Chapter two
A sea of heads crowded the north Palace to celebrate the return of Queen Persephone. It was a great honor to set sight on Poseidon's beloved wife. The goddess had just returned from the first realm and she had good news. It was a celebration of power. The commoners and nobles had waited patiently for this day. A day when the Queen of the Northern kingdom would bring back power. The feast of the feast was a celebration the major gods took to decide who would hold on to the power of mortal worship. The northern Kingdom had never needed a turn to hold on the worship of scrawny mortals, Not when they had the trident but that was long ago.
"Here comes her majesty, Queen Persephone!" A speaker announced and everyone out of courtesy bowed to show respect.
And then she walked the silvery carpet worthy of only bluebloods like her. Her golden hair crowned in blood-red roses flowed freely, each moving like a tendril with life in it. Commoners who couldn't resist stole a look at the ethereal beauty of the Queen. They were careful not to be caught. As beautiful and tempting as the sight of the goddess may be, She prided herself in the highest manner, and staring into the ocean eyes of the beau might mean death and in the worst way possible. They only peered back up when the Queen and her convoys went through the corral gates. That meant the end of their show. All that was left was to gift the Queen with a thoughtful gift, One she might never even set her eyes on but it was custom.
The coral gates shut and a young man with pale skin and familiar blue orbs walked up to the goddess in confidence.
"It is wonderful to see you again mother. I heard the good news." He muttered going ahead to hug the goddess.
"It took a lot of work to make it happen, Denys. Where is Lady Rena by the way? Shouldn't she be here?" The Queen retorted.
Denys, The first Prince of the Northern Kingdom attempted to speak but proceeded to keep his mouth shut. Instead, he decided to change the topic. He was in no mood to piss his mother off just when peace was restored in the realm.
"Look at the crowd mother... Just jostling with happiness. Father would have been proud to know you are holding the position as Queen quite well." He mused, staring beyond the corral gates.
There was a weak smile on the goddess's face it did not last long however as her smile contorted into a disapproving smile. Persephone wrapped a finger around the Prince's broad shoulders and said to him. "It won't last long and they shouldn't be cheering for me. This should be your place, Denys. Focus on retrieving the trident. That's something worthwhile."
The prince gave his mother a false smile reassuring his mother he had it handled then hand in hand, they trudged into the court to have a word with the nobles.
"It is good to have you back your Majesty." A balding elder spoke just as the queen and the prince took their seats. He was the kingdom's royal advisor, An old man enjoying the prime of his golden age. Which included aches and a grumpy attitude. Despite his flaws, He was one of the smartest noble on the round table and a close ally of the Late king Poseidon and today he seemed happy.
"It is good to be back Minas." The Queen agreed, ravishing her chair.
"I see..." The fellow noted before continuing. "As we all know we are here to talk about the effective use of the power blessed unto the Queen. We all know the Mortal worship has to benefit on realms so any ideas?"
"We have to smart in our approach." Someone in the table finally said. "Our realm is in more danger than ever without the trident. I am sure the first realm is doing just fine. We just need to bless them with something that wouldn't overexert on the mortal worship but would still keep us off Zeus's radar."
It was a smart idea but nobody in the court has the slightest idea of what to come up with. Apart from the thoughtful stroking of chins and the knowing glance, No answers were forthcoming. Persephone did not enjoy the deception she has to carry out on the realms but what choice did she have, The sea was dying and without the power of the trident, her kingdom was in danger. As a ruler, She had to come up with a solution, albeit temporary.
"I have got an idea." The first prince informed, clicking his fingers in response. The winning smile he had on assure everyone it was something worth their time so they listened to what he had to say.
"At this very moment, The third realm isn't in a red zone so there is not much to worry for now. But as we all know the first realm is home to lowers. A simple task will take off Zeus's watchful eyes."
"Like what my Prince?"
"Cutting the numbers of rogues. I am aware that the integral parts of the Lowers will be leaving for the Mundane realm soon. Imagine if we doing have to worry about a berserk werewolf or a scheming witch? These are things that suck on the Mortal worship and cutting the numbers of the lowers leaving for the mundane realm will greatly help our cause."
There was a murmur among the noblemen. Frankly, It didn't sound like a good debate. With the intent look on their eyes, Denys could tell they doubted his idea has a backbone. Why would they trust him anyway? He could not even fulfill his own destiny.
Finally, the advisor having collected a piece of what everyone thought of his idea spoke. "Your highness, Are you suggesting we fail the lowers?"
"Absolutely not!" The prince retorted sharply. It was unbelievable that his subjects thought he would go so low to keep fading energy. He wasn't cruel neither was he desperate.
"What I mean is my mother, The Queen should apply as the judge of this month's lower transition. Of course, She might fail some but what I am aiming at is we start a program here in the second realm giving lowers an opportunity to create a life and name for themselves here."
There was a gasp amongst the court. It had never been done before and Denys knew no one in the Kingdom was a fan of change but a tiny part of him wished they considered it.
"You are saying we should let those rats into our kingdom, The very thing we are trying to sustain?" This time it was the Queen speaking. Denys was aware his mother would be the first to step on his idea. She hated the idea of being among those lesser than her which was why he pulled out a foolproof card to draw her in.
"Yes, mother. The 'Weres' could function as amazing security. The witches can be of help too. Just see it from my perspective mother, It can..."
"That is just insane, Denys!"Persephone interjected avoiding the hurt expression on her son's face. As much as she loved the prince, She wasn't willing to stoop so low.
"I know mother but would you rather see the trident in the hands of the Western Kingdom?"