Chapter 1
I open my eyes to see my handsome husband is laying beside me. I smile at him and then kiss his cheek. He told me he loved me so many times when we made love last night, and I was so happy to know that his feelings towards me don't even change until now.
I sit up and then look around to my clothes. When I see my clothes, wear it then walks to the bathroom. I take a shower for about ten minutes then walk out with a towel wrap around my naked body. I walk to our walk-in closet and pick the outfit for today. I just pick black leggings with a white shirt. I just let my hair down and let it dry.
After I'm done, I look at the time and smile. It is enough time to make Elijah his breakfast. I tiptoe to the door don't have any intention to wake him up yet. I walk downstairs and then got into the kitchen.
I decided to make his favorite breakfast which is pancakes. Well, at first he doesn't like it this much, but he said when he first time tries mine, he totally in love with pancakes. I make it quickly because he might already wake up and ready to go to work. After a few minutes, I'm finally done and I bring the plates to put it on the table. I put various toppings that he likes which is Nutella, syrup, honey, and whip cream.
I wait for him at the table. A moment later, I saw him walking down in his Armani looking handsome as always."Hey baby. Good morning" I walk to him and peck his lips. "Hmm morning." He said while adjusting his watch. I look at him smiling like an idiot because I fall in love with him more when I look at him.
"I already make you pancakes. Let's go" I grab his hand but then I stop knowing that he takes his hand back."Why?" I ask looking at him weirdly.
"I need to be hurried because I have a meeting in 30 minutes." He said and just walk past me to the door. "But I already make you some pancakes which is your favorite. Can't you at least eat it even if it only one bite?" I said in low tone hoping he will agree and eat breakfast with me.
"I never ask you to make it. You can't blame me.." I was quite shocked when he said to me like that like he never rejects my pancakes but this time is the first time he did. Why is he acting so harshly to me today? Have I made something wronged and I didn't realize it last night? I don't think so.
"Oh before I forget, I will go to London this evening for a few days. I don't know when I am back. So Yeah I need to go now." Before I could say anything, he got into his car and drove off. I stand there and look at his car slowly fading away. I sighed and prevent my tears to come out. He's going to London for a few days' means he will not be eating breakfast with me for a few days. What concerns is he didn't bring any suitcase to put his clothes or anything, he just brings his bag that he put files in there that's it.
I walk inside the house and make my way to the dining room. I look at all the pancakes on the table. It's such a waste. I take a seat and start to take the pancakes and eat it. I eat and eat it. Maybe he just to busy with his work. I can't blame him though. He is a businessman and I need to understand his work and I should be ready for all the consequences.
I sighed.
Just then my phone ring. I look at the caller and my lips turning into a smile. It's my best friend Thea Morris.
"Hey girl.," I said. "Hey umm can you please open the door right now?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Where are you?" I ask her, wondering why she calls me just want me to open the door.
"In front of your house to be specific in front of your door." I immediately stand up and walk to the door. I open it to see Thea grinning. I hang up then look at her.
"Why don't you just press the bell?" She walks inside then follow me to the dining room.
"Because I don't want to meet with your husband." She said and eat the pancakes normally.
Well you know, Thea never like Elijah like ever. I don't even know why. Every time they meet, they always end up arguing for something stupid. They just can't get along at all. Every best friend supposed to be happy if their best friend gets married and be happy but not for Thea. She never approved Elijah since I met him. It is just weird. She keeps telling me that I need to be strong, mentally and physically. I know she loves me so much and I love her too. She's like my sister cause she always be there for me no matter and I know she just wants the best for me.
"I still can't understand why you didn't like him." I take a sip of my orange juice.
"Alexa, I just... You know I just feel like he's not the one for you." She said.
"Thea, me and Elijah already married like two years, and we're just fine. We both happy with our life. Why can't you be happy for me? I'm your best friend." She sighed and then look at me.
"I'm sorry Alexa. It's not like I don't like you being happy. It just he's not the one for you." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"What do you mean he's not the one for me?" I ask her.
"Alexa, all this time Elijah cheated on you behind your back." I am surprised when she said that.
"Thea! Why are you talking about? Why would he cheated behind my back?" My anger is up right now.
"I'm not lying. I saw with my own eyes. Please believe me. He's not a good man. Last few days when I walk to the mall, I saw him and I'm sure it's him in the car with a woman." I look at her disbelief. How can she say like that to my husband?
"I can't believe you, Thea. You're my one and only best friend that I have. How can you accuse my husband like that? Why can't you accept that I'm his WIFE! I didn't ask for anything Thea, I just ask for you to be happy for me. That's it! It's not that hard." I burst into anger and she looks at me.
"Alexa, I'm being serious. I swear to you that I'm not lying. I saw him and this is not the first time I saw him with another woman. I even saw him walk into the hotel with another woman too... I swear. Believe me please." She holds my hands.
"I don't want to hear anything from you right now. I want you to get out of my house now." She really makes my anger boost.
"OUT!!" I yelled.
"Fine. But I will prove it that everything that I said was all true." With that, she walks out and I heard the door being slammed so hard. I close my eyes and sit on the chair. I put my head on the table.
Why my only best friend act like that? I can't believe this. How can she accuse Elijah cheated on me? There's no way he could go out with another woman. He just tells me that he loves me last night. That's the proof to show that he loves me. He won't do that to me and I think Thea was mislooked my husband with another guy.
how's chapter 1?
I hope you guys like it!
Much love from me
Little munchkins