I lazily leaned over the cushioned armrest of the chair as I waited for Cleopatra to join me for dinner. So far, I was successful in convincing her to talk to me. I was somewhat surprised that she listened to me and that she wanted to have the talk with me. I was expecting her to execute me right away or something similar but she didn’t. It’s not that I am complaining but at the same time, it makes me suspicious of her motives.
She has always been very competitive and ready to do everything to secure her throne. She had and always will view me as a competitor even though I was never intended to have any claim on the throne because my mother wasn’t a royal.
I was a mere product of one of Auletes’ major affairs with the infamous Mesopotamian enchantress Psaltisi Erasmia. She left me soon after summoning me from the void and trapping me in this flesh prison. I’ve never seen Psaltisi but I have heard a great deal about her, most of the things were bad.
I remember when I was little, I asked Tryphaena, my stepmother about Psaltisi. She bought me up for the most part of my childhood, although, I was mostly stuck with an old woman named Glia. Tryphaena had then told me to look into the mirror and I’d see Psaltisi. She had said that with a frown on her face before she cursed the enchantress and wished I was never born.
Many people said that I looked like Psaltisi. Many times, I was even mistaken as Psaltisi herself. Form the experiences, it turns out Psaltisi had a bad reputation just like me. It seems that not only did I inherit her looks but also her reputation. She was last seen leaving Alexandria just after my birth. After that, no one had ever seen her again. Sometimes, I wonder how she’d have reacted if she ever saw me.
“Psaltisi,” A voice snapped me out of my trace. I looked up to find Cleopatra. She had arranged for a private dinner tonight with only us two. I smiled weakly at her. She called me Psaltisi instead of Arsinoe. Psaltisi was my mother’s name while Arsinoe was one of my aunts’ name. It was given to me to distinguish me as a royal, although, I was never considered one generally. Arsinoe was a formal name for me which was used to address me in public, just like she was called Cleopatra. In return, I called her, “Thea, thanks for having me here,”
She smiled at me widely before taking her seat at the cushioned chair just across me at the table. Her Psechet was gone from her head and so were most of the jewelry from her body. She looked more laid back and comfortable right now, though her makeup was still there.
“My pleasure,” She purred as she took a golden tumbler and drank its content, which I mostly believe was water. “So, how was your stay in Rome?” She asked casually after a servant had laid out the starters and poured our drinks.
For Cleopatra, the servant had carried a big clam shell filled with several pearls and set it in front of her. It was followed by a beautiful silver jug which I knew right away contained the special drink into which she dissolved the pearls and drank them. She really liked pearls, so much so, that she even put them in her drinks. Although these pearls were processed and edible, unlike the ones used in her jewelry, dresses, footwear and even belongings.
“It was nice, I learned a lot from the people,” I told her before I looked at the food laid out in front of me. There were several kinds of meat and several mouthwatering dishes. It then reminded me how I was living off mostly on fruits back at the exile because as a priestess because we were not allowed to consume meat. Thea laughed at my answer before she commented, “I hope the people learned a lot about you too,”
I knew she was mocking me but I smiled at her lightly instead before I started eating. The food was great. For starters, it was a vegetable stuffed with Indian spices. It was presented with a creamy soup that had little chewy pieces in it, which I presumed was deer meet.
“What else?” She pressed further as she took one of the pearls. She gave me a pointed look with one of her eyebrows cocked. I sat up straight and looked at her blankly. There was suddenly tension in the air. We were dining at a small patio in her wing. It was open at one side, allowing the cool night air to stroll in and play with the translucent white curtains that stood in between the patio and the way to her wing.
I didn’t miss the shadows in the curtains. I knew right away who they were. She had taken some measures to dispose of me if I played my cards wrong. I tried to lighten the situation with a light smile before I answered, “I missed you,”
Her lips curled in a mocking smirk before she repeated my words, “Missed you too, sister,” It was then when I chose to divert the topic form me to her and Alexandria.
“So, what happened after I was gone?” I asked gently as I continued eating. Thea smiled before she took a sip of her drink and touched the food on her plate for the first time.
“Ah, wonderful things happened. I reclaimed my throne, stabilized the power and ruled better than any Pharaoh in this mortal realm,” She answered proudly. I didn’t miss the glint in her eyes that regarded me the same way she did to someone whom she did not like.
“That’s wonderful,” I commented before I further contributed to the conversation, “What happened to…” I hesitated, remembering the events from this morning, “Chefren?” I sighed after drawing out his name. Thea lowly chuckled at me before she informed, “Oh, he got married and had a kid. You should meet his family. They are well regarded. His wife has a very good reputation in the town as a scholar. I think they are one of the most successful couples in Alexandria,”
I gulped at her words before forcing a smile. I was soon aware of what was going on. She was laying out her cards and showing off her aces while the only cards that I was left with were of the Jocker. I had always lost to her and everyone and I knew that this time would not be any different.
What was I left with? Nothing. Whom did I have? No one. What was I going to do in the future? No plans. What could I do now? Nothing, because my hands were literally tied. All I had was my life, which was all I could risk in this game, knowing that I was going to lose both: my life and the chance to win.
“And Osaze is doing well too,” Thea added with a huge grin which knocked off of the little smile that I was trying so hard to maintain on my lips. I looked at her grinning at me, as if mocking me, telling me, reminding me, how things were going as they ought to be. How I was doomed to this reality. My destiny was as bare and unforgiving as the desert that I had crossed in the morning to reach here.
“Look at your filthy self,” Tryphaena snarled at me, “You think of yourself to be among us? Well, let me tell you how wrong you are. So very wrong…” She trailed off as her fingers slowly wrapped around my neck with a promise of squeezing it if I made a sound.
“You should have died in that bitch’s womb but anyway, since you are here, I shall show you your place…” she muttered. I was a kid but I knew what she was talking about. A shiver sent down my spine when she pulled out a hot nail from the hearth. It was bent into a sign of the serpent biting its own tail. Inside the circle was the ancient emblem of the Ptolemies.
I cried out when she clutched my flaming red hair and almost yanked my head towards her before touching my head to her feet. This was to remind me that I was nothing but the mere dirt under her foot. My neck was exposed to her. I tried to struggle and get out of her hold but her hold tightened. It felt like she was going to rip off my hair from the scalp. The next thing I knew, she pressed that hot nail against my neck and my skin burned. I screamed in pain but I had forgotten that I was denied help the same way the desert denied comfort to the man stuck in it.
“What happened, Psaltisi?” Thea snapped me out of my daze before I straightened up. I felt the mark burn on my neck. It was still there as a sign that I was theirs. They could do anything with me and I would not have a say in this. I was worse than a slave. As soon as I was born, it was not only my body that was instantly sold to them. They had my soul too.
Thea had that knowing smile on her face now. It clearly depicted that she knew very well what I was thinking. “Nothing, just a little itch,” I told her as I raised my hand to scratch the mark on the back of my neck. She chuckled lowly before commenting, “I hope it doesn’t burn as it used to before,”
“It doesn’t,” I told her instantly.
“Such a shame,” She purred before taking another sip of her special drink. Her eyes constantly stared me down.
“Thanks for tonight,” I told her to divert the topic. At this, she smiled widely.
“Well, the night hasn’t even begun yet,” Her words sent a shiver down my spine. I was somewhat aware of what was going to come next.