1.4. Back to the past
After a few more rides together and hanging around all day at school, it was safe to say that we kinda bonded.
I mean, it would've been really hard not to. She was always so fun to be around to, always so chill yet strong-minded. She didn't take shit from anyone, yet she would be so kind-hearted at times, making it so hard for me not to like her even if I tried. Hell, she was the epitome of the perfect friend, always there for me whenever I needed her yet never pushed too hard nor did she ever act too clingy. Never prying too much or ever trying too hard. Never making me feel uncomfortable -unlike my last few "friends" from my last school- or ever remotely doing or saying something that would hurt me in any way -again, unlike that bitch from NY I used to call my "best friend"...
Guess I could safely say that she was nothing like any other girl I have ever met before.
However, I only couldn't understand one thing...
"So wat'cha doin' tonight?"
I barely heard her lazily speaking from over that old wooden table she was sprawled on whilst bathing in the last few warm rays of sun left of this fall right next to me as I casually sat on the bench, my gaze stealthily trailing in a few directions around us for a moment.
There they were. Again those weird glances and few casual whispers here and there, once again going completely unnoticed -or rather deliberately ignored- as I peered back at her so carelessy lying on that damn table right in the middle of the school's outside cafeteria, watching her suddenly express a small frown right before taking off her thick-rimmed shades and lean on her elbows to give me a curious look.
"Did you even listen to what I just said?"
"Uh..." I awkwardly scratched the back of my head in my poor attempt to at least try to remember what she was talking about only seconds ago.
"Okay, so I was just saying that we should slash Mr. Johnson's tires and take a huge dump on his stupid hideous Sedan today, after school," She simply said, straight-faced.
"What?" I dumbly blinked a few times, staring at her like at a complete nutjob.
What the fuck?
I mean, I knew we hated our math teacher because, despite his age he was such a stuck-up grumpy-ass lecturing robot...But did we really hate him that much?
Was she really-
"I was asking you what are you doing tonight, silly!" She let out a small laugh as she peered at my surely dumbfounded expression, soon finding myself letting out a stiffled laugh as well, lightly shaking my head with disapproval at her craziness.
"Uh...I don't know. Why?"
"Maybe we could procrastinate together on doing that stupid Modern Society essay and watch some anime shows instead?" She hopefully asked, giving me a lop-sided grin.
"Uh, yeah sure why not?" I casually answered with a shrug, even though feeling a little bit surprised since I'd never even seen her place before, let alone get an invitation.
"Perfect! I'll come by and pick you up at seven...ish," She simply said as she laid herself back on the table and threw her shades back on, enjoying the sun.
"Yeah sure," I mindlessly replied before taking a sip from my soda can, intending take my long forgotten History book from the bench and continue my lecturing when I suddenly heard someone say with an audibly annoyed tone,
"Miss Summers. Get your ass off that table, please..."
My gaze shot back up, noticing Blake quickly sitting up from that damned table like it was on fire before my attention averted to the rather thick lady gathering a few dirty trays just a few feet away from us, throwing a glare to the back of her head before adding in that same annoyed tone,
"Oh and go clean up that mustard stuck in your hair..."
"WHAT?" She instantly started threading her fingers through her hair in a desperate search for the said blotch of mustard, obviously coming out with nothing as there really was nothing in her brown with red streaks and that lady had only been messing around with her.
I let out a small laugh at her panicked expression, terribly amused as she wouldn't stop searching for that non-existing blotch of mustard.
However, I could notice that no one else was laughing. Not to mention that they wouldn't even dare look directly at her.
I let out a small sigh as I unlocked and glanced at my phone for the millionth time in the last few minutes, waiting to just hear that damn ping already and get the hell out since I knew my sister will be home soon too and I definitely didn't want to be there when she'd gotten back from wherever the hell she'd been to.
I knew she would definitely start spewing bullshit and convince mom to change her mind and keep me home instead of letting me go to Blake's for the night.
I still don't know why, but she always did that. Maybe because she hated me, or maybe because she was just an evil bitch.
Every time I would ask mom to let me out somewhere, she would always butt in like the sadistic bitch she is and evoke all sorts of stupid and unbelievable reasons until mom would eventually change her mind and keep me in.
I swear that sometimes she even makes me wonder if we really are sisters.
I mean, how could someone be so mean to their own flesh and blood?
Unless if she's fucking posessed by a freaking demon or something...Or maybe she is the demon itself...
