Part 10
Part 10
"What?" I gasped while staring at him, unable to believe those words out of his mouth. I always thought that my attraction was one-sided and he did not reciprocate my feelings. Also, that kiss was just the heat of the moment. My cheeks heated up when I noticed that he was staring at me with a calculated look on his face.
He nodded his head, a smirk pressing at the corner of his lips. A thoughtful look crossed his face but then he shook his head.
"We should go" He signalled instead of answering my question. I glared at him.
Instead of arguing I followed him quietly towards the car. The driver Armund sent handed us the keys to the car while he took the keys of Rover. Edward accepted it without any doubt and we quickly stumbled towards the car, ready to get away as soon as possible.
It was a good trip though we were stranded in some stupid motel. The highlight was definitely the hours spent in the fair. I could never forget the look on his face when we got out of the roller coaster, that sheer panic that something was going to happen to me.
Also the way he concentrated and was determined to win the teddy bear. Not to mention he went out of his way to get the ticket for the horror show even though it was clear he was not interested in that show. Maybe there was something actually there in between us.
Edward breathed noisily as he strapped the seat belt to the seat, his head lolled forward. As if you noticed the attention on him he lifted his head to meet my eyes. My breathing hitched in the throat. I could never get used to the way his eyes shifted and appeared more playful whenever he looked at me.
"What are you thinking about?" He softly asked, his scent even more prominent as we were in close proximity.
I released a sigh, "Nothing important. Just that I had a good time"
He looked bewildered, "In that motel?"
I cringed. Why would you think that I would be talking about that motel? Even though it was decent inside, the people's especially the manager gave me the creeps. It was a place I would never go willingly but the night was demanding and we had no option but to take shelter there.
"No!" I hastily said with the sour look on my face as I remembered it.
He laughed, shaking his head, "Come on it wasn't that bad"
I gave him a look. It was worst for him judging from the look on the face but he did not complain. Not a word when we were staying there. Maybe he was trying to spare me because I was already fuming about staying there.
"Oh please. You hated it more than me. I could see it on your face"
He sighed, his face pulled in a grimace as if he recalled the room.
"You're right. It was the worst but eh..."
I hummed, "Fair was nice though, hmm?"
His eyes crinkled by his side, mouth twitching with a smile. I was almost hesitant to ask him the question because it scared me. What if he did not like the entire thing? And the only reason he was cooperative was that I was a guest? But he kissed me. Doesn't that change everything?
"Cara" He softly whispered, and I immediately focused my attention back at him.
"What?" I drawled, raising my eyebrow in his direction
"It was the best trip I ever had"
My heart fluttered at that and I looked away, unable to perform any response. Just then his phone buzzed loudly and he groaned. I hid my smile in my sleeve. He angrily hung up the phone and slammed it back on the dashboard making me jump a little. Who was it?
"Everything alright," I asked
His jaw was clenched, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. He flashed his eyes at me, "None of your business"
I recoiled at his tone, feeling hurt spread inside of me at the harsh tone. Why was he so rude? I was just trying to be polite.
As if he sensed my fallen face the colour on his face drained and he immediately turned towards me. He sighed.
"I am so sorry...It was... I am sorry"
"It's fine" I curtly replied, feeling my cheeks heat up. Why did I always care too much? I should have kept quiet.
Edward made a face, "It's not...I am sorry cara"
Shaking my head, I looked away, unable to look at him any more. Maybe I was being childish but I hated people who take out anger on others.
"Let it go"
He sighed and that was it.
"Now don't drive us to other fair" I laughed as soon as we got out of the bakery.
Edward sputtered, shaking his head in amusement. After much thought, we decided to go to the bakery. That was the reason we were out.
"Are you saying you won't like that?" He mockingly asked opening the door to the car.
Even though it was awkward a while ago, I decided to ignore it. Edward himself was feeling guilty with the way he was looking at me throughout the ride. In between, I managed to charge my phone and was overwhelmed with the number of calls and text messages from my family.
Francesca called and asked us to come back in one piece with her order from the bakery. It was funny that we had decided to drive straight home.
"Haha you got me"
He grinned, a smug smile on his face.
We got home I noticed the relieved faces of my family. My mother hugged me and refused to let me go. I could feel tears in my eyes at that, feeling overwhelmed about everything that happened. Edward tried to talk with me but I was too wrapped up with my family. And he was answering the questions from his mother.
