Usher's point of view
What the hell! Zara didn't came back to the apartment..
I'm completely freaking out .
Liam was looking completely horrified and was mumbling something that I couldn't make out. All I understood was that he was saying "he found her " And kept on repeating that one sentence.
Who the hell found her??? Who? I asked him but he was in complete shock and didn't even heard me.
I left him alone headed my way back to office to know about the time ,Zara left the office. In other circumstances I would have stayed with Liam and would have consoled him, but now is not the time she needs me, Zara needs me. She is in some danger and I can sense it.
I have to find her..
Never in my life I felt this pain, this sense of loss which I'm feeling right now. Not even the time when Veronica ditched me but even the thought of Zara getting hurt any how is sending chills down my spine.
If something happened to her , I won't remain the same. Just in this little time, this girl got under my skin and now I'm scared as hell, and royally screwed..
The feelings that I was denying , the feeling that I was trying to suppress, the feeling that I wasn't ready to accept.... Yeah I was gone the only moment when she looked me in the eye , way before that kiss..
Whom am I trying to fool! From the moment Liam said that Zara is missing , the ache I felt in my heart.... Yes my heart, which I thought was just in my body to pump the blood not for any out of syllabus purpose, still has feeling ,only for her...
That moment made me realize , it's not just the lust that I was chasing for... It is love.... I fell in love with Zara at first sight.
I never believed in something like this but hell how wrong I was..
I have fallen for this girl very hard... And now even if I have to turn the hell upside down to find her . I'm ready..
I reached my office and immediately called lina. I asked her when did Zara left the office she told me , Zara left at 6 in the evening with every one.
What the hell! When I already told Zara I was taking my day off after lunch hours and she can also leave than what was the need to stay so late.
Lina explained me , the poor girl thought may be Liam could finish the conference before time and will arrive and then she will hail home with her friend but nothing like that happened..
Really .. Really, she didn't looked that stupid? But yup looks always deceive.. She was totally stupid to think that... Hell Zara! Where I'm gonna find you..
And what stupid lame ass friend is Liam that he couldn't even get her a cell phone and why does she not have her own phone? Is she broke? I'll find out about it all but damn I need to find her now or else I'll go insane...
Then I remembered Veronica's warning about my father.. And all I saw was red......
I was fuming with anger... If my filth of a father even dared to touch Zara he can count himself dead...
I went straight For my rover and drove directly to Jason's villa...
As I reached I knocked the door , the maid opened the door..
Where the hell is he? Answer me, where the hell is he??? I barked at the maid.
She was too feared with my action and scared as hell seeing my anger , she pointed towards his bedroom.
I went straight for his bedroom I knocked and barked open the door but he didn't so I broke the door with one loud thud..
There he was sleeping with his new whore.. . .
With the sound of the door he woke and was looking at me with fear and confusion ..
I went straight for his neck and chocked it,,
" Tell me, tell me where the hell is she? Or else I'll bury you six feet under right now.." I demanded him still choking his neck....
He started coughing vigorously then only. I released his neck and grabbed his collar not because I was worried that he might die from my choking but... If he died than who would tell me about Zara..
I smashed his head on the head board..
" What the hell are you talking about and how dare you entered my property without my permission..? I'll throw you out, you prick!. " My filthy father Jason snapped at me...
How dare I...seriously..., how dare I , seems like...this idiotic creature doesn't even know me yet... I can do anything when it comes to Zara... He should tell me by now or else he is dead..
" Don't play these games with me, jason . You exactly know what I'm talking about so you better answer me before it's to late. " I barked at the filthy prick.
" I still can't get it what are you talking about? Behave like a human for once and then at least explain your question to me ,may be then I can provide you the detailed answer "the prick snapped at me.. Sarcasm evident in his words.
Still he has the audacity to do so... This filthy little piece of shit...
" Zara, where is Zara? Jason, look stop pretending , I know you have kidnapped Zara to avenge on me. I swear to Lord if you even touched her single hair, I'll drain every single drop of blood from your body with my own hands... " I screamed at him.. Fuming with anger.
"Zara who is Zara ? What do I got to do with her and who the hell told you I kidnapped her.. ?I don't even have heard of her before. Last night also you came to threaten me and I couldn't even understand and now also, look usher I don't know this girl and I haven't even heard of her before. I got nothing to do with her missing.Who so ever told you, filled you with exactly wrong information.. "Jason told me. Though I wasn't convinced but something in me was saying, he isn't lying this time.
"Who told me really you want to know who..., your own little loose character wife told me you prick". I barked at him.. Seething..
But what he told me next connected all the dots.......... And hell ! now I'm way , way beyond mad.....