2. Twenty Year Old Virgin

Narrator’s POV.

“Would you ever stop making fun of me?”, DJ groaned as his younger and very immature sister blew raspberries at him, why would she not let this go? Their father had caught him off guard and she knew it. It was not his fault that he had possibly made a complete fool of himself in front of the highest class of werewolves who walked the face of the earth.

“Let me think about that”, she placed an index finger on her chin to feign pensiveness, “No, its way too fun to give up”, she stuck out her tongue and adjusted her backpack on her lap,

“Come on Desiree, it has been two days, give it up. I have already heard enough about my failure from dad, I do not need to hear it from you as well”, he grumbled and pushed himself further into the plush leather seat of the limo they were in.

Desiree saw how broken her brother looked, he had never looked so disheartened before, which was completely understandable- the meeting that took place a few days ago was meant to be his first chance of showing how good of an alpha king he would be but he messed it up, big time.

“What exactly happened?”, she asked with a concern look on her face, as much as she enjoyed watching her ‘masculine’ brother nearly faint in front of a crowd, she could not deny that she was worried about him, to face a crowd like that takes guts and he was barely even there.

“I don’t know D, I just froze”, it hurt him to admit the truth, he had seen the crowd and he just didn’t know what to do next. He could just sit around blaming his father for not giving him the proper training he needed or he could just put on his big boy pants and take responsibility for his actions, he was supposedly a natural born leader so any public failures was on him- at least, that was what he made himself think.

“It is alright DJ, everybody makes mistakes and screw ups sometimes”, she gave him a warm smile, hoping to comfort her brother at his lowest time,

“Not like mine Desiree, you just won’t understand and I do not expect you to”, he turned away from her and faced the window, ending the conversation. But she was far from done,

“Yes Dwayne, I know I cannot understand or relate with your mistake and I do not think I ever will. What is important is that learn from your mistakes and your first mistake is letting dad push you around so much”, she yelled at him, the temptation to throw her six-inched heel at him peeked,

“What do you expect me to do Desiree? Our father is the alpha king, I cannot go against him”, he had two options, ignore her completely or reply her like the good son he was molded to be,

“No, you are wrong, our dad is our dad. Take a good look at yourself DJ, you are twenty and very dependent”, she pointed out harshly,

“I am not dependent”, he mumbled, folding his arms across his muscled chest,

“Really Dwayne?”,

“Stop calling me Dwayne”, she knew how much he hated it when she called him that, that name just couldn’t stop taunting him, it held on to him like a blood sucking leech- like a vampire. That name although very random, held so much importance, that name belongs to the most powerful and intimidating person on the face of the earth, a person who he was the exact opposite of.

“You were getting boring for a second there, was just trying to rile you up”, Desiree shrugged and went back to her heartfelt speech, “As I was saying before I got cut off rudely by you, you live in your parent’s house”, he shot her a glare, “Which is completely understandable since you cannot live out of the castle, but what is not understandable is you not having your own car. Do you really need a chauffer and like six bodyguards glued to you, come on DJ, you’re a man”, he could not tell whether his mischievous sister was being sincere or sarcastic, but he had to admit that she was making a lot of sense, he was a man now and he was done taking personal orders from his father.

“Absolutely not DJ”, the man looked down on his son with narrowed eyes and scrunched up eyebrows,

“Come on dad, I need just one and you have thirty”, maybe if he threw a man tantrum his father would give him what he wanted? He almost burst into a fit of laughter just thinking about the expression that his no-nonsense father would give him if he pulled a stunt like that.

“You cannot have a car DJ”, he said sternly,

“Why not? I mean, I am twenty and I have my driver’s license. Why did you let me get one if you didn’t want me to drive?”, the young man tried to reason with his stubborn and hot-headed father,

“I allowed you to get it for formalities, you don’t really need it, you are the alpha prince, the law does not apply to you”, the older man placed a smirk on his lips, thinking he had won but he was wrong. He had forgotten that his son took after his mother and Daphne Penelope Edwards was the most stubborn person he knew.

“I am tired of bodyguards walking as my shadows whenever I am at school dad, it scares everyone off”, now, he was just diverting from the main topic, if his father would not give him the car, he could at least call off his bodyguards, they intimidated everyone around him and no one was allowed to step within a five feet radius of him,

“You complained about this before and I already reduced the number of guards to six, three for you and three for your sister”, he was lying,

“I know you have guards pretending to be students, they might be good at blending in but they are very bad actors”, his son called him out, “How am I supposed to pick a proper chosen if every girl is intimidated by me?”,

“Why not just do what I did with your mother?”, the alpha king suggested, he too was very intimidating before he chose a mate- he probably was still very intimidating but it wasn’t as bad as it used to be, having a family had softened him and he was proud to say it, he was no longer the alpha king he used to be twenty years ago.

“You mean I should go to a random shewolf and claim her as mine? No thanks”, he had heard the story of his mother and father times without number, it was a bedtime story he never missed when he was younger, he had heard about their exciting adventures and how his mother had conquered her enemies, and how she had given birth to him alone in a dank shed- when he heard this, he did not speak to his father for weeks leading to months. To him, his father- spelled or not, had betrayed them and he did not deserve forgiveness but after his mother had shared some very colorful words with him, he knew it was time to put the past behind him and move on.

“It sounds wrong DJ but look at your mother and I now, we are happy together, that is all that matters, right?”, as intimidating his father was, he could be very caring and even sweet at times, just like his sister. Even though he hardly got along with his father, he still found time to bond with him once in a while even though it usual took fights and arguments to get them there, they always found a way.

“Maybe, but I still want and need that car”,

“You do not need a car, you hardly even leave the castle”, he used his voice of command, hoping that it would suddenly start working for his direct bloodline.

“There is a party tonight, Alec and I are going together”, DJ shrugged unaffected,

“No, you are not and neither is Alec. Beta Fredrick and I decided not to expose both of you to things like this, you are figures of authority, you cannot be acting out of hand. The only reason we let you boys even go to school is because of your mothers”,

“Out of hand? Dad, I am a twenty-year old virgin”,

“Wait, you are a virgin? Not that it changes anything, you are staying here”, the alpha king could not hold back the amusement glistening in his eyes, his son was a virgin? He did not see that one coming, although it could not shake the feeling that it was his fault in some kind of twisted way. He had lost his virginity before his sixteenth birthday and that was because of the amount of freedom his parents had given him, he on the other hand was holding his son back.

“Yes dad, I am a virgin, I have no breathing space to lose it”, could he actually guilt trip his father into giving him a car, the party would be a bonus, “If I had a car and maybe no guards, I could lose it”,

“You are not your sister, I am not falling for that”, he knew his daughter was skillful in the art of manipulation but he loved her like that, she was like him- demanding, she always got what she wanted and when she wanted, ever since she was a baby. Most people saw her as devilish but he saw her as adorable and smart witted, he even wondered sometimes whether she would make a better ruler than her brother but he always pushed the thoughts away, he would never do that to him- his son was special in his own way and he loved him too much, plus, Daphne would never forgive him if he did that to their first-born child that she had to suffer to give birth to.

“Well, it was worth the shot”, he left the room quickly, had he given up? No, that was the answer, he was going to that party and taking a car whether his father liked it or not but now, he needed his wingman. Right on cue, his phone began to ring and he picked it up, knowing exactly who it was, “Get your ass down here, we have some business to tend to”.

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