Read with BonusRead with Bonus


“Come on,” Lo complained as she was dragged out by her suspiciously hyper friend Pam, “We left high school years ago. Why do we have to play truth or dare?”

Of course she knew her complaints were half-hearted, which was probably why Pam was still dragging her fat ass to the other side of the room where her conquest lay. She peeked at him again and tried to hide her smile; she would definitely conquer him, she promised herself, before the night was over.

She rolled her eyes at Pam and got off her generous behind by herself. Her stick figure of a friend got a gleam in her eye and started watching Lo make her way over to the sexy dude intently. She had made the dare, so obviously, this was all for her amusement.

Lo made her way over to the dark, handsome stranger and prayed he didn’t have bad breath. He oozed sex from every pore and she had found it hard to keep her eyes off him since they arrived. She kept eye contact with him and she could feel him sizing her up. She could sense his eyes roaming all her curves, caressing her jean-clad hips, bouncing off her waist and circulating her breasts. She put a small sashay in her steps, just to give him a little show.

When she finally stood in front of him, she looked down and smiled.

“Hey,” was all she said. But her eyes. She made sure her eyes communicated everything. She used her eyes to let him know she wanted him to fuck her five ways to Tuesday. She used her eyes to tell him she wanted to be backed up against a wall with his hand at her throat and his cock deep inside her. He was pure sex on a pair of fine, muscular legs and she wasn’t about to give up what could be the best fuck of her life.

Ty dragged her hand and yanked her into his lap, pressing his lips against hers almost instantly. He could hear the other partiers hooting and hollering at but he was way too occupied at the moment. He suckled on her lips with a promise of what he could do to her breasts. Then he used his tongue to pry her lips open and without a thought, Lo opened for him and their tongues danced.

Ty hadn’t noticed the girl and her friends when they had come in. He was too drunk to notice anything, but he had felt like someone was constantly looking at him. Every time he looked up, he would catch her staring then she would give him a small smile and look away. She wasn’t exceptionally beautiful, unlike most women he had been with. It was her eyes. She had beautiful eyes, the colour of honey and cat-like. They were too big for her face but they suited her anyway.

And damn, they were expressive. When she laughed at something someone said, her eyes seemed to laugh with her. He had a feeling her eyes were practically windows to her soul and they had been fucking him all night.

He was much too happy to oblige.

By now, she had her hand behind his head and was moaning slightly. He couldn’t really hear her moans (although he wished he could) over the loud music but he could feel the vibrations coming from her throat. It took everything in him not moan too because dammit, the girl was a good kisser. Her kissing reminded him of the push and pull of ocean waves. She was pretty much his moon goddess at that point.

Way too soon, she was dragged away from him and out of his lap. He felt himself reaching for her when he saw his friend, Jay, looking down at him with a drunken scowl on his face.

“What the fuck, man?” he drawled, “we plan on finishing this game sometime tonight yunno.”

With that, he went to drop back down at his spot. It was only then that Ty noticed that the other gamers were complaining about how they should stop tongue-fucking each other in front of everybody and get a room. He smirked and looked up at Lo with her slightly swollen lips. He wanted to kiss them till they looked bee-stung.

Lo winked at him and went back to her position to wait out the rest of the game. It was only a matter of time before she had to excuse herself and find her way to the bathroom. It was a house party so naturally, the bathroom downstairs was occupied (she didn’t even bother knocking when she heard a couple having not-so-quite sex). She had to climb upstairs and use the one there.

She locked the door behind her and leaned against the sink, trying to gather herself. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol, the sexy man or just her own deranged thoughts, but that was the most amazing kiss she had ever shared with someone. Or maybe she was just horny. But it hadn’t been so long since she last had sex. Sighing, she dropped her trousers and panties then ripped her pantyliner off. It was soaked and useless anyway. Just a kiss and the guy downstairs had managed to reduce her pussy to weeping, slobbering mess. She found some baby wipes and used them to wipe her pussy clean before drying her off with tissue. She washed her face, thanking heavens she had decided not to wear make-up and feeling much better, went back downstairs.

To her utter dismay, Sex On Legs was gone. It took all she had to stop her from wailing out. Instead, she comported herself and went to sit down beside Pam. Her friend looked at her, typed something on her phone and handed the phone to Lo.

He left almost immediately you went to the bathroom. Some lame bimbo was trying to push her fake tits in his face. She wouldn’t take no for an answer and I think he got mad.

Lo had to laugh at that. She found it very hard to believe that he left because of the ‘lame bimbo’ but felt glad that at least he didn’t leave because he was disgusted by her and needed to wash out his mouth with bleach. She handed Pam back her phone and tried to have fun at the party which had now been reduced to a dry humping session. As much as she tried to concentrate, the ache between her legs just wouldn’t go away and after about ten minutes, she showed Pam what she had texted on her phone.

I’m leaving now. Will you be okay here by yourself?

