The Debt of Love
Ink Spire
"Audrey Winata, a 19-year-old girl living in luxury as the only child of one of the richest men in Indonesia. However, everything changed drastically after the sudden death of her parents. Audrey is shocked to learn that her parents left behind a huge debt that exceeds their wealth.
In a desperate attempt to pay off the debt, Audrey tried to find a job, but fate was always against her. However, fate brought her together with a little boy she met by chance. The little boy was the so...
"Audrey Winata, a 19-year-old girl living in luxury as the only child of one of the richest men in Indonesia. However, everything changed drastically after the sudden death of her parents. Audrey is shocked to learn that her parents left behind a huge debt that exceeds their wealth.
In a desperate attempt to pay off the debt, Audrey tried to find a job, but fate was always against her. However, fate brought her together with a little boy she met by chance. The little boy was the so...
Age Gap
Turn into Beauty