3. Hard Alcohol and Mischief
DJ paced around his room getting very impatient, he had been waiting for almost an hour. What was taking Alec so long? He was a very tardy person- he had accepted that long ago but he was never this tardy. Was something holding him up?
Suddenly, the door burst open and Alec rushed inside looking stressed, “I am so sorry that I’m late, escaping my dad was one thing but getting past the one thousand guards is another”, he flopped onto his friend’s bed,
“Did any of them see you?”, he nearly pounced on his friend in agitation,
“Calm yourself, I made sure no one saw me”, he sat up straight and urged, “So what is the plan?”,
“First line of business, we sneak back out and head straight for my dad’s garage”, he said with a shrug,
“You are kidding”, his face was straight as a needle, “You are actually serious about this?”, Alec said in amusement, he had never seen his best friend so determined to do something bad or break the rules by going against his father.
“I am dead serious”, he sat down on the bed, “Now, we just have to figure out a way to get down there without anybody noticing”, he was personally trying not to rethink the whole thing and just stay put, where his father wanted him to be like the good boy he was but he was done taking orders, even if this was the smallest one yet.
“We can use the trees at your balcony to get down”, Alec suggested,
“No, that is a horrible idea, there are guards everywhere”, he stood up and began to pace again, “Wait, I know a shortcut, it is like a ten to ninety percent possibility that we will get caught”, strolling towards his door, he opened it slightly and shot his head out, scanning the hallways, “Its empty, we should move, now”, he opened the door wider and stepped out.
The duo hurried down the hall, careful to avoid every guard and castle worker that could come in their way, “This is crazy, I feel like a fucking spy”, Alec said excitedly but was immediately shushed by his friend. He had heard footsteps at the other end of the hallway,
“Someone is coming, follow me”, he grabbed Alec’s sweaty hand and led him through another place, “That’s the garage”, he pointed at an iron door, “If we can get there before the next round of guards show up, that would be great”, in the speed of lightning, they were at the door. DJ pushed it open quickly and let his friend in.
“Wow”, Alec exclaimed in awe, “Your dad has like a hundred cars”, the garage was packed with all kinds of expensive looking vehicles, from sports cars to wagons to vintage cars that had probably not left the garage in years, but even with that, they were equally as shiny as the brand new models,
“He has thirty six, well, thirty-five now since I do not plan on returning the one I take”, he went to the sports car key holder and picked up the fanciest one he saw, he had been eyeing this particular car since his father bought it a few years back, it was not the latest car but it still suited him well.
“So, which car did you choose?”, not answering with his mouth, DJ pressed the unlock button on the key he was holding, the car made a loud beeping noise as its headlights flashed orange, he had never been more happy to know that all the rooms in the house were soundproofed, it was a blessing,
“Sweet”, Alec made his way to the electric blue sports car, it was a very small two-doored vehicle with four seats in it, it looked less roomy than it actually was. On its bonnet was the royal seal painted boldly in white, the last time he had seen the car, it did not have it, this white interference was an attention grabber, it said too much but he was willing to take it the way it was.
He got into the car and waited for his friend to enter the passenger’s seat, he started the engine and made his way to the main garage door, “There should be a remote in the dash compartment, it opens the garage door”, he instructed,
“How dumb could the both of you be?”, a very familiar and unwanted voice said, making them jump out of their seats,
“What the fuck are you doing here Desiree?”, DJ yelled at his little sister, placing a hand on his beating chest, it could have been anybody, it could have been his father.
“Sneaking out I see”, she smirked, ignoring his question, “What happened to goody two shoes Dwayne Junior?”, she folded her arms across her chest and leaned back on the leather seat,
“How the hell did you get in here?”, he asked her as he turned off the engine, he did not want the gas finishing before they go to their destination,
“Oh, I came in a few minutes before you did. You are so predictable, you know that? You seem pretty determined this morning so when dad told me what happened, I knew it was impossible for you to just quit, after all, you take after our mother”, she shrugged, “And I also knew you were going to take this car”, she added quickly.
“Smart”, Alec complimented and she gave him a heart melting smile. DJ rolled his eyes at his best friend, he knew his sister was dangerously beautiful but he never knew what Alec saw in her, she was just a potty-mouthed, demonic little devil who felt like she was entitled to everything.
“Yes, smart but get out”,
“I would not do that if I was you, let us not forget that it takes me nothing to call dad and tell him about all this”, she threatened then added, “Or, we could just let Desiree stay and she would keep this our little secret”,
“Bitch”, DJ spat and turned the engine back on,
“I would take that as a compliment. So, I heard we are going for a party?”, even though she did not show it, she was extremely excited, this was also her first party- actual party that involved normally abnormal young adults and not people twice her age with their stuck-up children. If it was something both Daphne and Desiree shared in common, it was their complete dislike for the upper-class men. Even though they were at the top of the list, they just could not understand why it was such a big deal to people and also, they could not find words to project their irritation and disgust for Lunas, especially those who were chosen into it- they somehow found a way to act worse than those that were actually born as Lunas.
“We are”, Alec said as he took the remote from the compartment, “Which button to open?”, he asked the man sitting beside him, but before he could be directed, the remote was snatched away from his hands,
“Are the both of you mad? Turn the garage lights off first”, she pressed one of the buttons and the lights went off, “Now, turn off the headlights, it would call attention to us”, DJ reluctantly did what he was told, he hated when his sister acted like she was smarter than him, because she was the prodigal, bad-ass child did not make her smarter. She turned to Alec, “Now, you can open the garage door, I checked a few minutes before you guys came in, there are no guards around, I am quite sure”.
“You had this whole thing planned out, didn’t you?”, Alec smirked at her, this is why he liked her so much, she was so smart and very witty, also, she was very brave and never let anything get in her way when she wanted something,
“Yes, I did”, she shrugged, returning his smirk, “We cannot use the front gate so we will take the back, hardly anyone goes there”,
“There is a back gate? Wait, have you done this before?”, DJ asked incredulously, how was it possible that she knew all this information?
“Twice”, she smiled at him, “You live eighteen years here, you have to find a way to kill your boredom”, she began giving him directions to the gate which was in a very secluded area, it looked like no one had been there in years, no one except Desiree. “Can you please open the top of the car? It’s a convertible for a reason”, she sassed. After the sky was fully exposed, to jumped out of the car and went to the gate with a large chain cutter,
“Was that with you the whole time?”, she was mind blowing and even though he rued the day that he would finally admit it to her, he was very impressed. His younger sister was like a female ninja, shrewd and unpredictable. He realized that without her, he would have never been able to carry this plan out, he would have gotten caught the moment he opened the garage door.
“No, dad just keeps things like this in his cars”, she answered sarcastically, snapping the chains clean off the gate, she pushed it open wide enough for the car to go through and shut it back once the car went past the gate. She energetically jumped into the car and let out a hoot, “To the party!”, one look at her and DJ knew he was going to regret bringing her along and even going for this thing all together but he also knew it was too late for him to back down at that point.