The Moon Court Comments

  • Texaspurplerose72

    1/20/24: Hello there my wonderful reader. First let me apologize for the error in posting chapters. I have updated the correct chapters and have notified my editor of the error and am waiting for her to approve the corrections. Please bear with me. Again, I am so very sorry. Love to all, TPR72

    01/21/2024 02:32
  • michelle everitt

    from chapter 17 to chapter 60 are from your first book. what happened to the rest of this one

    12/11/2023 18:19
  • Jennifer Ward

    I’m lost!!! You didn’t finish the book with Storm and Blaise now I’m thrown into a whole other book

    12/05/2023 00:08
  • Lanita Rowe

    A very intriguing story so far. One suggestion for the Author, when writing dialogue maybe start a new paragraph or say who is speaking first and then dialogue. It can be very confusing as a reader. I like how descriptive the characters have been so far (Ch. 3).

    12/04/2023 17:58
  • Loretta Lewis

    where is chapters14 and 15 or did 2 books get combined

    12/04/2023 15:09
  • Hali Denenberg

    wait... what happened? it's like at chapter 16, it suddenly turned into a totally different story.

    12/04/2023 02:31
  • 爱丽丝

    Do not read chapter 4 you guys. I got traumatized by what I just read. Don't make the same mistake I did.

    12/03/2023 07:33