Chapter 7
Raven's POV
Rhyland. The name sounded foreign to my thoughts as it skimmed around inside my head. How could he live a perfect life, have perfect luxuries, and be perfect all in one? Even his personality seemed to be nice beside the damning King but that's not a lot to go on seeing as the King is a ruthless maniac.
"What are you thinking about?" Cassius asked, his voice snapping me out of my thoughts of the Prince.
"Just all of this in general." I step towards the now flameless fireplace and sit at the red chair placed infront of it.
"Are you really considering his offer?"
"Of course I am, he is going to allow the witches in the village to use magic once again. I'd be a fool not to take it." I sat forward and placed my hand under my chin to lookover at his standing figure.
"Why are you so willing to put your life on the line for a place that isn't even our home? You-," My eyes widen in fury at his words and I find myself standing up.
"That place is the only home i've ever known and loved. It's the only place I'll willingly claim." I snapped towards him and he just dropped his head, knowing I was right.
"I understand where you're coming from but you don't know if the King will keep his end of the bargain. He could be lying through his teeth just to get what he wants."
I plopped back down into the char, knowing he was telling the truth. There would be no way I would know if he was keeping up his end of the deal while I, on the other hand, would be teaching the future King all about my kind.
"Maybe I won't know, but it will give me a chance to get closer to the Prince and put our plan into motion."
He smiled at my words and nods.
"Alright, tonight at dinner we act our part as the respectful little guests they want us to be." He replied and I agreed. Tonight we act as their friends and tomorrow we plan their downfall.
"See you at the dinner in hell."
After I had gotten a shower, I walked over to the closet and found the clothes that Eladia had spoken about yesterday. My hands gripped onto a gorgeous golden gown and I mentally gagged.
The dress itself was stunning, but I don't do dresses.
A knock on the door made me clench my towel tighter against me.
"Uh, Ms Raven? It's Eladia." Her sweet voice floating through the door and I let out a sigh of relief at the sound.
"Come in."
As soon as the door creaked open, her bright blue eyes widened when she spotted me.
"Oh dear, you only have fifteen minutes to be down at the table with the royals and you aren't even dressed yet?!" The panic in her voice rose as she made her way across the room and to the spot where I stood.
Her tiny hands rummaged through the gowns and dressed until she pulled out a silky red dress. She looked towards me with a smile and placed the soft fabric into my hands.
"There's no way I'm wearing this."
"Please! The King ordered for everyone to be color coordinated and the color he chose was red. If you show up in anything different he would have my head."She pleaded.
I huffed and walked into the bathroom, as soon as the door was shut behind me I dropped my towel and slipped on the dress. The silky material gliding across my smooth skin with ease. I tried my best to zip the back up alone but that proved to be a challenge on it's own.
I had to admit, the dress was almost like a second skin on me and I had to admire it's beauty. The deep, ruby red made my olive skin seem to glow and as my eyes traveled down it, I noticed an enormous slit up the side of my thigh.
Stepping out of the bathroom, Eladia's eyes gleamed in awe at the dress.
"You look... stunning!"She finished while she circled me.
"Now about this hair." She began and I backed away from her with my hands infront of me.
"Oh no, you got me in a dress, that's good enough." She rolled her eyes and gripped onto my forearm, pulling me into a chair that sat infrony of a vanity.
Her tiny hands grabbed a brush and started combing through my hair with it and after she was sure all tangles were out, she began braiding two semi small braids from the front of my hair to almost the back.
"You have natural beauty that's fierce and tonight we're going to make that shine." She smiled as she popped a band on the two braids and gathered up all the rest of my dark hair.
She brushed it up and put it into a bun so that the two braids seemed as if they entered the bun itself.
"Wow.." I muttered while I took in the hair style, it was elegant yet edgy.. I loved it. I stared at myself and an old memory began to resurface inside my thoughts. A smaller version of myself sat infront of a mirror similar to this one, only my hair was pulled into a tight bun instead of this and my face held little expression.
I shook the image out of my head and turned to Eladia.
"How much time do we have before dinner starts now?"
Eladia bit her lip as she looked up towards the clock hanging on the wall.
"A little over three minutes." My eyes widened and I shot up, hobbling over to the closet to slip on the red high heels. I swiveled around and almost ran out of the door behind Eladia as she led the way.
My heels clicked against the floor which futher annoyed me along with the slit going up my thigh.
"If I accidentally move the wrong way I could flash someone!" I whisper shouted to Eladia who just giggled.
"You look great and you'll do great." Her words did little to encourage me but I still tried to calm my nerves with a deep breath.
She pushed the wooden double doors open and I immediately found a staircase halfway down it. My heart beat sped up as she motioned for me to continue on my own.
"As soon as you step down those stairs you'll find the royal table. All of them should be present at this time." She turned around and walked back through the double doors, leaving me on my own.
