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46. Last chapter


Yawning I opened my eyes before stretching happily. After three years yesterday had been my best night and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I turned to look at the crib but to my utter shock, Travis was nowhere to be seen and neither was Dominic. I pulled on my clothes from last night before storming to Dominic’s room with my heart thumping wildly. I couldn’t lose Travis when he was everything I had and I couldn’t lose Dominic because then I wouldn’t never forgive myself for being responsible for the death of my son’s father.

“Trust me Travis, your mother is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on and deep down I know that no other woman even Anna can ever conquer my heart as much as your mother does,” I slowed down on seeing Dominic seated with Travis.

“I picked him up. You looked like you really needed that sleep so much,” he grinned as he rocked Travis in his arms.

“Da-da,” suddenly Travis muttered.

“He has been calling me that all morning,” Dominic kept on grinning and what awed me was the fact that it was a genuine grin.

“Wait, what do you mean since morning? What time is it?” I asked.

“Its three in the evening, and you don’t have to worry. Travis is well-fed, cleaned and he even took an afternoon nap with me,”

“How did you learn all that?”

“Well, he calls me dad so I gotta be one, right?” he grinned contagiously.

“Wait, so you now accept that Travis really is your son?”

“Look Nicole stop bringing that up when we both know I’m not the father of Travis,” he grinded his jaw, a painful look in his eyes.

“Yeah, you are right. Yesterday was amazing Dominic and let’s just hope I don’t end up pregnant with your baby again. Because then I wouldn’t know how to explain to two kids that their own biological father rejected them because he thought his wife was cheating on him with his brother,” I picked my son, fighting the tears threatening to form a waterfall.

“Let’s do a DNA test then,” he stated.

“Look I’m sorry Dominic that you don’t trust me but I’m not going to subject my son to a DNA test. He looks like you not Reed but if my word isn’t enough then live your life and I will take care of our son alone,” I replied.

“Why Nicole? Because it would just confirm that you were indeed cheating on me?” He stood up facing me with his hands in his pockets.

“No because Travis is sick and the thought of hospitals and needles just reminds me my son may die soon,” I blurted out as tears began flowing down my cheeks.

“Wait, What? I-I’m so sorry Nicole, I didn’t know that,” he stuttered.

“You want to know why I came on this trip? It’s because of you Dominic. I wanted you to spend some time with him so that I would never regret never giving you a chance to be with him. Two weeks ago he was sick and the doctors diagnosed him with ALL. They said he had about a month and a half the longest possible time if they don’t manage to cure him. Look Dominic, I know I gave you all the reason to doubt me but denying Travis has been worst blow of my life. I lost one kid before because the father didn’t want him and now I’m going to lose another son with the father rejecting him. You want to know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel like I failed as a mother and maybe I did,” I stopped to take a breather, a few angry tears rolling down my cheek.

“The night I said we would divorce, I came downstairs and when I tried to pick you up, you kept screaming to leave your baby alone when I hadn’t even have sex with you and then a few weeks later you came home saying you were pregnant,”

“Is that why you thought I had cheated on you? Because I had a fucking dream? You should have asked me first Dominic and not draw your own conclusions. You know all the time we were married, the nightmares had somehow stopped until that night when I got drunk. You know what, why am I even explaining this to you? You are such a moron Dominic. I cannot believe I was even falling in love with you,” I snapped in rage.

“Wait, you were falling in love with me?” A look of disbelief was in his eyes.

“Yeah, but clearly you have no conscious at all,” I whirled around about walk out when his next statement drifted into my ears.

“Why was the president after you Nicole?” he poised and I froze on my tracks.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I replied hurriedly.

“I have disabled all the cameras and audio devices he had placed in your room. I debugged both my room and yours. So now tell me Nicole, why the president whose daughter I’m dating would come after me through you?” he asked.

“Because he is in sexually obsessed with her,” I replied, knowing there was no way out of this and he could easily tell when I was lying.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” he stated.

Travis had fallen asleep and after placing him on his crib, I went back to talk to Dominic.

“After you ashamed in front of my entire family, I moved out. I went to stay in an apartment just a few miles in the outskirts of LA. But I couldn’t afford the expenses so I moved back with my parents. Two months after Travis was born, the president approached me with an offer and at that time Travis was really sick with pneumonia and the doctors kept saying he was going to die if he didn’t receive immediate treatment, so I agreed. All I had to do was take control of his club business and make sure I turned it into something prosperous. He said he had made sure that you couldn’t track me down. There came a time when we needed info from the inside so he blackmailed Andre with a video of him and Anna making out. He had no way out and he didn’t want you to be mad at him. That’s when the president said that I had to stop you from marrying Anna or my son, you and I were going to die. I couldn’t lose you and he knew that. I wasn’t seeking revenge Dominic, I wanted to keep you and my son alive. Though, I kind of enjoying ruining your reputation because of what you did to me. I didn’t realize it was out of a sick obsession for his adopted daughter until one night when I went to see him about some business and I found him jerking off to Anna’s name in his office,”

“God! You saw him doing that? Because I don’t think I would be able to get that disgusting picture out of my head,” Dominic made a disgusted expression.

“It took me weeks,”

“Don’t worry Nicole. I already took take of it,” he smirked switching on the television.

The hit news that were coloring the screen were that the president had voluntarily stepped down. Turning to Dominic, I just stared at him in question.

“Earlier today morning Anna came to Kenya and she found us naked and asleep. She broke up with me not because she found me with my wife but because she did not want any commitment to anyone. She knew I was still in love with you but she was not even in the least angry about it. As a matter of fact, she threatened me saying if I broke your heart ever again, she’d kill me with her bare hands. But she also showed me some dirty messages and nudes the president had been sending her and even though she tried to solve this on her own, the president became too aggressive. Out of fear that the president would something to her of her sister, she flew top Kenya to find me. I approached him and told him if he didn’t step down the presidency and leave Anna alone, I was going to release the pictures to the press. After who can compete with me when I have more connections on the higher ground than he ever will? So now all of you are safe and Nicole I don’t know what is going to happen now but I just want you to know that I would anything for you and my son. I can’t believe I was such a jerk because of my insecurities. You might never forgive me but if you could give me a chance to treat our son, I’ll be grateful. What is ALL by the way?” so he was now accepting Travis as his own son?”

“Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and Dominic, thank you,” I hugged him tears of relief mixed with happiness flowing through my cheeks.

“All my life, the only thing I’ve known is to claim and own things just so I could actually feel like they are mine. I claimed you as though you were some sort of property, forced you into a marriage and never stopped to think about what your thoughts or feelings in this were. You were right to call me a monster and for all the pain I’ve put you through, I wish I could take it all back. You’ve shown me that I do not need to own something for me to feel like I have it in my life. I love you so much and I really wish I could have you in my life but only with your consent. So should we start over again or is it too late?” he questioned with hope in his eyes.

“It’s never too late Dominic,” I grinned through my tears.

“Hi, I’m Dominic,”

“I’m Nicole. It’s a pleasure to make my acquaintance,” I smiled shaking his hand.

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