Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Olivia, I’m expecting a call in just a moment,” Grayson said into the speaker phone. “Hold all my other calls, please.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” she responded.

“Thanks, Olivia.”

Grayson let out a deep breath as he disconnected, hoping he was doing the right thing. He had thought of it over and again and knew it was the right choice. He had only given his heart to one woman before... and she had just shattered it. No, he was better off living without love. After all, his forefathers and other royals in the past, even nobles, married for status, money, and to continue their royal lineage. Why shouldn’t he?

The phone buzzed and Grayson hit the speaker button. “Your Highness, the call you are expecting is on the line.”

“Thank you, Olivia.” He clicked off a moment later, he clicked a button on his computer. Immediately, a well-dressed man with salt and pepper gray hair appeared on the screen. “Your Highness, my name is Mr. Franklin from AmericanMate. I have Miss Douglas on the line. Is now a good time?”

Grayson forced a smile. “Yes, of course. Thank you, Mr. Franklin.”

The man nodded slightly, his lips curling into a smile. “Your Highness.”

Then the screen went back and when it came back on, the same woman with long, brunette hair from the photograph appeared before the screen. But her photo didn’t do her justice.

“Hell, Miss Douglas,” he began. “My name is Grayson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine,” she said, her voice sweet and intelligent. He could tell by her mannerisms that she was a strong, but gentle woman.

Grayson folded his hands atop his desk, determined to keep their meeting all business. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today. I apologize that it wasn’t in person, but on such short notice—”

“It’s quite all right,” Miss Douglas interjected. “I completely understand.”

Grayson nodded. “Very well, then.” He sighed. “I have a few conditions, if I am to be your husband. And I’m afraid they’re non-negotiable. But if you don’t agree, then we shall go our separate ways and there’s no harm done. However, I will still hold you to absolute discretion.”

“I understand,” she replied, her expression unreadable.

“Very well then.” Grayson let out a deep breath. “This will be a real marriage. However, I will not force myself upon you. When you are ready, then you will come to me. Also, you will never cheat on me. If you become unhappy, then I want you to tell me directly.”

She nodded.

“Another thing,” Grayson continued, “there has never been a divorce in my family... ever. Which means that I will never grant you a divorce. So, think carefully before accepting my offer.”

“I understand.”

“And another thing, Miss Douglas—”

“Please, call me Ari,” she cut him off. When he paused, she shrugged and looked him straight in the eye. “If we are to be married, don’t you think we should call each other by our given names, at least?”

He smirked. “Yes, you’re absolutely right... Ari.”

She tilted her head to the side. “What else were you going to tell me?”

“You are direct, aren’t you?”

She smiled. “As are you.”

He thought for a moment and then nodded. “Yes, you could say that.”


He leaned closer to the computer screen, enjoying her spunk. “Why are you doing this?” He sighed. “I want the absolute truth, no matter what it is.”

“I... uh... I’d rather not say....”

“Then this call is over,” Grayson replied. “Thank you for your time.”

“Wait!” she yelled, losing her composure. Her eyes immediately glistened with tears, threatening to spill over.

Grayson waited, giving her a moment.

“My sister has Leukemia,” she replied, her voice merely a whisper. “My mother is a waitress and has no money and no insurance. And my sister, Henley, and I are both college students. I just quit college until after this is over.” She sighed. “There was no other way to pay her medical expenses.”

Grayson froze, looking at the screen. Watching Ari, hearing her story, brought back memories of losing his own mother to cancer. He quickly regained his composure. “I’ll give you five million instead of three. The other two million is to be spent on your clothes and to help you wrap up your affairs. Also, I expect you to move to Estrea as soon as possible.”

She nodded, wiping a tear from her eye. “Will I be able to come back and visit my mother and my sister?”

Grayson smiled. “Yes, of course. You will be my wife, not my slave. You will be free to travel as you wish. However, you will be required to have a bodyguard with you at all times... as are all of the Royal Family.”

She nodded her agreement and then looked into his eyes, squaring her shoulders, awaiting the rest.

Grayson moved closer to the screen and lowered his voice. “Ari, you have nothing to fear. I am an honorable man, and you will be safe with me.”

She smiled. “I appreciate that.”

“Furthermore, as my wife, you will be required to take elocution lessons and to attend all functions with me.” Unable to help himself, his heart went out to her. “Do you have any wishes of your own?”

“I just want my sister to have the best medical care possible.” She looked into the screen, her eyes never wavering.

“Done. I’ll make a phone call. After the call, please let Olivia, my personal assistant, know the name of the hospital where your sister is being treated.”

Ari nodded. “Thank you.”

Grayson smiled. “I’m happy to do it.” He let out a deep breath. He wanted to keep this first meeting all business, and he could feel his control slipping as his heart went out to her. The reason she was doing this was honorable. Perhaps the most honorable reason he could think of. If money could have saved his mother, he wouldn’t have hesitated. “Are you in agreement with the terms I set forth?”

“Yes, it’s very generous. Thank you,” Ari replied.

Grayson smiled. “Let’s just hope you still want to thank me after we’re married for twenty years.”

Ari smirked. “Let’s just hope you still want to make the same offer after twenty years.”

Grayson chuckled, admiring her spunk. “I’ll speak with you soon.” Then he said to Olivia. “Draw up the papers.” He started to walk away, but then turned around. “Also, please get the name of the hospital where her sister is being treated. When you’re finished, please let me know.”

Olivia nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“Thank you.” As he walked away, he hoped he was making the right decision. But for better or for worse—literally—he was now all in, knowing that once he made a decision, he saw it through.

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