Read with BonusRead with Bonus

42. Nightmare


“I really don’t know yet but don’t worry sir, I’ll find a way to deal with this,” I mustered the courage to answer.

“Of course, you are Dominic after all,” the silence again enveloped the dining room.

When it was time for me to go, I couldn’t be any gladder. It was hard to keep up a straight face when inside me I was a huge mess.

“Honey, I think I might stay over tonight. My dad and I have…things to talk about,” Anna stated getting hold of arms once we were at the door. I did not miss the urgency in her voice.

“Oh. It’s fine. If you and your dad have things to talk I have no objection. Well, I’ll pick you up tomorrow for our lunch date,” I placed a peck on her lips, bid her father goodbye before walking over to my car.

I walked into my house getting rid of the tie that been straining me the entire night. Throwing it on the floor, I slid out of my shoes before plopping on the couch, my eyes falling shut instantly. It had been such a long day and I knew very well that I would do just fine with a few hours of good sleep but I was too tired to move from my rather comfortable position. I drifted off to sleep right on the living room couch.

There was a piercing scream then followed by another. Every single night I heard them and I thought I could get used to them but every single night they were much more disturbing than the other. I rose from my bunker throwing away the flimsy blanket as I tiptoed towards the source of the noise. As I moved closer to the sound I could feel my heartbeat increasing. At the far end of hallway was a staircase and I was about to follow it when a hand closed on my mouth while another restricted my right hand. I was about to kick the perpetrator when I felt the cold tip of a needle on my neck as I lost consciousness almost immediately. When I regained consciousness I couldn’t quite make out where I really was. My gaze was kind of glazed but soon enough I could make out a face looking at me with a slight smirk. Tried to move but as luck would have it, I was tied to a chair.

“Let me go,” I screamed as an evil laughter escaped his lips.

He was the head wardens in the correctional facility and every person feared him. He was in his late forties and had a large scar running all the way down to his chin from his right ear. He had a way of intimidating people with a single glance and I was no exception.

“Let me see, should I?” he tapped his chin as though in deep thought before stooping down to stare into my eyes.

“A no would do boy,” he smirked yet again before moving a few paces away from me.

“Now about you, where were we?” that’s when I realized I wasn’t the only one in the room.

There was a girl crouched by the corner, her clothes torn as she whimpered in silence. I watched the warden unbuckle his belt as he advanced towards her.

“Please don’t,” she kept on crying as he grabbed her arm, pulled her to where I was, and made her kneel in front of me.

“What are you going to do to her?” I asked in fear.

“What men like you and me do best. So don’t be such a pimp and watch,” he laughed before ripping away her clothes.

“Please stop. You need to stop,’ I shouted at him but he didn’t listen.

The cold water drenched on my face pulled me out of my nightmare as I sat. It took a moment to realize I was still lying on the couch and Nicole was hovering over me with a slight smirk. What was she doing here and how did she even get in?

“What the hell is wrong with you? Were you trying to kill me? Didn’t you learn biology in high school? ” I ranted pulling my feet off the couch onto the floor.

“Well, I’m sorry that I was never a fan of sciences,” she stated nonchalantly.

“What are you even doing in my house?” I questioned following her into the kitchen.

“I made you breakfast. You are welcome,” she chirped as a small smile lit her lips.

She made me breakfast? That would have been so nice if we were married. Well, we still were but that was beside the point. Shaking my thoughts clear, I grabbed her arm but I should have foreseen that as a grave mistake when I jerked her too close to my body. For a moment I read shock in her eyes but soon enough a mischievous smile took over.

“Someone is feeling a little heated up I see, or maybe I’m just too hot for you to resist me,” she giggled placing a hand on my chest.

I hated just how her touch made me breathless and right now I didn’t need her teasing. I could feel her hand sliding lower and that’s when I grabbed it, pushing her towards the kitchen counter.

“Nicole whatever game you are trying to play with me, it needs to stop now,” I demanded, pulling on my most blank expression.

“Really? I didn’t realize I was playing games with you. You know all along I thought it was the other way round. I mean you are seeing another woman while we are still married,” unable to bear being in the same breathing range with her without wanting to kiss her, I decided to exit the kitchen.

“Does Anna know about the nightmares? “She asked silently making me stop in my tracks.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I replied without looking at her, choosing instead to sit on the couch.

My phone rang and to my utter surprise, it was William. I slid my finger across the screen to pick up the call.

“Good news Dominic. You won me over and as much as I want to give you my precious hotels, you need to do something for me in exchange. Divorce Nicole,” William stated point-blank the moment I answered.

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