Pam nodded and after a brief hug, Lo made her way out of the house, her thoughts having drifted from Sex On Legs to her favorite vibrating dildo, BD. She had to get to her apartment ASAP so she could relieve the ache that was steadily growing between her legs. At this point, she sincerely wished she had worn a bra for two reasons;

  1. Her nipples were practically pebbles now and could be seen through her tank top.

  2. Every little breeze seemed to caress her nipples. Making the ache in her pussy increase even more.

Once she was out of the building, she started speed-walking towards her car and she was almost there when an arm popped out in front of her.

She looked up, ready to cuss out the person who dared get in the way of her journey to BD. But instead of some lowlife, like she had expected, Sex On Legs smiled down on her. Literally. He had to smile down because he had a solid six inches on her in height. Befuddled by how white his teeth were, she smiled back at him but she was sure it looked more like aa grimace.

“Hey,” Sex on Legs finally said.

“Hi,” she replied.

“I’m Ty.”

Lo blinked once. Twice. It finally dawned on her that Sex On Legs actually had a government name and as he had just informed her, it was Ty.

“Hey, Ty. I’m Lo.” She replied.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lo,” Ty said, “I was just wondering if we could finish up what we started earlier.”

Lo wanted to fly out of her feet. She absolutely loved a honest, straightforward man and Ty was precisely that. No ‘can I get to know you’ bullshit. Straight to the point. She felt her panties getting wet again and she smiled at him.

“I’d love to.”

“Okay, my car’s over there,” he pointed at a black Chevrolet not too far from them, “did you drive here?”

“Yes,” she replied and pointed at the navy blue Audi parked right beside his car, “I think our cars want to fuck too.”

He laughed a low laugh, “Well I don’t think they want to fuck each other as much as I want to fuck you right now,” as he said this, he gave her body a slow, leisurely sweep and licked his lip in the sexiest way Lo had ever seen, “your place or mine?”

“None,” Lo answered, compelling Ty to drag his eyes away from her boobs and to her face with a questioning brow raised, “lets do it in your car.”

His expression turned smoldering hot and next thing she knew, his car beeped, signaling that it had been unlocked. She turned and walked towards it, making sure to sway herhips just a little bit more than normal. It worked because she could feel his gaze burning into her ass all the way to his car.

She opened the door and climbed into the backseat. The car looked portable was outside but it definitely had a lot of room inside. He had barely closed the door when she pulled her top off and unzipped her jeans. When Ty saw that she wanted to go straight down to business, he popped open the buttons of his shirt and started taking off his own jeans, making sure to retrieve the condom that was in the pocket and roll it on..

Sans clothes, she straddled him in the backseat and pressed her lips to his for a hasty but scorching kiss. Neither of them really studied each other naked but Ty couldn’t help but notice her boobs because obviously…he loved boobs. He held them in his hands and rolled her taut nipples in a way he knew would make her crazy and judging by her moans, it did.

Wanting something between her legs at that instant, Lo grabbed his dick and it was only then that she actually noticed the girth of it. She nearly licked her lips in anticipation as she studied how long and thick it was. It also curved upwards so she know that literally, she was in for the ride of a lifetime.

She aligned his penis with her entrance and tried gliding it in but despite how wet she was, it proved difficult. It seemed Ty thought her attempts frustrating by the strangled breaths he kept releasing through clenched teeth. She used his cock to gently massage her clitoris, soaking its already weeping head with her moisture. When the head of dick was glistening with moisture, she finally able to slowly slide it inside her.

Of course, she had had bigger; but that had been a while ago and as she started moving on Ty’s dick in motions that made her see stars, she became sure that none had been quite this satisfactory. She twisted and turned, pumped and slid, just chasing that orgasm she could feel coming towards her; their mingled sounds of sexual delight making the sex even better.

Ty had let Lo take all the control she wanted, but when he could see that she was getting close, he wanted to make sure she went out with a bang. He held her ass up with his two hands and adjusted himself so he could slam into her repeatedly from the right angle. Her orgasm was so intense that Lo was pretty sure she blacked out for a few seconds. By the time she came to, Ty was grunting his own release and jerking into her.

When her breathing stabilized, Lo slid off him and grabbed her handful of tissue from the box on his dashboard to clean herself up with. After cleaning herself, she didn’t look at him before struggling back into her clothes and grabbing her bag. When she was done dressing up, she looked up at him to find him staring at her intently. His shirt was unbuttoned and he wasn’t wearing pants but at least he had taken the condom off. She smiled at him and moved to leave the car but he stopped her.

“Let’s spend the night together,” he blurted. He had no idea why he had suggested that but he just knew he didn’t want her to leave yet.

“Oh, no thanks. Its good,” she replied with a smile and opened the door, letting cool breeze flow inside before closing it behind her. He got a nice view of her ass as she exited the car and he really wished he had played with it more but this time, he let her go.

He watched her circle round his car and make her way to her own car, fish out her keys and get in. She didn’t so much as spare him a glance before driving off. He sighed, put on his boxers and climbed into the drivers seat.


Dear readers,

You have successfully gone through Chapter 1 of Work In Progress without puking your guts out. Congratulations and thank you so much for going through. If this isn't good, I promise it gets better so just deal with me, okay?

PS- if you end up actually liking this book, please don't forget to click on that star to vote. Would make me feel better about my lack of talent. Also, please don't forget to comment your criticisms and your love.

xoxo, Author.

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