9. Not By Chance


Much to his discomfort, the room was piled with girls and boys from various states (the ones that could make it anyway). Humans were filling the room with their human clothing, dancing around and having a ball. Delight was visible on each face, boys and girls alike. Not to mention that the air was contaminated with sweet perfume scents and the chatter of those below him. A few girls had caught sight of him and giggled, waving. A couple that weren’t associates were brave enough to come to him directly and flirt. Leo did his best not to scowl at them. They had no idea what the consequences were for their actions

All of a sudden he felt a presence by his side and turned his head only to see his mother, the queen, beside him, resting her arms on the rail that prevented them from falling over. One would think she was a child the way she smiled brightly and she tapped her feet to some unheard  rhythm.

It was small times like these that made the burdens on Leo's shoulders feel lighter, but now he just wondered if he'd been born into the wrong family. So he frowned once more and turned his head back to the crowd, but didn't focus on them.

"I don't believe there is a reason for you to behave so… joyously," he told her.

She then turned her head in his direction, letting the size of her smile decrease until it was just a ghost of the one before.

"Why not be happy, Leonard? My stubborn son finally agreed to take a wife and rule the kingdom with her!" The queen exclaimed. "Tell me, isn't that something to be happy about?"

"Not when he's sure that there's a great chance he won't even like these girls," he retorted. "I mean, did you have to bring girls from that broken down little town also? With so many humans mixing with the vamps I’d rather sit with Father and the old farts and talk about politics."

"Yes, 'cause you'll never know what you'll find and where it’ll come from. But if it makes you feel better I did ask Laviere to remove the ones I didn't like from the jet."

"Yeah, figures." He took a sip of the liquid in a glass cup that his mother never realized he had. After setting it down his eyes moved lazily over the crowd once more, searching for the perfect mass of straight brown hair.

Some girls caught sight of his gazing and started whispering amongst themselves. One of them motioned for him to come over. He showed her a small smile just to please his mom but rolled his eyes when she wasn't looking.

"You know I wouldn't mind if you'd let him take them all away."

At this his mother sharply turned her gaze in his direction, her eyes resembling fiery ice as she looked at him.

Everyone in the family was known to have their anger moments and the Queen's was by far the most famous, rare and feared one.

Yet it failed to make Leonard feel smaller, for he took it as more of a challenge than a sign to keep his ground. "And just what is that supposed to mean?"

"I just don't understand why it is so important for me to have a wife! Wives just aren't meant for me. And isn't there some sort of rule against this? Letting some peasant mortal take over the throne?"

"Oh, not this again," his mother sighed and walked off while saying, "you know exactly why, Leonard. Now stop whining and go socialize. This night won't last forever."

"Hey, Mom!" Leonard yelled, his arms shooting up in frustration. The little patience that he held in his system was running out. "Would it kill you guys for once to listen to what I have to say?!"

The queen paused herself for a while, then turned around and started walking backwards, eyes never leaving Leo's.

"Oh, it's not that it'll kill us, little old son of mine. It's just that every time we do it's like 'why this' and 'why that', 'blah, blah blah!' Let me ask you son: would it kill you to just be a man and suck it up for once?"

With that she continued to travel down the hall, leaving her awestruck son to recollect himself.

While he stood there, listening to her little speech, even though he was mad at her, he couldn't help but to chuckle over his mom's enthusiasm. Although he still muttered profanities when he realized the position he was in.

His eyes hath wondered back to the activities below. Before long his legs followed suit and his arms had found the railing once again.

The same group of young women were beckoning for him to join them. Poor things probably didn’t even know who he was.


The one with the blonde hair looked cute, though.

And he'll never know if they were worth his time if he doesn't join them.

Considering that his latest attempt at changing his parents' minds proved to be an epic failure, he would have to carry on with Kimberley's plan.

As a requirement for that, mingling and wasting some time until she arrives would make it appear more plausible. And what better way to waste time than to spend it with a few locals?

These were all excuses to flirt.

Yes, he knew.

It didn't make a difference that he knew.

Leo drained the last contents of his drink and placed the glass down on the tray of a passing maid. She wore the required outfit his mother encouraged them to wear for the dance: a full, knee length black dress with a suitable mask.

It was always a custom of Elaine's to involve the servants in what ever event they were holding. Leo never understood why. They were servants, it's not like they held any significance other than to bow down and obey the ones they served.

They were employees.

It was no use trying to be their friends.

Within a matter of minutes he descended down the stairs and made his way towards the needy maidens. At least he was when he felt a hand's grip on his shoulder.

He spun around surprised, but not unexpected, to see Miss Jenifer and her two daughters, Gena and Mary with no masks on. It was like they wanted people to know who they were. It was rumored that she remarried and had a step daughter but she died along with her father. Great, more people to add to his discomfort.

This woman wasn't even wise. She has one maid that goes to school, while still doing all the chores in the  house. Someone smarter would have hired real help that was more capable.

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