Chapter 4.● My first ●
My first client..... wait what!!!
Holy shit.
Why all this is happening so fast. I feel that god has pressed the fast forward button of my life.
2 days ago I was a normal person with no job but still chilling and just look at me now , I'm no longer normal.
I just signed the contract yesterday night and now I have my first client. It seems like people in the stripping world were waiting for me.
I'm so bloody nervous and my heart is pounding to another level .
Just a thought about my first client, it makes me dizzy. Who would be my first client ? Would she be a married women or a bride to be ? How I'm gonna strip infront of her ? Would she be impressed or disappoimted to waste her money on me due to my lack of skills ?
No matter what the job I has been doing in my previous life , I had always tried to be the best and always tried to give my hundered percent to that job.
Then why not this time also.
I decide to improve my stripping skills , so that they would realise that I m worth of all their money .
But how I'm gonna do that ???
Internet !!!
The internet have all the answers. I searched some videos of strippers and watched them with all my attention. I tried to focus on their expressions, their actions,the grace by which they move their body .
I watched as many as I could watch.
I still have 2 hours left for the decided time. So I decide to groom myself for my very first encounter.
I searched my wardrobe within some minutes it was clear that I don't have anything formal or classy to wear so I decided to wear my old white linen plain shirt and my black pants. Thankfully I had my only black formal shoes. I rollled up my sleeves and left my two upper buttons open. Easy way to look sexy without any hardwork .But how does it matter, they would eventually strip off from my body.
I looked myself in the mirror Funny but I looked like some corporate worker going for a presentation.
But I can't help it coz I don't know how to dress like a stripper.
I just run fingers through my hairs so that they look fizzy the way I like them. I put cologne and I was all ready.
Just after a second there was a knock on my door. He must be the driver.
I opened the door and there was a man standing who was nearly the age of my father.His hairs were all grey and he was also wearimg a grey suit with black tie. The contrast of his hairs with his suit was going well. He didn't looked liked a driver, I mean he looked like who owned a car not drive for someone else.
''Sir, this is James at your service.This car is send to drive you to Bane's tower.
If you are ready then we should get going.''he hold the car's door open.
I lovked my door and steped into the car.
It was quite luxurious car, black in colour.I was seated in back seat, the AC was on but still I could feel my face buring due to nervousness.
I decide to level down the tension in the car.
I spoke ''James do you have kids.''
He was quite for sometime but then he replied''I had a son .''
''Had?'' I was confused.
''I lost him and my wife in a car accident .'' He exhaled.
I felt like a fool, instead of fading the tension I asked something which enhanced it.
''I'm so sorry.''. I really was.
Before I could ask him about my first client, that who was she or what was her name .
James phone ranged.
He got busy on his phone and I started looking at the citylights.
After other twenty minutes, we were infront of a large glass building , the name Bane's was written on that building .
James held the car's door open. I stepped out and looked up as soon as I realised that it was really a huge building . James lead the way and I followed him.
We were at the elevator and James clicked on penthouse button.It was a fourteen floored building and we were going to the top.Did I told anyone that I'm fucking scared of elevators. I tightly closed my eyes and start to breath deeply just to calm myself.
Thankfully this trip was not too long and within some minutes we were there .
''Sir, please go ahead.'' James made his good bye statement.
I stepped out tge elevator and to a small distance there was a door. I looked around there was no other door so that means I reached the place .
I quickly moved my fingers to my hairs, make sure that my clothing was alright and checked my breath .
Then I collected all my courage and pressed the doorbell.
A blonde lady with sleek legs,wearing high heels and a pencil skirt opened the door. She had that sharp smile on her face and asked me to come in.
''You want something to drink.''she asked with that smirk on her face.
''Maybe some hard alcohol, I guess I'm gonna need it tonight.''I tried to flirt.
''Here sir.''she passed me the glass.
''Sir?. Please don't call me sir, I may be new in this but but calling me sir will make this more awkward.If we want to make this happen, we have to comfortable with each other. Let's start with the introduction. I'm Max you stripper tonight.''I said it with a wink.
She looked suprised and confused at the same time.
''Sir, there must be some misunderstanding , I'm Anna the secretary. I was about to leave.Your client is other there in the pool.''she stood up ''I wish you a good night'' and within a instant she was gone.
I was all red again with a feeling of shame. But the alcohol was so hard that it diluted the feeling of shame and brings a new wave of confidence.
I head myself to the pool and looked around to find my client.
And suddenly there was a splash. Something came out of the pool.
A man with dark black hairs from which the water was dropping onto the floor, the water droplets appears like shining diamonds on his torso, his eight pack abs looked like his trophies of his workout in the gym, his muscles had perfect cuts and curves. His wet dark blue shorts was perfectly tight around his ass which made his ass look more bubbly. He looked like some kind of sex god. A person for whom any girl will willingly throw herself to him.
But if this hot piece of shit is already here, what m I doing here?.
I decide to ask only person visible here..... that was him.
''......Excuse me, I was looking for owner of this penthouse, the person who called both ypu and me here. By the way are you too a stripper?Welll you do look like one like your body n all. Its been a while I'm trying to find her.Can you tell me where is she and why the hell she called two strippers.''
While I was babbling, he didn't even looked at me. He was drying himself with a towel and his face was on the other side.
After a long moment of silence, he faced me with the rudest expression on his face, he open his mouth to speak.
''Your client, the one who paid for you and the owner of this building ...
Its me, Elliot Bane.''
''HOLY SHIT, A Man!!!!''