Chapter 4
Seraphina turned to Bethel “What will happen when I... if I drink her blood?” Bethel looked Seraphina in the eyes “I am not sure child, you may shift straight away, it may take hours or weeks. The dragon is part of your soul, she has been sleeping though and she may not wake immediately or she may be waiting to be released. One cannot say, it is rare for a Dhampir to have a familiar at all, but to have one so powerful. I’m sorry I can't help you more”.
Just as Seraphina was about to answer Bethel, there was a commotion in the courtyard as the Manor doors were burst open and the fanfares of the Royal Parade were heard loudly within the Manor walls.
“Well, this just got interesting” smirked Melanie mischievously.
“All be present and stand before their Highnesses King Narcissus” a loud horn blared “Queen Ethena” the horn blasted again “Prince Achilles” another horn sang out “And Princess Aurelia” the horn blared a final time as the Royal Guard finished his announcements. All the servants had gathered, including Seraphina, Bethel, Rose and Melanie, just in time to bow to their Highnesses.
“Thank you for the invitation Lady Persephone, Lord Isiah” announced the Queen, her voice was somehow soft yet rang with power “We apologise for our late arrival, the journey here was longer than we expected” the Kings voice echoed off of the courtyard walls. The Royals proceeded into the courtyard along with their guards and took seat at the head of the table as the servants hastily placed chairs there.
The Queen and Lady Lissandra exchanged a brief glance, if one hadn't been looking closely, they might have missed it. Seraphina suspected this was her doing. Lady Persephone was lost for words, she repeatedly apologised to the King and Queen for starting the celebrations without them, explaining she did not think they would attend.
The King smiled softly as Lady Persephone regurgitated apologies over and over completely flustered. The servants all took steps back to the outer walls and stood with their eyes lowered, the Princes eyes scanned the room as though he was looking for someone, his brows were knitted together and he had a confused look on his face.
Lady Persephone tried to exchange pleasantries with the Queen and Princess, complimenting them repeatedly but neither seemed interested or engaged in the conversation, both appeared to be looking at all of the faces in the room however, far more subtly than the Prince.
The King was a tall man with a very muscular build, he had short jet-black hair and deep red eyes, his face was betrayed nothing as he sat with a small smile on his face. The Queen was beautiful with thick auburn hair flowing down to her knees and beautiful hazel eyes, she had thin pouty lips and stood tall and slim.
Princess Aurelia too was beautiful and much like her mother, her striking, fiery, copper hair was styled in an intricate updo decorated with beautiful pale pink pins that caught the sunlight and sent mesmerizing twinkling reflections off of the courtyard walls. Her big blue eyes were lined by a thick row of long curly eyelashes, she looked the picture of purity but her blue eyes hid a sense of cunning.
The Prince shared his father dark hair but instead he wore it chin length and in natural waves. He had deep brown eyes, occasionally when he looked towards the direction of the sun, which was now fully risen over the courtyard, his eyes shone a breathtaking gold. His thick full lips were pouting and his defined muscular build was clearly visible due to his shirt being open down to his waist.
Seraphina caught a glimpse of his chiseled tanned torso lightly dusted with fine dark hair. Her eyes couldn’t help but linger, when she realised she was staring, she immediately blushed.
She couldn’t help but wonder why the Royal Family had chosen to make an appearance today, Lady Persephone had penned to the Royal Family to invite them to her events on numerous occasions, for almost every party she hosted and they had never before attended. She was desperate to win grace with the Royal Family and even believed she could present her sons as suitors for the Princesses. Princes unlike Princesses were usually betrothed from a young age, either by a soul connection of for the benefit of the kingdom but, Princesses were free to marry whom they chose to love.
Seraphina's heart tightened, could they know she was there, did they suspect the was the long-lost Fiancé to the Prince, surely not. How could word have even left the Manor yet that a Dhampir with a familiar was there. Seraphina felt as though someone was looking in her direction, she could feel the weight of the heavy gaze.
She felt her breathe hitch and small bead of sweat began to form on her chest, she was burning under someone’s gaze, if only she knew who. She didn’t dare look up incase her Lady saw; she would surely beat her publicly for shaming her in such an indecent way.
Suddenly, Prince Achilles spoke up, his strong booming voice carried across the courtyard, “Forgive me Lady Persephone, the journey here was quite a laborious one, do you perhaps have a Dhampir I could borrow for a moment?” Lady Persephone visibly blanched for a second, she quickly regained her composure and called Bethel over. Bethel cast a glance to Seraphina and stepped forward. “No, no” said the Prince calmly, “the other one”.