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41. Dinner with the President


“Dominic are you okay? You keep spacing out,” Anna voiced beside me.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m very great,” I gave her a reassuring smile while lightly massaging the back of her left palm.

We were currently in the middle of a family dinner with the president even though the younger daughter was not home. He had specifically sent me an invitation so I had been left with no choice but to accept. Otherwise I would have preferred to be anywhere else than here.

“So how are the preparations of the engagement party coming along Dominic?” I shifted my gaze from Anna to her father.

“They are going on great Sir, “I lied smoothly. In truth I hadn’t even started the preparations yet. With Nicole occupying almost every thought in my mind, I haven’t been myself of late.

“Sir? ‘m going to be your father in law soon and you are still so formal with me? Come on son,” he chuckled lightly.

It was still strange just how things changed. The Mr. Hemsworth who used to live the street next to us in high school was now the fucking president of America and I was dating her daughter. His title alone was intimidating enough to keep me in check let alone his daughter’s uncontrollable rampage.

“So have you come up with a venue for the party yet?” He questioned.

“I will just do it at one of my hotels, though it’s likely going to be in my main hotel here in New York,” I replied finally thankful that my mind was off from thinking about Nicole.

“Really? Isn’t that where you got married to your ex-wife? What was her name again?” dammit! Why did he have to bring her up? I needed to fucking forget her.

“Her name was Nicole dad and stop putting Dominic under pressure,” Anna interjected.

She must have sensed from the way my hand tightened over hers that I was tensed. I hated talking about Nicole or anything to do with her.

“Am I putting you under any pressure, Dominic?” I could tell he was testing my loyalty to his daughter.

“No sir. Nicole is just a mere part of my past,” I swallowed the bitterness stuck in my throat.

“Really? I hope you are out of love with her because I would really hate for my daughter to be your rebound. She most certainly means way too much to me to see her wasted by another man,” even a fool wouldn’t be that foolish not to realize that was a threat. That man’s love for her daughter was, well, way too deep.

“Of course I would never make your daughter a rebound. I really love Anna so much and I would do anything to keep her by my side, no matter the cost,” the words for some reason sounded strange and unconvincing even to my ears.

“That’s great to know son because I would do just anything for her too,” I felt Anna shift uncomfortably beside me at her father’s intense statement and when I looked at her, she had a strange, almost terrified look on her face but it was gone before I could make anything out of it, her father’s next words brought me back to reality,” Now there is a change of plans Dominic. I’m flying out of the country the day after tomorrow and I want both you and Anna to join me and some of my staff,”

“I’ll be honored sir but I still have to prepare for the engagement party-“

“Don’t give me that Dominic. Ever since you began dating my daughter I haven’t really had time with the both of you. Plus you still have at least six days to the engagement. Anna you wouldn’t mind if he pushed it to next week, right darling?” he smiled at his daughter.

“Of course. So long as at the end of the day, I get to sleep beside him,” Anna smiled briefly at me before she dug into her food.

“Okay then, we will accompany you. So should we fly in my private jet or are we flying in the same jet with you?” I asked, loving the distraction the talk was causing to my thoughts on Nicole and Anna’s strange look.

“No. I already arranged for that so stop trying to impress me with your vast wealth, Dominic. I already know you are perfect for my little girl. Just don’t break her heart because I swear I will-“

“Dad!” Anna interjected, her face a light hue of tomato red, probably from embarrassment and something else I could not exactly decipher.

“It’s okay Anna. He is just being a father and Mr. Hemsworth I promise that I would not heartbreak your daughter. I love her too much to do such a thing and besides she is too pretty to have tears in her eyes,” it felt like I was trying to convince myself more than I was convincing Anna’s father.

“Here is a toast to my son-in-law and my favorite, lovely daughter,” He raised his wine glass then we drank to the toast.

Silence followed as we got through dinner. My thoughts flirted back to Nicole. How the hell did she know about the correction facility? The only people who know about that were my parents and Andre. My mother was lying on a hospital bed too sick to move and my dad-foster dad- was too busy drinking himself to death at his mansion. Andre was too loyal to me to tell my ex-wife about me. Reed has always been led to believe that I had gone to rehab.


I looked at Anna with a worried expression painted all over her face. For a moment I felt guilty for thinking about another woman when I was at dinner with her father.

“I’m really sorry. I know I promised that I’ll have all my concentration tonight but there is a very important deal I’m supposed to close. Unfortunately I’m not the only one in the quest for the deal. Honestly I’m afraid the other competition might have some leverage on this guy,” That was entirely a lie. If I lost William’s company, I would suffer a big blow.

“Really? And who is this competition of yours?” the moment the question registered in my mind, I felt my throat grow dry as sweat formed under my armpits.

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