Perfect Bastard Comments
sand thing over and over and she is coming off like an idiot I feel like your not even making her attractive the way your laying it on so strong, why would anyone want her even her friend wish she would shut up so obviously the readers do to. she is annoying at this point and I just wish I could like her already. I hope this changes soon can't even see why Ethan would be attracted at this point
03/21/2025 13:10Visitor
when do the next chapters come out?
03/20/2025 21:40Visitor
so far I really like this story, can't wait to read more!
03/16/2025 23:57Visitor
como lo paso para español
03/06/2025 03:48Visitor
03/01/2025 07:43Visitor
When will the final chapters be posted?
02/28/2025 23:48Visitor
love it
02/26/2025 11:03Visitor
Vengo de NovelaGo me gustaria saber cada cuanto actualizan, debo pagar membresia y no puedo estar gastando dinero sin saber cada cuanto actualizan :(
02/19/2025 19:47Visitor
when will more chapters be added?
02/16/2025 20:25Visitor
there is more to come great book couldn't put it down
02/16/2025 15:14Samantha Wright
I hope there is more to come! Great book!
02/13/2025 18:04Sigrún María
how often are updates on this story?
12/24/2024 13:56Hael Donor-Alvarez
More chapters pls
10/03/2024 12:45Hael Donor-Alvarez
When will the next chapters be available?
10/01/2024 06:21