Chapter 4
"No catch, we just want you both to remain at the palace. It’s not safe for the two of you to be out in public after that little show you put on today.” His voice remained cold and stoic of any expression.
“Well alright little prince, what does the king want in return for his kind gesture.” I emphasized the word ‘kind’ and mentally rolled my eyes. This little goody act he’s putting out was fake and anyone with eyes could tell.
“He wants to get to know you more.”
“Sorry but he’s a bit too old for me.” I sarcastically say and I caught the snarl his lips made at my tone.
“What I mean is you two are the first Bluebloods we’ve come across in centuries. You could be a very essential ally to keep on our side.”
A chuckle sounded from behind me and Cassius stepped out of the darkness from the back of the cell. The chains I had melted earlier dangled loosely from both of our hands.
I didn’t miss the look of surprise wash over the prince’s face before he covered it up.
“You’re wording is smart, I’ll give you that. You think you’re going to find out if I’m one too by assuming I am and expecting one of us to clarify it for you. I assure you, the only way you’re going to find out is it you make me bleed yourself.” A small smirk tugs up on the prince’s mouth before he pulled his black shirt down further with a tug.
“Your highness, the rooms are ready.” A small maid said from the top of the staircase. With a dismissing nod from the bastard ice prince, yes I’m calling him that because his emotions are frozen on blank, the maid scrambled back through the doors.
“Well, let’s get you two settled in, shall we? The prince pulled out a key and unlocked the cell.
I stepped into the room that was suppose to be mine for gods knows how long. Pacing around the wooden floors, I felt a pair of eyes watching me from the doorway.
“What?” I snapped at the prince allowing my gaze to flicker to his. The purple orbs staring back at me still caught me off guard.
“That’s no way to talk to a Prince, don’t you agree?” His deep voice rumbled through his chest and if I didn’t want to turn his body to a crisp I would have admired it.
“That’s assuming you were a Prince. From what I can tell you’re just a spoiled little brat waiting for the day his daddy falls over dead to take his spot.” I folded my arms over my chest and waited for a reaction.
To my surprise, he smirked and pushed off the doorframe with his lean body.
“You have to get to know me before assuming the worse, Raven.” My name rolled off of his tongue and the sound of it sent chills raking my body.
My eyebrows crinkled together at the feeling. What the hell? I caught myself wondering what his powers were and if they included anything like messing with someone’s mind.
“I don’t think I want to get to know you.” My voice laced with venom but he stepped further into the room. His purple eyes now taking impression of a brewing storm, the purple seeming to mix with a tint of blue.
“We’ll see about that.” His devilishly beautiful eyes met mine once more before he turned and left the room, making sure to shut the door behind him.
I felt my body relax at the lack of his presence, he put me on edge and it pissed me off.
Cassius had occupied the room beside mine and while my eyes ran around the scenery, I wondered if it looked as good.
The queen sized bed that sat in the middle of the room was bigger than any I've ever owned and the fluffy white rug that was spread across the floor was so plush.
Gray and white colors surrounded me completely, giving off a very neat and clean presentation.
You wouldn’t catch me complaining at the moment, the Prince has a point of the villagers. If we went back out there we would be shunned or thrown from the village itself.
A Blueblood was supposedly the devil itself, or some other myth like that.
I didn’t mind the fact that the King wanted us to stay here, even if it is for a short period of time. That would give Cassius and I time to learn the in’s and out’s about this place, to help free the witches from the grasp of the royal family.
A faint knock sounded at the door and I jumped.
“Uh, who is it?”
“It’s the maid, I was assigned to you by the King.” A tiny voice spoke on the opposite side of the door and I blew out a breath. Thank the lords it wasn’t another royal.
Pulling the door open, I was met with a petite girl that couldn’t be older than sixteen. Her blonde hair and bright blue eyes stood out the most, she was my complete opposite.
“Could I get you some towels and clothes so that you could shower?” She asked, tugging a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Are you implying that I stink?” I lifted an eyebrow and her eyes shot open widen. Her hands lifted up as she stuttered to apologize but I jut chuckled and stepped back from the door to allow her in.
“I’m just messing with you, that would be great actually.” She placed a hand over her heart and leaned over like she had a heart attack.
“No one ever jokes around in this place, do they?” I asked and she just straightened up, shaking her head.
“N-no ma’am, maybe the younger prince but he isn’t allowed to speak to me any longer..” My eyebrows furrowed at this.
“And why not?”
She glanced around us before replying to make sure we were alone.
“The King thought of it as unruly for a high ranking prince such as himself to be talking to the likes of a maid.” I felt the fire build up inside of me, slowly filling my veins with burning fuel.
“Never let someone say you’re anything less of a person. No matter the ranks you’re still a human too and deserve to be treated like one, and if you ever decide you need someone to joke with just knock on this door.” Her eyes lit up at my words and a small smile crossed her light pink lips.
“I can’t tell you exactly how long I’ll be here but while I am, just know I’ll be willing to listen to you.”
Her freckled face crinkled up with a big smile and she nodded up towards me.
“Oh! I forgot, I’ll go grab those towels and clothes for you.”
Her little form scurried off before I could even say thank you.
I heard the door creak open beside me and I noticed Cassius’ head pop out, looking both ways in the hallway before scurrying to my room.
“This is a set up. It has to be, there no way they are giving us free rooms, food, and safety for nothing. They want something.” He whisper yelled and I just nodded
“I’m aware, but we are the very first magic wielders from the village to actually see the inside of the palace. We have an advantage here and I intend on using it before our time is up.” He looked at me for a moment before nodding in understanding.
“You’re going to need help from someone that is standing with the royal family, otherwise you’ll have nothing of the importance.”
He was right, I needed someone on the inner circle. But who?
My eyes widened as I recalled the Prince’s words
“You have to get to know me before assuming the worst.” I looked towards Cassius with a smile.
I’ll do just that Prince, I’ll do just that.