Chapter three
"Oh my God!" A dark-haired girl frowned. Talia was unable to move. They had seen it all and on her first day. She scrambled for her glasses but when her trembling fingers finally found them. She was not so keen about putting them back on. What was there to hide anymore?
"...Take a seat." The teacher muttered having taken a look at her papers. The expression of every single person in the class was one of disdain. Talia could hear the hurtful words they weren't even trying to hide.
"Hasn't this school been through enough... Another spawn of the god of war..."
The hate was endless but despite the unnerving behavior of her co-student, Talia could not back down now. She picked up her papers scattered across the room and headed for an empty chair at the far end of the room. It was far enough from the glares of the students. It would give her the solitude she needed. A few minutes later, Talia was seated at the back of the class and ready for her first lecture. Well, near ready, She found it hard to concentrate with all the side eyes and shade everyone kept throwing at her.
"Good morning class." The teacher began, winning back the attention of her students. "Let's welcome the new student into our midst."
The way the woman said it, Talia could swear it was only formality. The woman hated her presence just as much as the rest of the class but she had a job to do.
"Could you tell us your name and what you dream of becoming?"
The worried girl looked up, afraid to face the crowd and tell a bit of her story. She was sure no one wanted to hear it but as this was also formality. Talia reminded herself that she wasn't here to please anyone. She was here to achieve her dream. So against her fears, she got up to speak.
"My name is Talia Trueborn and I dream of becoming a good mother."
Immediately Talia spoke, the dark-haired girl from before chipped in. "What a coincidence, Simon has the exact same dream. Are you all wired that way?"
Talia's mind stopped working. She felt her fingers tingle, letting out a warm glow that seemed to grow upon every going second. The disgusting look everyone gave her vanished. It was replaced by an uncanny fear of the unknown.
"Miss Talia, Put your powers on the check." The teacher commanded, managing to keep a straight face amidst the ongoing chaos. The demigod tried to keep it in but the raging inferno refused to be shut this time. The glow became a searing hot blinding light and Talia lost control over the ball of light hovering over her fingertips and the burning ball of light soared across the room going right for the teacher.
"Žádné místo pro jedle!" The teacher spoke in an ancient language and the ball of light raging at her burst.
It was unbelievable! This was her first day in the academy and she wasn't even done with the first period but this had already happened. Talia was beginning to think maybe her mother was right. This incidence would definitely get the authority and Talia detested the attention she was going to get when the gods found out.
"I am so sorry." Talia reddened, looking down. She had singlehandedly proven to her haters that they were right. She was dangerous just like her predecessor.
"It is alright. There is a lot of catastrophes that are bound to happen when you are not confident about your abilities and considering the reputation of your kind, You need to be more careful but it isn't entirely your fault, Be careful with your words Sybil."
The demigod and the chastised girl quietly nodded.
"Thank you." Talia appreciated, knowing better than to look up before taking her seat, now prepared for class.
"So today we will be discussing the excesses of magic. Does anyone have an idea why magic has limits?" The teacher's voice carried across the room as Talia proceeded to scribble something into her notebook.
"...Miss Trueborn, any idea?"
Talia, at first did not hear the woman. She was lost in a train of her wilding thoughts to actually listened. It wasn't until a modest cough caught her attention that she returned from the astral plane.
"You were asked a question." The boy who coughed informed the disoriented girl.
Talia looked up to see two pairs of angry eyes peering over her. One from the teacher and the other from the Raven haired girl who seemed to have made it her personal mission to make Talia's life miserable. She was pissed off because despite attempting to answer the question, she wasn't chosen.
"Glad you are with us again so can you answer the question Miss Trueborn."
"...Magic has limits because no one knows it's the origin and it loses potency going through every generation."
"That was amazing Miss Trueborn. But it does have an origin but only the old one knows that. I hope you do better research next time."
The bitchy student, Sybil shifted in her seat and stole furtive glances at the new student clearly theorizing she was surprised the demigod knew a thing. Her expressions clearly stated, "Threat."
"But is that a good idea professor, Who knows when world domination starts ticking in her numb skull." Sybil eagerly mocked, all to spite Talia. It was obvious she has made a new enemy even if she wasn't looking for trouble.
The teacher frowned at her petty antics before saying, "You both should see me in my office after class."
At the end of the class, Talia hastily left the classroom to see the professor just as the woman had instructed, plus he wanted to avoid another confrontation with her classmates. Using the orb, She found the professor's office in no time. She rounded at the door and knocked. She heard the woman mutter another spell and the door slightly creaked open.
"Come in." An authoritative commanded. She peeked in nervously, seeing Sybil seated already. It was strange, considering Talia remembered leaving the classroom before her. With an afterthought, she straightened her shoulders and went to join the duo.
"It is nice of you to join us Miss Trueborn."
Talia’s spine stiffened. She still wondered why she was called upon. Especially with the likes of her destined enemy. She glanced up at Sybil's face vastly noticing she looked disturbed.
Without further ado, The professor got to work.
"It is nice to have you here Miss Trueborn and I assure you there is no reason to be afraid. Nobody hates you but feat at times can be the greatest destruction." The woman began. "...And Sybil, I understand what you are going through at the moment. Life is tough but you can't blame Miss Talia for what Simon did."
The words of the professor made Talia tick. What exactly did Simon do?