It Comes In Three’s Comments

  • James D

    rip off of Four or Dead.

    12/25/2024 07:43
  • Visitor

    I hope you will do a sequel. I absolutely loved this book

    11/03/2024 23:54
  • Sarah

    amazing book!

    10/30/2024 07:10
  • Visitor


    10/24/2024 11:50
  • Visitor

    lock down 12 of them his dad was probably in an m.c.

    10/19/2024 20:51
  • Visitor

    why are the guys acting like Anna and Lottie can't do anything? their ideas have gotten more results. I really am starting to dislike Alec's insane control issues..and his solution? send a girl to threaten Clara..Lottie and Anna? gather evidence and use against her with the cops to bring her craziness out in the open where everyone else will know..much smarter solution...

    08/15/2024 09:55
  • Tangela Casey

    Oh Lord, please let Alex win. don't let her go back to those psychos

    08/12/2024 10:10
  • ThickestMedusa5

    one of my complaints is the punctuation. you don't need this many exclamation marks. especially when it's followed bc "she says in a low voice" or "he says sadly" it doesn't portray the emotion your trying to get across

    08/08/2024 15:16
  • Visitor

    is this book on the unlimited package

    08/06/2024 22:40
  • Kim Ngarimu

    chapter 38, he says he kissed Brianna, but wasn't it Tiana?

    08/06/2024 09:52
  • Telly

    These pictures are going to be how they find her

    08/01/2024 02:48
  • Visitor

    liking the book so far but this reading site is shite.. $30 has got me to chapter 34... that's unreasonable. I'd love to support the author of this book, but when I could have bought a hard back twice already then it becomes to much of a hassle. 😥

    08/01/2024 02:46
  • Tasha Boldin

    I love how she is seeing the real him, he would burn the world down to protect her. She is learning what true love and true friendship feels like. I love this book so far!

    07/30/2024 18:15
  • Visitor

    hate having to buy each chapter, they aren't even long chapters! I want to read more! ):

    07/25/2024 20:04
  • Rhonda Gibson

    she needs to tell Anna about her bullies!!!

    07/24/2024 15:05
  • Visitor

    they should be asking who leaked her information.

    07/21/2024 01:40
  • Visitor

    How do you get an unlimited membership?

    07/20/2024 18:34
  • Elisha Sturgeon

    how are people supposed to keep reading this when the charpters require so many points to unlock them?

    07/20/2024 05:05
  • Visitor

    do people scrotal stutter?

    07/19/2024 09:00
  • Brettani Davis

    is this a supernatural book?

    07/17/2024 04:32
  • Visitor

    love this

    07/12/2024 21:29
  • G K

    Can they get a GED, since everyone want to drop out?

    10/13/2023 04:15
  • Tiffany DeMartino


    09/05/2023 05:40
  • Harlie Wilson

    I absolutely love this book.

    09/05/2023 04:52
  • Debbie Kern

    Love this book! When are the new updates coming out?

    09/05/2023 03:48
  • Joy Ikiomoye Diete-Spiff

    how often does author update?

    09/05/2023 03:11
  • deb

    Love this book! Will you be updating soon?

    09/05/2023 03:01
  • Kim Ozaki

    I love this story

    09/05/2023 02:14
  • 83-Silverhasenbul

    The thing I enjoy most about your work and writing style is that you get straight to the point. You always keep the story exciting and avoid dragging out the meaningless in betweens. The story makes sense and continues to develop at a great pace which makes the reader want to come back for more. Great author and great work so far truly!

    09/05/2023 02:14
  • Reader-475033

    Enjoyed! please keep updating ❤️

    09/05/2023 02:04
  • Daisybeag3

    My friend sent me the link to this and I am so happy. We used to read your stuff all of the time on Wagtpad 😌

    09/05/2023 00:51