The Professor

The Professor

Ericka Necker

65.5k Words / Ongoing


I'm supposed to be attending art school, focusing on studies, making friends, having fun. Instead, I can't keep my mind off of my hot professor. And he can't keep me off his either.
"I love this book so much" - annika1_
"[This] book is my favorite one right now" - Granola_Jossie
"This book is sooooooo lovely...It's so interesting" - nathabraham

About Author


  • Samantha Joanne

    when will the next update be up? I’m so invested in this story pleaseeeeeee

    10/21/2020 05:30
  • Brianne Hofer

    apparently this is it for this book. and there is a second book called sophomore year but I can only find it on Wattpad and only after the author informs us in this book over there.

    07/16/2020 22:19
  • Ivonne Carmona

    waiting for the next update???

    07/11/2020 03:08
  • Yanik 82

    when is the next update?

    06/24/2020 00:34
  • Delia Florez

    when will the next chapter be updated? I love this book so much

    05/28/2020 17:12