It wasn't every day where I would have to do interviews, sad to say that it was more like once a couple of months here and I wasn't excited about it either.
There was always women that came in for an interview hoping that their good looks or sluttish ways would get me to hire them. They only wanted two things from me and the first was money. You could almost guess what the second thing was.
I was never interested in those types of women, only for one night stands which I rarely had.
There were many rumors saying that I was an asshole to my employees or that I had slept with more than a hand full of women at my company. Half or none of the rumors were true.
I was sitting at my desk in my office when my assistant walked in and informed me that I was to hold interviews today. She gave me the resumes and I began to glance through them.
Again, not a single one peeked my interest. I started to give up on the applicants when I noticed one that was very intriguing to me. Her resume' had past experience of an accountant, and that was the position I had sent out for. That was a first!
It was finally time for these useless interviews to start. Every woman that came into my office was either not smart enough or just a slut.
I was bored of all this. I was flipping through the papers and giving everyone a hard stare and a hard 'No thank you.'
Until it was her turn. Her name was Aria Hayden and from her picture she looked extremely beautiful.
I was hoping that she looked as beautiful in person as in her photo and brought more than just looks to the table. Otherwise, this was really going to be a very shitty day and an extreme waste of my time.
As my assistant called for Aria to begin her interview next, I overheard them speaking. I couldn't grasp what they were really saying because my phone rung.
I was on a call when she walked in because I had to explain to some prick why his slut of a daughter wasn't going to get hired at my firm, better yet, why she wasn't going to sleep with me and join her filthy hands in my finances to make her dirt bag of a father rich.
She stood at the door and didn't interrupt my call, which I noticed and I liked. I ended the call as quickly as I could and took a quick glance at her. She was just as beautiful as I thought she would be.
Aria had long legs and a slim figure. She had all the right curves in the right places and her lips were lush and pink. When I caught her biting on her bottom lip nervously, that turned me on like never before.
I suggested she took a seat in the chair in front of my desk. As she sat down, she crossed her legs and I felt myself getting hard.
Her legs were amazing and looked extremely soft that I just wanted to touch and kiss all over them.
"Miss Aria Hayden. Nice to meet you," I said while not looking at her. I felt that if I did I would not be able to force the image of her out of mind.
There wasn't any woman in this world that didn't fond over me. She seemed as though she wasn't one of those women that would only want me for one thing. Aria was beautiful, but I feared that she would not understand my background. There wasn't one single woman, that I was interested in, that I didn't have or couldn't get...And I wanted Aria.
"Yes, nice to meet you too Mr. Williams."
My name rolled off her tongue and I wondered how she would say my name when I made love to her. Why the hell was I thinking of her like this?
Why? Cause she's fucking hot man!-Shut up. It's not the time, nor the place.
"So tell me a little about yourself Miss Hayden." I flipped through her resume papers acting like I was really paying attention to them. Instead I was more interested in her than those damn papers.
Once she told me everything I wanted to know about herself, there was nothing she said that didn't fascinate me. She was going to be a perfect part for my company, and I was going to benefit from her either way. Whether it was for the company or myself.
How badly I wanted her and how she stole glances at me, told me that she was at least a little bit interested, and I had ways of making sure that she would be.
Long story short, she had experience in accounting and she graduated with honors. She studied seven years in her major immediately out of high school, which was also a first.
I asked her one important question, and to my surprise, she answered it exactly how I expected her to. I liked a couple of things about her and the fact that she wasn't afraid of me and she didn't come naked to her interview.
She got straight to the point and answered my questions accordingly, and didn't beat around the bush. Aria was going to be the right candidate for the position and she was going to be right under me, when I wanted her to.
After a short while of her interview and her getting an understanding of myself and how I ran my company, I hired her. The way she handled herself and the way she spoke, she was meant for way more than to be an accounting.
I hired her to be my personal assistant and even though that wasn't the position that she applied for, I saw fit to have as close to me as she could possibly be.
Her office would be right across the hall from me, and knowing how respective and obedient she was being towards me, let me know that she would always come to me when i called.
Having her under me gave me a sense of authority, control, power and I would enjoy her writhing under me whenever I touched her. So many things wondered around in my mind about her, seemingly because she has been the first woman to be able for me to pull all my attention towards.
Don't get me wrong, I always enjoyed women's company, but I never slept with more than I could count and once I got out of my teenager stage I never slept with women that didn't interest me.
Aria was beyond smart, beyond respectful, and very fucking hot and to say that I wanted her, was an understatement.
Once everything was taking care of my second hand man, it was time for her to leave. When Aria and I stood and shook hands and it sent a spark through my body and it seemed like she could feel it too.
She turned, bowed and walked away as I led her out of my office. I didn't want her to go, all I wanted to do was to pin her against the wall and fuck her brains out.
Of course I couldn't, because I was to be her new boss in a few weeks. I couldn't allow her to know how I felt about her because I never pinned after a woman. Even if I did like her, there was no way that I would let her know that.
I am extremely wealthy and I had knowledge about investing and street sense, in order to own my own business of course. My father taught me many things in order to succeed in this shitty world and how to make things my own.
He once told me that women were nothing but useless and they were only born on this earth for only one thing, and that was to concieve and work in kitchens.
My father was very old school, but I don't even know if that was the word for him. He was many things, such as an asshole, but he one thing he did accomplish at least was to teach me how to keep myself and this company affloat. He was also abusive to me and my brother, but I never once gave him a reason to lay his hands on me. Anyways, that story is for a totally different time.
Aria would be mind at the end of it all and last but not least I would bend and break her as I saw fit. I wanted her, in my life, in my company, in my world and writhing, shaking, screaming under me and I always got what I wanted.........