Usher Montgomery

'Can't get her out of my head' usher's point of view

I drove all alone on those dark street but no evidence of her existence.... Where the hell she went..

After making me wanting and panting for her....

I loved Veronica once but she even was never able to wake a desire like this in me...

Like those hazel eyes did , that beautiful face of her I can't seem to forget her..

Never ever did this happen.. Here in midnight on lone empty street I m driving my rover in search of her.. And with every passing second I have started to become more and more worried about her well being. I hope she is fine , nothing should happen to her . Even if I don't see her ever again all I want for her is a happy life.

Whoa! Where the hell did that came from.. I was never like this even when I was in love with Veronica 'the skank'. But now, I m hell worried about a strangers well being..

This is definitely not going on the right track.

I guess I had to much of alcohol in the party, I have to get back home.

After long one hour of failed attempt in search of her , I drove my way back to home.

As I entered the villa.I stumbled on my way to my room and the sound was enough to wake my mom

"Usher , honey is this a time to be at home ? " Mum asked

" Sorry mum the party went on for a little late, sorry again for disturbing you" I told her ashamed of my action..

"Are you okay? Son " She asked

And there is my most favourite person , she can read me like a book

"Yeah mom I'm fine ,don't worry about me ,it's just the alcohol" I said still feeling dizzy after the shots.

" Okay, dear if you don't want to talk right now than I will wait till you are comfortable to talk about it" Mum said completely understanding my situation.

How the hell she does that ,without even me telling her she knows me inside out .... Amazing sometimes I feel she can read minds.

" I'm absolutely fine mom, I just need some rest I'll be fine by the morning. Good night mom I love you. " I said and went straight to my room, didn't even waited for her reply cause I know one more word from her and that will be my undoing..

What mom expect me to say that, hey maa I met random strange girl who entered my car gave me most amazing kiss of my life and went away leaving me wanting more and more . And then in search of her I drove my car on empty street for long one hour to find her make her finish what she started.. When here I'm unable to find her I'm panicking like a horny teenager, with a huge

ache in my body which only she can sooth.

Damn man she is getting under my skin and I don't even have a clue what to do..

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