Chapter six

"What is that supposed to mean?" Persephone demanded, slamming her fist so hard on the desk, It cracked in half.

Unmoved by the goddess's actions, The Oracle proceeded to answer. "You can't rewrite history, my Queen. Your fate has been set in stone and eventually, you will be in your place."

Persephone knew very well what the oracle meant if it had to do with destiny. She cringed just thinking about it.

"So it won't work?"

"I didn't say that. Every decision will have its pros and cons, The question is, Can you handle the excesses?"

Persephone thought hard on the oracle's revelation. The advantage was tempting, So tempting she was willing to overlook the nightmare of Hades returning. If there was a chance Denys would be worthy enough to wield the trident, She was willing to risk it all.

"I can."

Bright cold eyes shone on Persephone. The Oracle got to her feet and left for the door, not speaking until her frail hands were on the knob of the giant oak doors.

"I see you've made your choice Persephone. Live with the consequences."

Persephone fought between her divulging thoughts but she eventually caved in to her impulses the moment, Denys returned into the room.

Seeing his mother deep in thought, Denys's eyebrows arched up in worry.

"I suppose it wasn't good news?"

"Cryptic," Persephone responded. "I told you we were going to be left with more questions than answers."

"So what did she say?" The little prince inquired, hoping his mother would shed light on the oracle's sight of a potential future. Considering she didn't want him around, He strongly believed he had an instrumental part to play.

"You know I can't divulge such delicate information to you. For some reason, You will be playing a bigger part to this than you should know."

Denys's face brightened up and a coy smile forced its way to his lip. "The trident!"

His mother didn't reply but her eyes said it all.

"Then there isn't time to waste mother, " The prince said in excitement. "We have to make a visit to Mount Olympus and inform Zeus about this."

Persephone shook her head. "Absolutely not! Zeus filth cannot come in contact with you. Not with the Mareel ritual upon us. I will go alone."

"If you say so mother," Denys grumbled. "I will go get Cetus ready for your visit to the first realm."

Persephone made an attempt to stop Denys but before her throat could even work, The prince had disappeared through the oak doors.

Prince Denys stared up at the immaculate dome that hovered over the second realm. It was another morning that reminded him the ocean was dying without the Trident's magic. The bright blue waters had a dark teal hue and while he looked, He saw a fish die. The unfortunate event made him quicken his steps as he practically ignored life around him. Denys didn't stop until he had found himself beneath the beautiful side of the palace everyone was familiar to.  The platform the prince treaded upon looked like an old garden. Vines crept over the marked walls and a distinct hissing sound could be heard, It was one of the reasons the servants abandoned the garden. The prince stopped by an old door which unlike its surroundings wasn't covered in vines or moss. There were signs it had been used from time to time. Retrieving his keys from a pouch by his side, Prince Denys unlocked the old and almost decapitated door. As the door creaked upon, The hissing sound intensified. The prince grabbed a torch from the side and proceeded down the humidified stone stairs with the help of the light in his hands. The stairs ended at the sight of water which ran across the other side of the room. The surface of the water was dark and still but Denys wasn't fooled. The hissing sound came again, This time muffled because whatever was making the sound was beneath the water.

"Cetus!" Denys called, flashing his light over the water to catch the creature's attention. It did because minutes after, a snout skimmed above the water, flaring steam at the Prince and putting out the torch. In the darkness, The prince noticed bright golden slits staring down at him.


Two sweaty students burst in through the door briefly rethinking their life choices when the entire class attention was drawn on them.

"Two late students, Perfect for today's topic." The lecturer, a middle-aged man in a suit said with a smile.

"I was to show her around sir." Solomon lied in an attempt to save both his and Talia's skin.

"Well, You walked in at just the right time." The professor continued, ignoring their reasons and facing the class. "We are about to see a live demonstration of how deadly your impulses can be."

Talia swallowed just hearing the professor's words. She wanted nothing else than to be damn invisible. Why was it so hard? While she was lost in thoughts, The lecturer pointed at her and muttered.

"Glasses off."

Talia's lips moved but no words were forthcoming. Total hex vibes. The professor had a smile that looked nice but implied it was all for show. Talia knew her excuses wouldn't bail her out this time. She comforted herself with the thought that rumors about her were already spreading. It wouldn't be long before the whole school knew a demigod was on the premises. It only stung her that she was about to lose a potential friend. Without delay, She brought down her shades. She looked back and their reaction and as expected, They were shocked. The professional smile on the professor's face disappeared for a moment. He turned his attention back to the class and with a timid laugh, He brought them back to order. Talia dared to look at Solomon, her only acquaintance. He had that look too but unlike the class, He wasn't terrified of what he saw. From her perspective, it looked like the good kind of bewilderment.

"As beings of magic, We are with an unreflective urge to act. Just like we all judged this student here." The professor said, pointing to Talia with his long fingers."But that isn't all. The magic in us has a mind of its own. If you give it control, The results can be disastrous and I will prove that with an example."

The professor then moved to Solomon and whispered something into his ear. Talia noticed his eyes widened when the professor was done. The professor got back to the middle and the room and said to Talia. "Are you a witch?"

"Fae," Talia responded.

"Good. I want you to cast any spell that comes to mind while looking at his eyes." The professor instructed.

"Okay..." Talia swallowed. She raised her hands and thought of a simple spell– One involving wind manipulation all while looking into Solomon's eyes. The sensation of fire rushing up to her body engulfed her and soon enough the winds bent to her commands that is playing with Solomon's perfect hair. She noticed Solomon's steel blue orbs transform into something hellish. A color between red and golden. He groaned in agony and looked away from Talia but the professor insisted he looked back saying something about how the eyes were the window to the soul. Solomon's eyes cocked right back at her. He looked more like a throat-ripping monster now. The thought made Talia's skin crawl. Werewolves only had wild reactions to bad magic. Solomon gave a wild howl which made all the hair on her back stand and before Talia could react, The beast charged at her.

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