I let out a snicker at the thought, almost jumping out of my skin as the long-awaited ping suddenly resounded throughout the dull silence in my room, hastily retrieving my backpack from the bed then skipping outside and tumbling down the stairs faster than the wind, barely hearing my mother call me by that stupid "endearing" name she gave me as I slam the front door behind me, my eyes landing on the large black SUV already waiting on the driveway.
I fastly made my way straight towards it and hopped in the backseat, only to come face to face with an unfamiliar young male staring right back at me from the driver's seat.
"Uh...I'm..." I stupidly blinked a few times as I struggled to mumble a small apology and get the hell out, thinking I must've climbed in the wrong car when Blake's face suddenly popped from behind the front passenger seat, giving me a visibly excited grin.
"Ready babe?"
I slowly nodded -after recovering from my initially surprised state- taking another glance at the noticeably built raven-haired male sitting in Rick's usual seat, also not failing to miss the way his brown eyes gave me a rather scrutinising glance through the rearview mirror.
"Oh this is Kieran by the way, he's our friend and he'll be driving us home tonight since Ricky's...busy," She spewed that last word with an eye-roll, making me momentarily wonder what did she actually mean by that but eventually shrugged it off nonetheless and sunk back in the leathered seat the moment that Kieran guy started the car and drove off.
Once we had finally arrived at her place, Blake and I got out of the car, letting Kieran park the car in the spacious garage as we headed towards the front door... Or should I rather say front doors?
I momentarily paused as I stared in awe at the large and imposing masion standing all tall and mighty right in front of my own two very eyes.
Whoah...These people are freaking loaded...
Okay, it wasn't like I was freaking poor or shit, but this house looked like a freaking castle compared to mine. And mine wasn't exactly small either.
"Dude, are you coming or what?"
My attention quickly snapped back to Blake, watching her impatiently stand by the already opened wooden door.
"Yeah sure," I hastily nodded and climbed up the few marble stairs at the entrance then followed her inside.
My lips parted in amazement as I was instantly greeted by another, even more beautiful view, my gaze trailing all around through the lavish-styled main hall.
Various beautiful abstract pictures decorated the cream wallpapered walls, mildly illuminated by the huge silvery chandelier hanging from the perfect white ceiling, its faint glow giving the whole spacious room a such a warm, welcoming vibe.
"Come on. Let's get you settled and then I'll go to the kitchen to get us something to eat, okay?" I only nodded as my eyes trailed back to her and followed her upstairs, gripping the backpack's only strap hanging over my shoulder as I could feel it slip away from all that bouncing as we hurriedly climbed two sets of stairs, blowing out a tired breath once we had finally stopped in front of a nicely-carved white wooden door.
"Okay, so this is my room. You get inside and make yourself comfortable while I go grab us some snacks,"
"Yeah, okay," I nodded as she ushered me inside and slammed the door behind, leaving me standing there all alone inside the spacious room.
I simply stood there like a damn pole in the middle of her room for a few moments, unsure of what to do next as I aimlessly gazed around at the white-painted sculptured furniture and all sorts of shit and stuff thrown around pretty much everywhere, almost tripping over a sneaker as I eventually took a few steps forward and threw my backpack over the bed, taking a seat right next to it as I bent over and took off my shoes.
Damn...This place is even messier than my own...
I mentally commented as my gaze trailed over the barely visible soft pink carpet underneath a few clothes, shoes and various other useless shit like a gaming controller, some magazines and even a few stuffed animals here and there.
We could totally play some real-life Hidden Objects here.
I let out a chuckle at the thought then got up to nicely put my sneakers in a corner close to the door when it suddenly flew open, noticing Blake getting inside with a fair-sized basket, filled with all sorts of snacks and sweets.
"Red Riding Hood is here! What are you craving for, grandma?"
I let out a laugh at her goofiness, following her as she walked to the bed and threw the basket on it.
"So, what's your pick? What do you want to watch?" She asked as she walked to a large chest of drawers and retrieved a laptop lying half-open on it, then walked back to the bed and placed it on it.
"Meh...I don't know. You take your pick. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom and slip into my pj's," I told her before grabbing my backpack from the bed and dragging it towards me.
"M'kay," I heard her lazily say as I flung the backpack over my shoulder and headed towards the white wooden closed door right next to her wide open walk-in closet.
Once inside I hastily changed my clothes and did my evening routine before getting back out, noticing she had already turned off the lights and left the player on pause, absently scrolling through her phone as she sat on the bed with her back leaning against the white-painted metal designed frame.
"Hey, did you find anything?"
