3. The Party Announcement
"There you are!" The early morning breeze carried her voice through the air. Many students turned to look, but Donya's greeting was only targeted at one person. Serene looked up and there she was, running down the steps towards her at top speed. The blonde brought Serene into her arms and hugged her like she hadn't seen her for weeks, despite having seen each other yesterday. "For a second there I thought you weren't gonna make it."
Serene hugged back willing but her mind became unclear as she couldn't comprehend the girl's statement. She gave her friend as puzzled look as they pulled apart. "Really, why? Did you hear that something happened or..?"
Donya made a face that only made her more confused, like she didn't realize something she was supposed to.
"Oh, it's nothing important," she said. "It's ONLY the 'wonder princesses' working you out much harder than they usually do. You don't even have time to do your own assignments anymore but its nothing." Serene shrugged off her friend's sarcasm and proceeded to go inside the school. "It's something that I'm gonna have to get used to it," Serene said simply. "Not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon, right? I have to deal with it."
Donya stopped walking. It felt like a pan of roaches suddenly tipped over on her head. Does Serene really not see things the way she sees them? Does she really not realize how much this affects her?
The brunette's eyes once again made contact with Donya's when she felt her hand grip her shoulder. Her movements were like a sloth's while she was being turned around. Serene had a feeling where this was going and she wasn't ready for it yet.
'Is this going to be one of those talks again?'
"Come on, darling," Donya said. "Don't say stuff like that! One day you're gonna get a one way ticket out of that hell hole that they call a house and never look back! You won't have to deal with anything soon or pretend to take it lightly!"
The brunette's body was being shaken back and forth with every word. Laughter flowed from her mouth, but Donya frowned even more. The laughter Serene emitted had a sad tone. "You're never gonna change. Chill. I'm not pretending--"
'At least not when I'm alone.'
"--and I've figured out a few ways to not let them get to me. I have found tranquility~."
Her best friend didn't push the subject any further, only flipped her and smiled. "I guess someone didn't notice my new hair style. As usual."
When the two linked arms, Donya decided that that discussion was enough for them, plus she didn't mean to make her feel bad by continuing.
Stomping, chatter, grunts, sneezes. All from the students who came for winter classes. The noise was perfect for Serene, another distraction from her thoughts. She felt herself being nudged, it was Donya, showing her something plastered on the wall. "Hey, check this out. Christmas party on some rich guy's private mansion. Sweet right?"
"Would have been even more sweet if I was actually gonna make it," said Serene, rolling her eyes. "The 'dragon' will never let me go."
Donya looked at Serene and sighed. "You have got to stop letting that woman control your life."
"It's not like I really have a choice here," Serene snapped. She removed her hand from Donya's. "I should be happy that she hasn't sent me off to some orphanage to suffer. She still has my college fund so if I disobey her then all of that, my only hope of living a life for myself, will be gone! It's not like I can get a scholarship with my grades and I don't do sports. Besides,"Â her hand clenched tightly to her bag strap. "Despite how much I complain I could have had it much worse.
"I'm lucky that I'm even being allowed to go to school at all, even if its just to make Jenifer look good. Plus..." Serene stops in the middle of the hallway then takes a look behind her, towards the outside, where bright light shone as if it led to a place filled with happiness. "I don't believe that I should leave my parents' house in the hands of someone like her. There's this strange feeling in my gut that's telling me that there are still some stuff I need to find out about my brother's death. Its just the way that he died, didn't sound like Brodian, it sounded like a made up story. Something happened in that house while I was young, Donya, but I don't remember what." A tear ran down the right side of her face. Serene wiped it off.
'Crap, they're falling. Didn't you promise yourself that you would never cry in public? You and your sob stories.'
She felt a hand wrap itself around her shoulders and relaxed a bit as Donya brought her into a tight embrace.
"I know, I know. Whatever happens, I'm here for you."
Serene held on to a straight face, and willing hugged her back. The warmth from their bodies calmed her down and gave her strength. But then again...
"Did you and Lance have a make out session again? You smell kinda funny."
Donya let go and hit her on the shoulder, pointing at her and mumbling dramatically, "w-w-why you!"
"Ahem," a voice behind them interrupted their discussion. Donya rolled her eyes.
"Just a sec there Nick," said Donya, thinking that it was her brother. "How dare you say stuff like that?"
"Damn it boy, I said give me a minute! I have you happen to know Serene that I smell way better than any girl you'll ever meet and even though Lance and I were making out the scent can not, and I repeat! Could not just jump off of him and land on me. I have way too much perfume for that!"
"Seems like you got a lot of spare time too," the voice behind them commented.
"Uh oh," Serene muttered.
Donya, still having not taken notice of whose voice it was, turned around and bellowed at them. "Nick, for the millionth time shut that--" she stopped talking immediately. Principal Guillotine was behind them, Nicholas nowhere in sight.
"--that beautiful and flawless mouth you have," she continued, faking a smile. "Have I ever told you how much I admired your lips? I wish I had lips like those. Where did you get them done? I mean, not like surgery or anything, like, um..."
Serene was trying her hardest to suppress a laugh but the laugh came anyway, one big, helpless laugh.