I swiveled around and began to descend down the stairs, the silky material flowing behind me with each step.
Where is Cassius?
My thought was answered as the table came into view, Cassius sat next to the Princess I had almost killed in the arena. I felt all eyes turn to me but I stood up straighter and kept my eyes trained ahead to the wall farthest from me.
"Ah, Red is most certainly your color." The King's voice boomed through the room but I didn't even glace in his direction. I was too busy staring at everyone's outfit noticing that they all were dressed in midnight black.
I made my way around the table and to the only empty spot available which was between Cassius and Rhyland. As Cassius and I stared at each other, I noticed his brows furrow in confusion.
The King and Queen started up a conversation with the princess and I just ignored them while leaning towards my brother.
"Why are you wearing red?"
"It's what I was told everyone was going to be wearing. Why are you wearing black?" I asked, feeling even more out of place now.
"It seems you were the only one meant to be in red tonight." He sent me a smile before lifting his glass to his lips, the red wine spilling into his mouth.
I felt tingles running over my skin and I knew someone was watching me, I turned my head and was met with violet colored eyes. My heart rate picked up about four paces faster as I tried to calm myself down but those eyes seemed to dive deep into my soul.
"So when does the training start?" I tried to lighten up the seriousness in his eyes that had taken a toll on me.
"Tomorrow would work, if that's okay with you?" He asked and before I could answer, the King replied.
"Oh no, tomorrow won't do. We have acquaintances arriving from overseas and I'd like for the future king to be present."
Out of the corner of my eye I caught Rhyland's jaw clench at the King's words.
"No, tomorrow is fine. I'll have time to get ready before they arrive." He sent me a smile and I nodded before turning back to the King.
"Who's coming?" I blurted out and felt a nudge under the table from Cassius letting me know that it was none of my business but I couldn't help wondering.
"Just some dear friends of mine, they've never met a BlueBlood before and word spreads fast asyou may know." The cold eyes that held the stare of mine didn't match up to the smile he was giving me.
The king spoke as if he was to show me off like a trophy he gained access too or an exotic animal he tamed to stayby his side. I tried to take a deep breath and settle the anger that was rising in my throat.
The Queen and the Princess began a conversation, allowing the King to join in and their laughter ruptured through the dinning room. The sound could've made my ears bleed as I mentally gagged. I felt pressure around me knowing the very people sitting at this table laughed and were carefree while everyone outside these walls cried and starved.
"May I be excused, Your Highness?" I scooted the chair back and abruptly stood. His eyes scanned me suspiciously before giving me a quick nod and I felt my feet moving instantly to get me away from them.
I need fresh air.
The stupid heels clanked against the floor again and I was tempted to pull them off and throw them but I refrained from it. Pulling my self up the stairs, I turned to look down both sides of the hallway and found a balcony not far.
I made it and pushed the french doors open, the cool air of the night hitting the bare skin on my thigh and I cursed the person who made the dress.
My mind rambled with thoughts until I caught footsteps behind me.
"You could say my father has a way with words." Prince Rhyland's voice cast through the air. I turn and saw him step out onto the balcony with me, his dark tux almost blending with the night sky.
"I can certainly tell." I mumbled and a deep chuckle rumbled through his chest.
I turned back towards the sky as the conversation went silent until I felt the warmth of his presence directly behind me. I felt my powers flicker to life and I prepared to flame him if he tried anything.
"Hold still." The demand in his tone made my breath hitch and I found myself doing just that.
The feeling of his warm hand on my back made me exhale a shaky breath until I heared the zipper on the dress and it tightened around the top.
"It wasn't zipped all the way up." He clarrified.
"Oh, uh, yeah I tried to zip it by myself- thank you." I sputtered out, avoiding his eyes. My cheeks heated up at the embarrasment I felt and I'm sure I was going to laugh at this later. I almost set the Prince on fire because he wanted to help zip my dress up the rest of the way.
"Didn't my father assign you a maid for that very reason?" He asked, leaning over the railing face me again.
"He did but I still like to do things on my own. I don't like for people to wait on me hand and foot." I muttered and turned to meet his gaze, the smile on his face made me alomst feel bad about my words.
"Ah, the conversation wouldn't be interesting without a jab directed towards me right?" He chuckled and my brows furrowed in confusion at the sound.
"Don't you have a dinner to get back to?" I ask and he just shrugs.
"I'd ask you the same thing. After all you're the guest of honor."
My eyes buldged out at his words.
"The guest of honor usually dresses in a different color than everyone else to be singled out." He gestured towards my ruby red dress and I mentally face-palmed.
"Why don't we get back to your dinner." He asked, holding out his arm for me to take. Friendly, you have to be friendly Raven. I take his arm and he glances over at me, allowing his eyes to glide down my body in one quick swoop.
"My father wasn't lying, red is most definitely your color."