book

    09/24/2023 18:37
  • Lonnie Miller

    #bingeread I don't normally do stories that aren't finished, because I hate waiting for updates. I started this one and literally couldn't put it down. I quickly reached the point that I now have to wait for updates and it's killing me. I've actually reread what I've unlocked several times.

    09/05/2023 07:03
  • Victoria Meaney

    I do love this book but having a bit of someone's else's point of view besides lewis or nicks would be good, like Oliver or the grandfather's and maybe the kings, I do however hope the king get what he deserves

    09/05/2023 06:10
  • Lonnie Miller

    #bingeread This story is so good. I love, love, love Dylan! I keep rooting for her every chapter and I can't wait for someone to off the King. I wait with bated breath for the next update!!!

    09/05/2023 05:16
  • Are there going to be anymore updates I need to know if the king gets avast he deserves.

    09/05/2023 04:58
  • Jazziy

    I absolutely love this story. I’m checking daily for more and I’m excited when new chapters are released

    09/05/2023 04:52
  • Briannan Cooper

    absolutely hooked on this. completely different to all other werewolf stories and can't wait to see what happens next. hope you update soon!

    09/05/2023 04:47
  • Carly Welsby

    I’m absolutely craving this story. I’ve just read the entire thing in one sit in. Can’t wait for the next chapter.

    09/05/2023 04:38
  • Victoria Murray

    It is sad how many tomes at day I check for updates.

    09/05/2023 04:18
  • becky Nelson

    good book you’re a dam good writer and any other books you write I plan to read keep up the good work

    09/05/2023 04:10
  • Beth Graham

    The amount of times I have re read this story so far is insane. It’s very well written and the plot is extremely unique. Great story and Great Female lead.

    09/05/2023 04:07
  • Victoria Murray

    Are you going to finish this bookM

    09/05/2023 01:17
  • L S

    I am unsure if I should continue reading this book judging from others comments questioning whether the author is going to finish if. No reply to these comments.

    09/05/2023 01:07
  • Elizabeth Wilkenson

    this book is so good. it’s not your typical alpha meets girl story at all. in fact it’s the first time that I’ve ever wanted to see the ML get killed or something. The Author is now updating basically every day too which is brilliant as it means your not left wanting long.

    09/05/2023 00:51
  • Is this book going to be finished.🤔

    09/05/2023 00:39
  • Victoria Murray

    How often is this book updated?

    09/04/2023 23:56
  • Beth Graham

    This book is turning out so good. I’ve never routed for a characters death more than now. you have a way of making me feel like I’m in the book. Sooooo good.

    09/04/2023 22:51
  • Elizabeth Wilkenson

    I was reading this story wondering if we were going to get a look at what her mom was like after Dylan was taken, and here it is. it’s like my thoughts were answered. 😂😂

    09/04/2023 21:17