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Chapter 5 – The Accident

Chapter 5 – The Accident


After he had openly threatened all his men, Shadrach walked around the front of the jeep and climbed into the driving seat. He tucked his gun in once again, before we continued on our course. The air was thick with tension, and no matter how much I wanted to deny it, his little announcement had made me feel something. Something weird.

"By the way," Shadrach began, breaking the ice, "you look beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful bride."

I kept my eyes fixed on my lap, and maintained a void facial expression, despite how my heart skipped a beat. It was the most aggravating thing I had ever experienced, it made me feel conflicted. Not just about my feelings for him, but about my entire freaking existence.

"Thanks," I replied coldly, my tone lacking of any real gratitude.

"However," he continued, now looking at me. I found myself instinctively shifting away from him, it was as if I knew what was coming. He leaned in towards me, and just the way it always happened, his presence near me arose goosebumps on my skin. "This dress is unworthy of you, my Queen. You're meant to be dressed in the most expensive of silk, gold and diamonds. All you have to do is point at it, and it will be yours." His words were said huskily, with his warm breath fanning my ear. My shoulder inched upwards to protect my skin from the tickling sensation, and I moved further away from him.

"You can't win me over with your money, Mr. Maxon Shadrach Bradley. You know me better than that. I don't want those riches that have been earned at the cost of other's suffering, tears and blood. Keep them to yourself!" I spat, my tone bitter.

Shadrach stared at me for a second, face void of expression, before a smile slowly crept onto his face.

"You know, for a person who dislikes guns so much, you sure fire like a revolver," he said, his gaze shifting back to the road.


"Your words, Alizabeth. They hit me like bullets. And yet all they do, is draw me even closer to you."

I looked away from him, not knowing how to react.

Five Years Earlier (16th June 2013)

"Oh hey, Aliza! Happy Birthday Gorgeous!" Baxter slurred as soon as I sat inside the car.

"Thanks," I replied, frowning at his choice of words. I looked at Klara in question, and she rolled her eyes.

"He's drunk. Extremely drunk."


"Where's Kaden?" Klara asked, checking the time in her phone.

"With some relative or something," I replied, shrugging.

"That stupid shit," Klara muttered, almost to herself, but I heard her. She then unlocked her phone, dialled something and placed it against her ear. "Kaden, where the fuck are you?" She asked. "Come right now, or I'm leaving," she warned. She listened quietly for a short moment, before rolling her eyes. "Yeah, great. Bye."

"What did he say?" I asked, frowning.

"He's not coming. He'll go home with his friend or cousin or whoever the fuck that Simon is," Klara replied, wearing her seat belt. I did the same, before turning to look at Baxter who was sprawled onto the entire back seat.

"Will he be okay?" I frowned.

"Yeah. It's nothing new for him."


"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight!" Baxter suddenly started singing, while Klara was trying her best to concentrate on the dark, empty road. That road was the dodgiest of roads in the city, there was a lack of street lights, and one of the headlights of Klara's car wasn't working properly, providing only a dim light. Besides there were reports of a number of crimes having been committed on that particular road, and being two girls being accompanied by only a drunk guy, wasn't really safe.

"Baxter, shut the hell up!" Klara laughed, getting distracted by his amazing singing, note the sarcasm.

"Can't hold it back, anymore!" He yelled, and a series of farting sounds were heard one after the other, making Klara and I cringe, but also laugh our asses off. The stench of Baxter's yucky farts became too much to bear, and thus we rolled the windows down.

"I'mma puke!" Baxter yelled, at the top of his voice.

"No, Baxter! Not in my fucking car!" Klara yelled at him, her eyes wide, her attention completely on him.

"I've to!" He slurred.

"Wait, wait! I'll park the car and you can do it on the fucking road. You're not puking in my car," she said and swerved the car to the right, stopping.

"Klara, I really don't think we should stop here. This place ain't safe," I said seriously.

"Relax you scaredy kitten. No one's gonna come to kidnap you. People really have better fucking shit to take care of," she told me and unbuckled her seatbelt, stepping out. She opened the door for Baxter and tried to pull him out, but he wouldn't budge.

"Alizabeth! A little help please, you princess!" Klara said annoyed, taking her anger and frustration out on me. I sighed and got out of the car, and helped her in dragging Baxter's drunk ass out, and as soon as we stepped away from the car, Baxter vomited on the ground.

