Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter seven

Lucas Lockwood sat on his seat directly across from the officer. It was noon and he had a lot of work to do.

"May I offer you something to drink? "

"No, that won't be necessary, thank you, "

Lucas started going through some papers. He could always multitask.

"So why are you here? " He recognized the officer from an earlier encounter.

"Sir, I've been looking into your case-"

"What case? " Lucas asked and the cop almost smiled.

"Um... my name is Officer Henry Saunders and I believe there was an attempt on your life a while back. "

"Oh ,that. I had completely forgotten about it. "

There was too much work to be done for him to worry about such petty things. It would take more than one little incident to scare him off.

"Well I didn't. I did some digging and Sir, I believe your life is in danger "

Lucas closed the documents he was going through, then he stood and went over to a table at the corner to pour himself a glass of whiskey.

"Let me tell you something boy, my life is always in danger. It comes with the job. " he said as he took a sip from the drink.

Saunders locked his fingers together on the desk and leaned in.

"Marcus Hines. Name ring a bell? "

Lucas stopped the glass halfway to his lips. He clearly remembered Marcus. It was his case that had catapulted him to the top . Made him the sought after attorney he was now.

"Yeah. I sent him to prison a long time ago. "

"Twenty years ago, right? "

Marcus thought about it. Marcus had been given a sentence of twenty years.

"He's out? "

Saunders nodded before adding, " And his after you. "

Mr. Lockwood placed the glass on the table and pocketed his hands.

"How sure are you? "

Saunders took out a paper from his pocket and read out some names. Then he explained that all those people had been found dead over the past few weeks. Along with most of their family members.


Saunders stood and looked around. Then he asked Mr. Lockwood who else lived there apart from him.

"Just the staff and my daughter. "

"I'll see if I can get you some officers to keep watch over the premises. But you should consider hiring some guards for additional protection,"

That didn't sound like a bad idea. He told Saunders he would contact a security agency and have them watch over Crystal. That being his soul concern. Her safety came first, closely followed by her career.

"You mean like a bodyguard? " Saunders asked as a new idea started forming in his head.

"Precisely. Why? Do you have any recommendations? "Saunders smiled.

He did have one. Probably wouldn't work but there was no harm in trying.

"Actually I do. He used to be in the army. And I believe you two have met."

Mr. Lockwood crossed his arms and frowned. It would be great to get someone with that much experience. It meant Crystal would still be able to go on with her career.

"What's his name? " He asked, eager to find out who this acquaintance was. Saunders smiled and leaned back against the comfortable chair.

"Hilton....Nick Hilton. "


Crystal sat next to her bedroom window and looked out. Their house was at the farthest edge of a neighborhood that was mostly inhabited by the wealthy. She hated it here but she did love the privacy. It was surrounded by trees and there was a large field where she used to ride horses as a child.

Her dad sold them all after her mom died but she could still recall recall how great the feeling was.

But it was nothing compared to how she had felt when he'd been near her. She looked at the flowers in a vase next to her bed and remembered the statement he had made about her smelling like them and smiled.

He had left in such a hurry and she wondered why. She didn't even know his name but was completely captivated by him. She also knew that she would never be at ease until she saw him again.

He was pleasure and sin all built into one. Just the thought of him had her heart racing.

It was the strangest thing.

When she stared at him, all she saw was emptiness, a whole lot of nothing.

But he made her feel entirely different.

He was dangerous, she had no doubt about that.

He looked like the most feral of men. Fought like a lethal blade and gave off an aura of pure male power.

She'd go insane if she never saw him again.

Completely insane!


"Not interested! " Nick firmly stated for what felt like the millionth time. Sundays had always been his favourite days. Everything was always quiet.For the better part of it at least.

He mostly spent the day in the gym or maybe with Matt and Brianna. They were his only family afterall.

Miguel had called the previous day and said there was something urgent they needed. to discuss. He thought he was done with all that shit. Of course he'd said he couldn't make it. Should have guessed that the guy would look for him. No doubt Matt had told him where he was.

He had wondered what would be so important that Miguel had to interrupt his work out just to tell him.

But he could never have imagined the suggestion he was being given.

"Come on, just think about it. You'll be killing two birds with one stone. You'll get a job which I'm sure you're good at and-"

"Not. Interested! " Nick repeated more clearly.

The guy was awfully persistent. Just wouldn't take no for an answer. But he was crazy if he thought he'd be able to convince him to take that damn job.

A bodyguard?


Nick increased the speed on the treadmill and decided to just ignore him. Maybe he'd get the hint and leave. Something he doubted.

"I don't get why you're so against it. You ought to at least think about it first, "

Nick sighed as he shut off the machine. Then he took his bottled water and gulped it down.

Eyes fixed.

Chest heaving.

He turned to Miguel , " Look. No offense but I have no interest in wasting my time watching over a spoilt little rich girl. Got that? " he raised his brows and Miguel shook his head.

"She is not spoilt! She actually one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, " he sounded pretty sure of that. And coming from Miguel that meant a lot. The guy was practically the king of kindness.

But then Nick wasn't sure he'd be able to handle a fragile soul. Not that he was actually going to take the damn job. He already had one.

"Still not interested, "

Miguel groaned and ran a hand over his face.

"Come on! I'm trying to help you here, "

"I never asked you for your help! "

Miguel was almost turning red. He was probably wondering why he decided to waste his day off like that. Not that Nick was trying to be ungrateful but that just wasn't something he could picture himself doing.


"I have an idea, " Miguel suggested as he snapped his fingers. A very determined look on his face. So this was how he won his cases. By boring the entire courtroom to death.

"What? "Nick asked though he wasn't really that interested. He just decided to let him try as hard as he could so that when he turned down all the suggestions, he would go home knowing he'd tried his best.

"What if I introduce you to her. That way you'll see for yourself that -"

"Not happening. " Nick cut in but Miguel kept insisting.

"Relax, it's not like I'm setting you up or anything. We'll go out to grab some drinks and I'll invite her. "

Miguel added sounding very optimistic.

Nick realised that he wasn't going to give up. He'd already been at this for what? An hour?

"Fine! but if I still don't want to take the fucking job after that you'll let this go. Get that? "

Miguel smiled. Clearly overjoyed that he'd given in.

"Wow,that was easier than I thought, " he remarked and Nick went back to his work out.

"Careful Diaz. or I'm gonna change my mind just as fast. " He warned.

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