Prologue: Us


A long time ago, before iPods were invented, Christmas used to be a joy filled day for Serene and her family. Everywhere she went there was cheer and laughter. Children were out with their parents, giving them hell. Serene giggled, since looking out the window at them reminded her of the way she behaved with her parents, especially Papi. But when she was spending time with him alone she would be on her best behavior since no one was there to take away his attention.

This Christmas was special, 'cause this time her father was finally gonna be home to celebrate it. Daddy was a very busy man so most of the time he had to go on business trips around the world or come home late due to a prolonged meeting, but little Serene was too young to understand the reason for his lack of presence. When she woke up in the mornings and didn't see the person most precious to her, she would throw a fit and the only way to calm her down was to let her talk on the phone to her father. Oh, the way she quickly calmed down after that. But today that wouldn't be necessary, he'll be here for two entire weeks! And he promised to be all hers.

"But, Mommy, I don't wanna wear this," Serene complained to her mother as she finished dressing her up. "Make Brodie wear it. I want to be a vampire queen for Christmas!" She flashed her canines at her mother.

"Did Brodian make you watch another vampire movie?" Asked her mom with a frown.

"Maybe," replied Serene with her hands behind her, rocking from side to side. A smile crossed her lips as she remembered the way the main character showed off her sharp teeth.

"Serene! You know very well that you're not supposed to which those things! The stuff that happens in there is so vile!"

"I close my eyes at those parts!" The little girl argued. "But this one wasn't bad at all Mommy! It had to do with a missing vampire princess trying to find her prince. Her father tried find her and give her another prince to marry even though she wanted the other one! It was a nice movie, Mommy. Very, very nice!"

Her mother sighed and tucked her blonde hair behind her ear, then returning to do Serene's dark waves. "Oh well, it doesn't sound as awful as Resident Evil and Lost Boys. But your brother still shouldn't be allowing you to watch them."

"But it was PG-13!"

"And you're six."

Serene stock her tongue out and giggled. Her mother did the same.

"Now put on your gold slippers and go to the table. I'll bring your clothes to the laundry room."


So Serene sat down on a stool and placed the slippers upon her feet, the mirrors in the room reflecting the sparkles from her dark burgundy dress. Smiling brightly, Serene sat thinking about how this was going to be the best Christmas ever.

But happiness is so fleeting.


She looked around. It seemed that no one could see her. She then made her move and sneeked over to the side of the table where the cheesecake sat proudly. The little lady was almost there. So close! Out of nowhere, a hand landed on her shoulder.

"I didn't do anything!" Serene surrendered immediately, thinking that it was her mother.

"Then why do you look so guilty?"

Wait, that voice!

Serene turned around and shrieked.


As he reached down, his little darling jumped into her father's arms and held him as he lifted her up and placed her upon his shoulder.

"Yes, silly princess, papi's home!" He said as he jogged in place. Serene held on to his head and hands tightly, though that didn't stop her from shifting off his shoulder slightly. She laughed as he put her back into place.

"Daddy's home, papi's home!" She chanted and her father joined in.

"Daddy's home, papi's home! Daddy's home, papi's home! Daddy's home, papi's home!"

"My, my, is that your little girl James, sweetie?"

Serene turned to look at the person who had dared to interrupt the sacred father and daughter chanting. When she saw that it was a woman she had never seen before, she frowned.

"You bet she is, Jenifer!" She heard her father say. He took her off his shoulder and rested her on his side. "Sweetie, this is Jenifer, my new coworker. I invited her here as a guest. Be sure to make her feel welcome."

Serene faked a yawn and pretended to be sleeping. She didn't like this new woman being in her father's life one bit. Everyone knew better than to cut in-between their special time. Not even Mommy did that!

"Serene!" He exclaimed.

"But I'm too tired to pretend, Papi!"


Her father held a finger up in the air, and Serene knew that was a warning.

"Why does she call you 'Papi'?" Asked Jenifer, clearly finding this exchange amusing.

"Cause my daddy is Papi the sailor man and can beat up your daddy any day of the week!"

Jenifer laughed ackwardly, "oh, you meant 'Popeye'!"Serene smiled. Her father placed her down as he continued looking at her sternly.

"That is enough Serene! Now apologize to Jenifer and tell her that you're sorry."

"But Mommy told me not to lie!"

"Serene!" He gave her another stern look.

"I am sorry for offending you Miss Jenifer," Serene said with the world's biggest smile. She still didn't like this woman but she didn't want her father to be disappointed in her.

"That's alright, darling I found it quite amusing actually!" Jenifer giggled.

"Do you like to laugh?" Serene asked.

"Why yes I do."

"Oh, okay. Then would you like to hear a joke?"

"Sure, why not!" Jenifer then stooped down.

"Are you sure?"

"I should think so."

There was a small pause before Serene said: "your earrings are likeable!"

Jenifer touched her dark red peacock feather earrings. "Why thank you."

"Actually... that's the joke."

"Serene!" her father yelled but he was too late. Serene was already halfway across the room giggling nonstop. The temptation was too strong to resist.


Many words were exchanged amoung those that sat at the table. There where guests, family, neighbors and coworkers all here together to celebrate Christmas with each other, those that didn't already have prior arrangements at least. When the time for dessert came, Serene was right there with her mother, watching as she cut the cheesecake into slices and placed each slice on a plate. Serene picked up the ready slices, one in each hand, making sure that they wouldn't fall. Steadily, she made sure that each person had a plate, even Jenifer. This specific cake has always made her feel great - not to mention it was delicious - so it would certainly make other people feel great too!

"I thought you hated me," said Jenifer as Serene placed a slice in front of her.

"Not really," Serene answered, mocking Jenifer's voice. "That's what Brody calls 'me being a brat'!"

A majority of the guests erupted in laughter at the adorable way Serene spoke to Jenifer. Papi gave her a thumbs up. Serene felt satisfied at that became giddy.

After eating and dancing the guests slowly left one by one, wishing Serene's parents a good night and a merry Christmas. Brodian, her older brother, was kissing his date goodbye as she got into her parents car. Brodian didn't know she was watching. And when he did find out Serene began to chant at him:

"Clara and Brodie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Brodian stuck his tongue out at her. She followed suit.

It turned out that Jenifer was staying over for the night because she had lost her house keys. After saying "good night", Serene ran back her own room and got ready for bed. Papi came in along with Mommy and kissed her forehead goodnight. Happiness swelled in her chest. They then switched off the lights and went to bed.

Serene sat up as soon as she realized that her father was gone. Getting on her knees at the side of the bed, she begun her own secret Christmas ritual that she did every year.

"Lord, thank you for bringing my dad home safely from his business trips. Thanks for having my mom here whenever I get mad. Thank you for Brodie, who always protects me and let's me watch vampire movies, for he is the best. I pray that they will be forever happy, that my brother can find a new girlfriend because I saw Clara kissing Roy and I don't think that's right. And that my Papi will always have a place to sit 'cause running around all day makes people tired. I hope Mommy will never go anywhere, who'll tuck me in and make my cheesecake if she's gone? I love them all so I pray that that they will be happy for the rest of their lives. Amen."

The sweetest dreams were never meant to last...

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