"Yeah sure," She threw her phone on the nightstand then stretched forward to grab the laptop as I hopped in as well, placing it in her lap as I grabbed a bag of jellies and made myself comfortable right next to her before finally pressing play, soon falling into a comfortable silence as we sat and watched the first episode of Rozen Maiden.
"Ugh they're so fucking cute!" I heard Blake exclaim from right next to me between munching on a cable jelly.
"I know right?" I quickly agreed before popping in yet another worm jelly.
Silence fell over us once again as the next episode rolled on, quietly listening to the intro song.
Only the moment it ended, a few muffled crashing sounds could be heard from the next room, followed by what could only be described as a very loud moan.
I abruptly stopped mid-chew, blankly staring at the screen for a few seconds before my attention quickly averted to Blake, only to notice her equally dumbfounded expression.
What the fuck.
"Seriously?" She shouted out loud, glaring at the wall in front of us, seconds before another few totally unnecesary loud mewls followed.
"Oh come on! You've got to be kidding me!" She threw a pillow at the wall separating us from...whatever demonic exorcism was going on in there, nearly hitting her vanity table.
However, the crazy moaning only continued, visibly enraging her even further as I was obviously too shocked to even react anymore, looking at her as she yelled at the wall,
"Shut up!"
Another loud moan.
"I said shut the fuck up!"
I watched her suddenly jump off the bed and run straight to the wall, pounding her fist like a crazed person as she shouted out loud,
I nearly burst into a fit of hysterical laughter at the sound of her words, barely containing myself as I watched her angrily straighten her t-shirt before heading straight back to the bed as the loud moaning finally stopped. But before her ass could even touch the bed again a firm knock could be heard from the opposite side of the door.
Expressing a frown, she glared at it for a second before moving to open it, only to reveal a considerably taller female than her, a fucking boob spilling out from the brunette's silky robe as she took a step inside Blake's room.
"Excuse me, who are you calling a bitch?"
"Seriously? That's what you heard from everything I've just yelled through that fucking wall?" Blake mockingly spewed back at her, completely unaffected by her menacing stance.
”Just get the fuck out Olivia...”
The brunette’s plump lips parted in utter disbelief, preparing to say something when an even taller frame suddenly appeared in the door’s frame, my own lips slightly parting in utter shock and even embarrassment as Rick entered the room, all nude and sweaty, with nothing but a pair of shorts on.
I could feel my cheeks heating up as I’ve never seen a male this naked before, feeling the desperate urge to look away as those honey eyes fell upon me for the briefest moment before quickly grabbing the brunette’s waist.
"Oli! Oli Oli Oli,"
He smirked as her attention instantly averted to him.
"You know we’re not allowed to go in here, remember?"
She only nodded like some five-year old at his mild “reprimand”, staring at him like a fucking faithful puppy.
"Good. Now get back inside," He quickly ushered her outside Blake’s room but not before giving her ass a mild slap, earning one of those painfully annoying squeals.
"Dude what the fuck?" Blake roared at him the moment that irritating female was out of sight, not even caring about the state of his dressing as she angrily pushed against his still glistening tattooed chest, not moving him a single inch.
"You're fucking fried? Oh my god what the fuck!" I quickly heard her scream as she took a better look at him, shoving him aside as she got out in the hallway and started screaming out loud,
"Kieran! KIERAAN!"
"Get that howling bitch out of here and take care of him! I'm not dealing with this shit tonight!"
My gaze carefully trailed back to him as I heard him let out a freaking chuckle before going after her, but not before loudly slamming the door behind him and giving me one hell of a startle.
What the hell is going on in this house?
I drew in a few calming breaths as I widely stared at the now closed door after all that freaking circus show, barely hearing the unintelligible angry yelling still going on outside.
However I startled yet again as the door flung open, noticing Blake getting back inside.
"Sorry about all that. My brother still hasn't gotten over his hormonal teenager phase," She explained with an eye-roll, earning a small chuckle from me.
"Uh, how old is he again?" I rather shyly asked with another chuckle though feeling kinda awkward for even daring to ask her such thing.
"Twenty," She answered as she walked back to the bed, tiredly plopping herself on it.
"But what does your mom say about this? Or your dad? Wouldn't they be bothered if they would've heard something like that?" I reasoned, thinking about how mom would go absolutely ballistic if she ever would’ve seen anything even remotely close to what I’ve just seen tonight.
God knows I would be freaking grounded until the next birth of Jesus, guilty or not.
"Oh I wouldn't know. We don't have a mom. Or a dad. They died when I was very little," She simply said like it was the most casual thing in the world, those few words however raising so many questions inside my mind...
Questions I didn’t even know I shouldn’t have ever thought about...