Principal Guillotine wrinkled her nose at the girls in disgust. "You're too late to be gallivanting in the hallways. I suggest you girls go to your classrooms, immediately."
Those girls didn't need to be told twice, they both made like a banana and split outta' there!
"I still can't believe you said her lips were fake," exclaimed Serene, walking hand in hand with her friend after class.
Donya laughed. "First of all I said that I wondered where she got them done."
"Oh, right, 'cause that's definitely not the same thing."
They got into the line and waited for their turn to start picking up food. Serene gazed around at all her available options. A tuna sandwich seems good. Maybe she'll try a potato salad today.
Donya pointed to a jar of mini chocolate bars and they quickly grabbed one, in the midst of doing so Serene spotted a rare treasure, the most beautiful thing in the world.
There was only one slice left though. It wasn't as big as it could've been but that didn't matter, a spoonful would have been enough for her. She prayed that the other two persons before her were either lactose intolerant or have a horrible fear of dairy (cause that's the only way someone can walk pass up cheesecake right?).
To her luck they slid their trays away. She whispered a small thanks, brought her tray over, and reached to pick it up. The phantom of its taste could already be felt on her tongue. However, before her desire could be obtained, a well manicured hand claimed it.
"Hey!" She yelled. 'How dare you take away the holy cheesecake?!'
Her face got even more heated when she saw who it was.
"Kimberley. Should have guessed it was someone with no manners."
Kimberley's eyes pierced into her cousin's and she smirked. "HI there, Serene! No, wait, I hear that you're going by 'maid' nowadays right?" Kimberley laughed at her own joke and so did her three foot-wipes: Mina, Tiffany and Anime.
"I think that jokes getting pretty old Kimberley," stated Serene rolling her eyes. "Dry and overused, like someone we both know."
"Yeah, that's right!" boosted Donya from behind the brunette.
'Dammit, Donya, shush!'
Kimberley rolled her eyes at them. "And where might your boyfriend be 'Fatso'? I don't see him coming to your rescue today. Oh, yes! Now I remember! After you left him alone behind the bleachers we had the sweetest little discussion." She licked her lips. "A lot of tongue was in the conversation."
Serene could tell Donya stiffened in anger and unsureness behind her.
'Time to end this, I'm getting hungry. Shouldn't have skipped breakfast.'
"Kimberley, I'm so happy for you!" Squealed Serene in pretend happiness. Donya looked at her like she said something equivalent to the sun making great shoes. "You have finally started to practice for your future profession."
"What in the fu--"
"Don't be shy! You know the one I'm talking about, messing around with married men who'll never want you?" She watched as Kimberley's mouth dropped before continuing. "But unfortunately in your profession, there are little men in this world who would ever pick a hoe to wife. So why don't you buzz off and stop batting your fake eyelashes at me? Just run on home back to your little group of wannabes already."
Kimberley stood up straight but it was obvious that she was shocked by Serene's comeback. The girl was ready to launch at her, yet kept still.
"Well," she started, batting her eyelashes as if to keep tears at bay. Her eyes were red with anger and her cheeks turned warm. "I'm sorry that you're not getting as much action when you're cleaning toilets!" The sidekicks laughed at her remark. Serene stood her ground, placing a hand on her hip while the other held the tray. "It's just too bad that your mom's not here to help you out. I wonder what killed her by the way? It must have been something she caught from your father after sleeping with whores like me!"
Serene sighed, trying her best not to let her frustration show at the constant use of her family's death in Kimberley's insults over the years, which started from the first year of highschool. "You know they said admitting it is the first sign of recovery..."
Donya giggled. Serene could stand proud now now that she got her bestie to laugh. Kimberley just snarled at them and gave the cheesecake to Anime, the blond one to her left whom acted like her fidgeting fingers were the most interesting thing to stare at.
"Take this, I don't want it."
Anime stared at her, wide eyed. "But I'm lactose intolerant."
Kimberley made a face before shaking her straight locks. "Does it look like I even care to figure out what that means?!"
With that she snapped her fingers and the four were off, Anime following awkwardly behind.
Serene stood there, wanting to shake her head at her supposed cousin. Her mind ended up stalking off into deep space. The four girls already took over a table, leaving the first and only occupant there nervously glancing at them. The attention brought from their chat started to disburse, attention the two girls didn't even realize they had on them. Donya watched the students who were near whisper to each other, feeling ashamed that Kimberley mentioned something like that in public. She felt herself pulling the tip of her sweater over her mouth. Feeling that it was time, she emerged from behind Serene.
"How can someone even think of treating their sister like that?" Serene wondered out loud, staring at Kimberley and Anime.
"Well, stepsisters, am I right?"
Donya was silent for a while after her stepsister statement and Serene saw that she looked sad.
"Donya, don't tell me that you actually believed her?"
She shrugged. From behind her, Serene spotted a flyer with a mistletoe at the top. The caption, "Annual Dance", spoke out in beautiful, cursive, gold letters. She took Donya's hand, thinking hard over her decision.
"You know," she said, "you could just confront him at the party..."
Donya lifted up her head, eyes hopeful. "You mean you're coming?!"
Serene chuckled, placing an arm around the blonde and leading her to a table.
"I've got you."