10. Not By Chance (part 2)

"Prince Leonard, what a pleasure to see you here today!" She exclaimed while doing a slight curtsy. When she noticed that the other two weren't following her she muttered something to them about embarrassing her. So they followed their mother's example and curtsied while greeting him. "Prince Leonard."

Leonard smirked. "Yes, Miss Jenifer, a coincidence, considering that this is an event planned by my parents, at the palace I happened to live in. Quite a coincidence, huh?"

He watched as she stiffened up and seemed to be thinking over what to say next. Served her right for trying to play a king.

"Well," she said. "I never thought of it that way."

"Well, you seem to be forgetting about a lot of things."

Her eyes lit up with an expression he didn't recognize. Anger? Hate? Resentment? Astonishment?

Did he even care?

Leo brushed the invisible dust off his red royal jacket and straightened his collar that laid flat on his chest. He was done amusing those three. Now he wanted out and wanted it soon.

Just where the hell is Kimberley?! Her presence would be very much appreciated.

"You insist on calling me Prince Leonard, aloud. In front of all these people. And even curtsying!"

"Well, I--"

"Suppose these girls and boys took you seriously and went to look for me online and then end up with a photo of an old man and no record of me? That person's curiosity will keep growing. That could cause a problem for us."

He folded his arms.


"And might I remind you that such activities attract rogues. Unless you want to have the honor of leading an army in the human world, I would advise you to watch what you say before you speak."

"Of course not, I'm--"

"Sorry? Aren't we all. Now if you'll excuse me."

Leonard turned and walked away from them without another word or even looking back.

Women. Thinking they're so superior...

To hell with everyone thinking they're better than him.

To hell with everyone thinking they can manipulate him into their will.

He lost what little attitude he had to mingle and quickly went to the buffet table.

People kept staring at him as he walked. The stares, glares and glances continued on as if they wanted to be a burden to him. They wanted to go deep down inside him and corrupt his soul. At least, that's what his grandparents told him when he was younger. Still, that never stopped the feeling that they all wanted something from him. Whether to bed them or be acquaintances. That's all they are good for, wanting and wanting. Taking and taking until there is nothing left.

The young man sighed and weaved his way through the crowd until the buffet table was in his grasp. He poured punch into another glass, made sure no one was looking, then took the flask from inside his jacket and poured in a small amount of the contents. Then the flask went back inside his clothing.

"Ah! Mind pouring a little bit in here?"

Leo smiled for the first time that night. "Get it your lazy ass self, Andrew."

The person that spoke stepped in front of the prince with a white sparkling mask on. It did well for his shoulder length blonde hair and brown ruby-like eyes. Not to mention his red shirt and black pants. Such a slender man he was that he had to buy clothes bigger than him to hide his figure.

Andrew withdrew a flask from his pocket and dangled it in front of Leo's face. "Don't mind if I do."

Within a few seconds they were both drinking and chatting away about random stuff. Every once in a while a girl would come and Andrew did enough of the talking and flirting for the both of them. All Leo did was nod when necessary and scan the crowd for a sign of Kim. He never knew why but he had always preferred maids over noblewomen. He felt they had more dignity.

Once the fangirls were gone Andrew rested his body against the wall next to the buffet table.

"Did that Jenifer woman bother you again?" He randomly asked, taking a sip of his third drink.

"Yes. I guess that she wants to offer one of her daughters as a bride." Leo took a drink out of his glass that held the first refill.

"She's been having her daughters come on to you since your mum showed them a bit of sympathy over her husband's and her step-family's death right?"

"I reckon that she now feels she has a way to come into the royal family. Such a woman. I wouldn't be surprised if she killed her own husband for his company and blamed it on the rogues."

"Okay~" Andrew slurred. "I got one last probably problem, for us, no you, probably us to solve."

"How many times I have to tell you that you can't hold your liquor so don't drink?" Leo retorted. This moron had just drunken three cups, three! And traced!

"Its good to see~ you wearing something casual."



"Shut up."

Andrew put on a puppy face.


"I already got my parents to bug me so I don't need you."

"And after all the time we spent together," his companion muttered placing his hand over his chest in false hurt. "You broke my heart and you know I have feelings for you!"


"I'm all alone sniff~ there is no one there beside me blows nose~ my problems are all, wah!"

"Dude you're embarrassing me with your bull--"

"Said the man whom slept with me then left me. I here by unite all the turtles of the United States to gather your weapons, just on your backs and avenge me! Pay attention when I'm expressing my distress! Why you--"

"Andrew!" Leo exclaimed. "Look!"

He used one of his hands to control the turn of his friend's head and the other to direct his eye towards the stairway. His eyes took a moment to register the sight in front of him but when he did it was like the effects of the alcohol had disappeared and filled with a certain kind of light.

For right there, resting her hand on the stairway, was one of the most beautiful maidens he had ever seen. One with hair that magnificently held its own natural curls and had brown hair so dark someone whom wasn't an expert in women would have thought it black.

Her dark red strapless dress did miracles for her as she descended in its bell bottom that had small diamonds that held up all parts of the fabric, which made the dress look more dazzling. To top it off, the upper part had had many small designs created by smaller diamonds and silver threads. Overall, the dress combined with such a woman, was a sight not to be missed.

"Leo," Andrew muttered to the man who was still holding his head.


"Stop watching my woman!"

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