"Ew!" I said and moved away from him. Before any of us could say another word, a loud, drifting sound caught our ears, followed by a loud crash. We jumped and our heads snapped in the direction of the sound, to see that a huge, black SUV had crashed into Klara's car.

"What the fuck!" Klara yelled at the top of her voice and ran to her car, examining how badly it had been damaged. Baxter laughed and leaned on me, while I tried my best to hold him steady.

"The tyre is fucking burst!"

Klara turned her attention to the SUV and started yelling out curses at whoever was inside. My eyes widened and I desperately wanted to run to her and ask her to stop, as we had no idea who could be inside, but Baxter was too heavy and if I moved, he'd fall face first on the floor.

Just as I had feared, the doors of the SUV opened, and four guys got off, all looking straight at Klara. I thought this would be enough to make her back off, but she wasn't going to budge. She continued to direct curses at them, and soon a heated argument was going on. The guys were big, and creepy; I knew Klara was messing with the wrong people. So I did the only thing I could think of and called Kaden.

"Hello?" His deep voice sounded from the phone. "I thought I already wished you happy birthday," he said, bored.

"Kaden there has been a problem," I whispered, my voice laced with worry and panic.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"An SUV crashed into Klara's parked car, on Weeton Road, and now she's arguing and fighting with the four guys who own the SUV," I told him, while Baxter continued to snigger.

"Why the fuck was her car parked on Weeton Road?"

"That's not important. Now tell me what to do!"

"Okay, fine, uh... Try to calm her down. Do not let her get too hyper, those guys can't be up to any good," Kaden instructed.

"It's a little too late for that, the guys look pissed, and also sorta drunk. And Baxter has drunk like a pig tonight!" I told him, my eyes scanning the angry looks on the men's faces.

"Okay-uh... Relax. I'm still at Diandro's and my cousin has a really influential friend, who is also here. I'll send him to help you guys out. Till then try to manage the situation," Kaden said.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks," I said and hung up. I watched as one of the guys took a threatening step towards Klara, and my heart almost stopped. I finally let go of Baxter, making him sit down on the floor, and ran towards them.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," I quickly said, standing in front of Klara. "She doesn't mean it, it was our fault," I apologized, trying to calm the guys down.

"How the fuck was this our fault?! What the hell is wrong with you, Alizabeth? It was obviously their fault!" Klara yelled angrily, turning me around to face her. I glared at her, trying to secretly convey my message to her, but she wouldn't listen.

"Listen to your friend, you bitch, or things won't be to your liking!" One of the guys said and Klara lost it completely. She pushed me to the side, and walked to the guy, slapping him across his face. I gasped, as the guy pulled out a knife on her, his face clearly showing how enraged he was. Klara's eyes widened and she stepped back, while I quickly ran over to her.

"Shit, shit, shit," she muttered, holding my arm.

"I'm really sorry, I apologize on her behalf, please forgive us," I squeaked out, as the guy walked towards us.

"You're too late, honey. Your friend pissed us off, now we are going to really enjoy this," one of the creepy guys slurred as he lunged at us. Klara quickly moved away, but the guy caught my wrist.

"Let me go!" I yelled, struggling to get free and away from him.

"Just stay put babydoll, I just want a little something from you," the guy smiled, his breath laced with the smell of cigarettes.

"Get away from me!" I yelled, and looked around for Klara, who was nowhere to be seen. The other guys were all searching for her. I couldn't believe she wasn't coming to help me. "Baxter!" I yelled desperately, but he had already passed out. Tears escaped my eyes as the guy pinned me against his SUV, and started to lean in, the picture of my family flashing before my eyes. They were right, I realized. All this always led to trouble. I should have just listened to them.

Just when the guy's face was centimetres away from mine, another loud drifting sound caught our ears, followed by loud sounds, the noises resembling those of gunshots. The guy turned around and moved slightly, so I could see the four black jeeps stopping on the road one after the other. The first one was a huge Range Rover, the headlights shining so brightly that it almost blinded me. I could see the silhouette of the people dismounting the three jeeps behind it, and in their hands were clasped long rifles. My eyes widened, and chills ran down my spine.

Finally, one last silhouette got off, this time from the Range Rover. I couldn't see a rifle on him, yet as soon as he stepped forward where I could actually see his face, my eyes widened, and a gasp escaped my lips.

It was him - the guy I had met at Diandro's.

It was Shadrach.

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