A Night Of Secrets Comments

  • Visitor

    i am really enjoying the story so far and can't wait to continue reading to see what happens next

    02/01/2024 17:59
  • Rafael

    l just read the introduction. the story seems very interesting and with twists. I will added in my library for future reading. I think is going to be fun read.

    01/31/2024 11:20
  • Brandi Krause

    it's a page turner. it's like u can't read fast enough. can't wait to finish it.

    01/29/2024 23:49
  • Marilyn Livingston

    This book sucks you right in! It's so articulate and well written. It's along the lines of Cinderella, but more interesting. My heart hurts for Maya and I truly can't wait to see how this all pans out. I'm hoping Maya gets her happily ever after! Great job Author!

    01/29/2024 18:20
  • Miile Casasnovas

    I love how she is so afraid of him finding out who she is, but it is really easy for him to do so. I can't wait until they actually meet each other.

    01/29/2024 16:20
  • Miile Casasnovas

    Very interesting so far. I would like to know more about the characters.

    01/29/2024 16:12