Love Beyond Realms
Anusiem Lawrence
In a universe where interstellar travel is common and cosmic alliances are fragile, Dr. Elena Mercer, an astrophysicist, and Commander Orion Drake, a decorated starship captain, were once an unbreakable team—until betrayal tore them apart. A decade ago, Elena discovered that Orion's mission was a covert plot that led to the destruction of her home colony, shattering their marriage and leaving her world in ruins. Heartbroken and driven by vengeance, Elena disappeared, building a new life...
In a universe where interstellar travel is common and cosmic alliances are fragile, Dr. Elena Mercer, an astrophysicist, and Commander Orion Drake, a decorated starship captain, were once an unbreakable team—until betrayal tore them apart. A decade ago, Elena discovered that Orion's mission was a covert plot that led to the destruction of her home colony, shattering their marriage and leaving her world in ruins. Heartbroken and driven by vengeance, Elena disappeared, building a new life...
High-Tech World
Magical world
Second Chance
Strong Heroine
Vengeance & Betrayal