Chapter One
Let's start with my name, I am Sven Gale. That little piece of shit over there is called Castus Rodriguez. You know, the one with the tan skin, curly hair, big muscles, big ego, tiny heart.
You know I'm fine with being bullied by idiots, seriously, that's all just dandy with me. However its when those little pussy cats start learning new tricks that they really start to scratch.
If fact I enjoyed hearing those idiotic insults they threw at me in the hallway. Or watching them attempt to shove me into the lockers only to trip over they're own feat and fall face first into their coffee. It was amusing to say the least. But that was primary school. If anyone told you high school isn't as bad as they make it out to be, its a lie. No really, I'm not just saying this to scare you, but you should be.
High school is when the idiots search for new and more humiliating ways to embarrass you. Which is fine unless they do something like this.
Something like taking your school jumper and trashing it in the organic waste.
Yeah that doesn't sound bad. But I'm a werewolf, the smell is just awful. In fact have you seen the mechanical shizzums hunters use to hunt us down these days? I mean they look cool but dude you really could just stuff some wasabi up my nose and I'd be in eternal pain for months.
Castus laughed, an annoyingly sexy laugh, as bro fisted his friends in the doorway to the lunch hall kitchen. I continued to pull my now gravy, mashed something, and powder covered jumper out of the thing.
If Castus wasn't the alpha I would so kick his ass, in fact, I would kick it so hard he wouldn't have to worry about being saw for when he gets fucked by a mate I hope turns out to be some big brawny oversized dude with a bunch of chest hair and a nose the size of the full moon.
I chuckled at that.
I would ship that.
I saw Castus watching me with an eyebrow raised. Obviously confused at my timely chuckle. Oh no, every time I looked at him I saw him and the janitor getting it on.
Even with my hand clasped over my mouth I couldn't hold back my laughter.
He glared at me, obviously wanting in on the little inside joke I had on him.
What are you laughing at you faggot ass bitch.
He asked me angrily through the packs telepathy wire.
I ignored him as usual, I don't respond to faggot ass bitch. It's not my name. They call me Stacy, they call me something, that's not my name! That's not my name!
I hummed as I made my way past the boys and off to the gents. That song is going to be stuck in my head for a long ass time.
I scowled at the rancid smell coming from the toilets, I couldn't tell if it was my heightened senses over reacting or the boys in this school truly do like to hook up with skunks in their spare time. In fact, I can tell, I'm pretty much convinced that's what happened.
My arms held the jumper a meter in front of me as I walked in, a thumb and index finger quite literally pinching the corners of the jumper as loosely as gravity would allow. I ignored the tall guy taking a leak in the urinal to the far left and dumped the jumper under the tap.
"Die you faggot." The boy spat at me before he turned to leave.
Where did they come up with these descriptions? It just always sounds so randomized. Is it code for something?
He turned staring at me briefly before turning away again.
"Oh did you want me to respond?" I sighed.
"I don't give a shit you gay ass cunt."
"No see you where on the right track with 'gay' and 'ass' and then you balled when you went for cunt. I don't do that." I smirked at my own little invisible pun. "Get it? Don't do it. Ha." I turned around again only just noticing he had left. Well well, the boys in this school really where moody.
After squeezing a reasonable amount of weird mush from my shirt the bell rang. I winced, I hated that sound. I tried to get the gravy stains out but they just wouldn't go, it was light blue. My pack was going to be mad at me, the school clothes and everything are bought on they're budget and I'd already had to buy new shoes after someone thought it would be funny to stick pin up through the layering. I mean if you think about how long it took to set up these daft pranks it really wasn't worth my reactions.
See one time they took my clothes while I was showering after P.E which really didn't bother me as much as it did everyone else because back at the pack house you get used to seeing everyone and being naked and I just walked over, calm as day, to the lost clothes cabinet and borrowed those till I could retrieve my own.
Then another time someone thought it would be funny to throw a dart at me. Like a real dart, from one of those pub aim games. Course it kind of hurt but it healed as soon as I took it out and Castus got in trouble for letting his mates do something that might endanger the privacy of the werewolf population.
Ahh Castus, in trouble, happy times.
I threw the jumper in the bin and left the toilet. I took a left down the corridor and left the building to the separate block that was dedicated to P.E and rummaged through the lost belongings. I even dared to reach down to the bottom where all the discarded muddy trainers and odd crumbs swam.
I did find a jumper, one about six sizes too small. I sighed and stuffed it in my back.
"SVEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF CLASS!" Mr Kovanich yelled from behind me.
I jumped, literally just flew a couple feat into the air at that.
"I-I lost my jumper, n-needed to get a new one."
"You do that in your spare time, class time is for class. Go!"
I nodded and left hoping he wasn't- ah damn he was following me. I really was just hoping to bunk this lesson there was only about 1o minutes left anyway and, ugh, it was math with Castus.
"Faster!" I heard Kovanich yell from behind. I quickened my pace. I hate him, really, hate him.
We got outside the door he stopped me from going in and instead went in himself. I heard him whispering to the other teacher about me. Asking stupid shit like whether I had done this before and if he needed to call home and how I was doing in class.
Jesus teachers make a big thing out of everything.
The annoying part was that if I could hear them so could Castus. I stepped inside wearily. Sure enough Castus was swinging on his chair with a giant smirk on his face. As where his friends Callum, Jake, Nathan and the betas Fasir and Patrick.
I watched as Callum scribbled something on my desk before I made my way to my desk earning some high fives from his friends.
Sighing I dumped my bag to the opposite side of my desk, to keep it away from them and checked my seat quickly before sitting. Yeah, they've had they're fun with my seat too. Like they'll put things like whipped cream there or if it's short notice, pins.
I didn't bother checking what it said and pulled out my maths exercise book, placing it conveniently above the scribble. Still, I was really curious. That's stupid right? I was curious to see something I knew would just offend me.
They looked pissed I didn't respond and I felt someone throw a note at me. I sighed, picking the fallen note off the floor and reading it.
Dye bytch.
Die* bitch* I corrected, before throwing it back in reasonably the same direction it had come from.
I noticed them turn to pay some unfortunate other some attention as I quickly checked what the scribble read.
You should just die.
Oh wow that wasn't even jokey that was just outright serious. Weirdly only these kind of insults really got to me. Whatever I could go cry in the toilets later. Yeah that's right, 16 year old Sven still cries at a stupid little insult. So what? I never had any dignity to spare anyway.
See that was the thing about me, I had always been bullied, I don't remember a day I haven't. I've been brought up in a pack that hated me for being the weak little shit that I was in a high school that hated me for being the sarcastic smart ass I was. Oh yeah. I'm in the class above above the one I'm supposed to be in.
Yeah yeah close your mouth I know its weird. I was moved up a year when I just started high school and since it was a last minute thing and the class was moving up and my pack put in word that some of my 'friends' where in that class. Meaning they wanted the other pack kids to teach me how to be tough even during school. I hate them.
My grades are average now. I guess you could still call me smart but to be honest its only because I have too much time on my hands. Like, I have no friends and I sure as hell don't get along with the adults in the pack. In my spare time I would just sit at home and study, it was easy, more of a hobby then a chore.
I almost laughed in joy when the bell finally rang and jumped for the door before someone contacted me through the pack telepathy line.
Sven don't forget its his birthday tomorrow, you need to get back in time to help the girls with the cooking.
I sighed, yep our pack treated me like a girl. Which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't one of those sexist bitchy packs that made all the girls stay at home and do the stupid shit like cook and clean.
I secretly hoped I could somehow repay Castus's work with my jumper with some tampering to his birthday, I smiled, that sounded good. I skipped away.