
Usher's point of view

After a hectic day , I came home but my mind was still with her. What is happening to me I can't even get her out of my head for just a single second.

I definitely need to clear my mind before mum finds out about it.

So I pretended to be busy with conference call and avoided dinner with mum cause I'm hell sure she will figure it out..

Again a sleep less night. I'm just shifting from this corner to that corner of the bed, just thinking about her and all the blood runs to my South brain ..

After one more sleep less night I was again back at work ,as I already said for me just two things can't be procrastinated, first ,anything related to my mum and second, my work.

But I guess my priorities have started shifting after her cause , here while sitting in my office I'm dreaming about her touch and arousing my desires unconsciously..

What the hell am I supposed to do? Help me dear Lord! While I was I deep thoughts.....

There was a knock on my door and I composed myself

" Come in " I said

Lina entered my office , lina is my mothers best friend she use to work in my fathers firm but after she found out how much of a asshole he is, she quit her job and helped me in my business, she is the only one who can snap at me in this whole office and I wouldn't even dare to reply cause I respect the hell out of her and she seem to have seen me in my diaper also..

" You know usher you will always be this troubled and agitated , if you don't hire an assistant any soon. You need to get your schedule planned got it" Lina said

Yeah it's true I need an assistant and that to really soon. My prior assistant were just gold digger, they wanted to get close to me which I easily allowed but then they wanted to get to my house, my bank account, that is when I decide to kick them out. I have already kicked 4 assistant in just two months. Then I decided to hire a male assistant but I couldn't seem to get an eligible one.

" You know Lina it's your job to hire one for me " I said to Lina still thinking about that damn night.

There was another knock on the door, Liam entered. he came to know that if I had signed all the documents, and I don't even have the least clue about any documents ,this is why it's really important for me to have an assistant ASAP.

I face palmed myself and sighed.

" Sorry Liam, I haven't seen it yet, please remind me later, I'll do it" I told Liam feeling sorry for the delay.

And with complete irritation I asked lina to find me an assistant right now. Like hell she could find one right now.

But then Liam turned and interfered, he said he knows someone who is suitable for the job but, before he could finish I said no ifs or buts who so ever is suitable call him , let him know he can join from tomorrow, but what he said next was the only problem...

Yeah it's again a girl but Liam assured that she is simple and not into all this stuff and here he is talking about his best friend so I guess problem solved. I trust Liam and I know if he says that the girl is nice she must be then but before I could feel relaxed , now I don't have to have such a mess with my schedule, he again interrupted but and what he said next was completely invalid point for me, he told me that his friend is completely capable to do the job but doesn't has a degree to prove it. Like really doesn't he know me by now I don't give a damn about a piece of paper. It can never define what a person is capable of .so I shrugged it all told Lina to interview the girl and make her join the company as soon as possible, with this I dismissed both of them and took a day of from work, cause I can't seem to control my frustration caused by those Hazel eyes..

I called one of my sleeping partner jessica, yeah that's what I call them..

Because I need to get laid , get those Hazel eyes out of my system.

I went to Jessica's place and I started the things which I came here for but somehow I could matter how hard I tried not to think...all I was able to visualize was her...frustrated..I left Jessica's place and headed back to home while she was calling me to come back and finish the job but I was gone far gone....

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