After that mini-reunion, I headed straight to my room, took a long nap till the guests were scheduled to arrive. A nap was a requirement.
As soon as I sunk myself on the bed and closed my eyes, all I could see was him.
I couldn't believe how quickly the days passed. It was already Francesca's wedding night. She was getting ready for her first dance with her husband while I was searching for her purse. Times like these made me question why I accepted to become her bridesmaid.
The entire week had been nothing but stressful and loud. Edward and I were busy with our own set of duties but somehow we managed to spend some time together. He was not an easy person as he did not reveal much about himself.
But I could find out a few things about him. He owned a business back in New York and no matter what he was disgusted with the idea of pineapple on pizza. That's one thing we could agree about.
"Aria!" My mother's shrill voice made me snap my attention. I noticed that she had a frown on her face.
"What happened ma?" I questioned
"The first dance is starting and you are wasting your time here. Let's go" She huffed while shuffling towards the hall.
"I need to find that purse she asked for" I sighed, pushing the heaps of bags away from the bed.
"Don't worry she found it already. Now let's go"
I gaped at that. And all this while I was questioning my ability to find that purse. For what? Nothing. She already found that purse and had it with her while I managed to waste my own time.
I followed my mother towards the wedding hall, admiring all the decorations on the way. A huge tent was created so that Francesca can have her dream wedding. And it was just beside the sea like she wanted.
As soon as I stepped inside the soft music started playing. My eyes immediately went towards the bride and groom table. They both stood up and walked towards the dance floor.
Everyone cooed and awwed at the happy couple. Meanwhile, my eyes searched for him. As I was busy with coddling Francesca and attending to her each and every need I could pay much attention to Edward. But I did catch sight of him. He was stood beside his other cousins at the back.
"They are so perfect together" My mother gushed
I hummed, looking over. Francesca had a glow on her face which could make the sun look dim in her presence. Not to mention the crinkles by her eyes. It immediately made me remind of Edward.
Everyone clapped and cheered as the song was done. It was time for other couples to join the dance floor as well. Before I could move away I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around only to lose my breath. Edward. He was standing right in front of me with a huge grin on his face. I almost failed to notice him before but he looked amazing with his black tux and posh boots, neatly trimmed stubble and gelled hair. For a minute anyone could confuse him with the groom.
My mother eyed him suspiciously but did not say anything. She wanted to, I could clearly see it on her face. She had the same look when Edward and I returned together after that night at the motel.
"Hey" I decided to break the awkward silence.
"May I have a dance with you?" He asked forwarding his palm towards me.
My eyes widened because he was being so bold in front of my mother. I nodded my head, placing my hand in his. He charmingly flashed a look in the direction of my mother before tugging me towards the dance floor.
I laughed as soon as we were out of the earshot of my mother, moving my palm away.
"That was really stupid"
"What?" He innocently blinked
"You know what" I whispered as we were surrounded by the couples.
All of Me started playing in the background as he stared at me. Could this get any more cliche? I wrapped my arms around his neck after he motioned me. His arms snaked towards my waist and he pulled me closer. My eyes immediately shut as his warm scent surrounded me.
"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" He whispered, his hot breath fanning my ear. My lips curled at that.
"No, I don't think so"
He made a sound and moved back, staring at me intently.
"You look beautiful Cara"
I squeaked, "Now you have told"
He twirled me around slowly, our bodies grinding against each other. I could feel my abdomen clench as his hard cock was pressing behind me.
"Should we get out of here?!" He growled
I sighed as he moved his lips relentlessly against my immobile ones. His hand moved from my arm just to grab his jaw, fingers long enough to cup it entirely and open it. My eyes automatically shut tight as his tongue met mine. I felt the sudden touch sending a jolt through my body.
I brought my arms up to circle his neck, letting out a whimper as his tongue caressed mine. I could feel Edward's smirk against my lips as if he was enjoying seeing me writhe under him.
He pressed harder suddenly, pinning me effectively against the wall. I flinched at the cold touch and bit his lip. Hard. Edward pulled away, his lips plumper, redder and definitely wetter than usual. He was panting like a husky, the loose strands of his hair clinging to his forehead.
"I want to do so much to you baby" He whispered, just loud enough for it to be heard over the music. For a second it terrified me that someone could find us but then again the door was locked.