Chapter 7
Seraphina didn’t have time to react to hearing the Prince’s pet name for her as when the Prince stepped out of the carriage with her in him arms once again, she was greeted by the beautiful marble castle that stood before her. She gasped as she took in her surroundings, she took a moment to let her eyes scan all around her.
From the tall marble turrets beautifully decorated with gold to the perfectly manicured gardens filled with tall blossoms trees that released little pink petals as the wind gently blew. Her eyes were wide brimming with wonder, she looked further and saw rose bushes, lilies and all other kinds of flowers she didn’t even recognise. It was like nothing she could have ever dreamed.
The Prince watched her with curiosity “If it not befitting for you my Princess, I can take you to the House DeBeaux Angelo?” the Prince asked, secretly afraid she would not want to stay with him. Ever since she was taken as a baby, there had been an emptiness in his heart, this is the first time in 18 years he had felt whole. “It is beautiful my Prince- I mean Achilles, I am at a loss for words” Seraphina replied earnestly.
The Prince smiled widely at her revealing his sharp long fangs. Seraphina’s breathe hitched as her mind wandered to thoughts of him sinking his fangs into her skin and drinking from her. The Prince must have smelled her juices start to flow again as his grinned widen and his eyes darkened at her. “Soon my Princess, you will be mine and I will be yours and you can have me any way in which you wish” he whispered seductively. Seraphina did not know what to say to that. “Um- Achilles, May I walk?” she asked softly. A look of disappointment flashed across his face but, he quickly covered it with a soft smile. “Let me at least get you inside, I don’t want you to hurt your feet. You may bathe and change in my quarters, your room is not yet ready.” he knew that was a lie, her room had been ready for her for 18years, he couldn’t bare the thought of parting with her yet, even for a moment.
“My room?” asked Seraphina “I will not be staying with you” she asked softly. She too didn’t want to be away from her Prince, she had never felt as content as she did with him. Maybe it was true that they were fated lovers, their souls intertwined. “If you so wish to my Princess, I will have rooms prepared for your friends” the Prince replied lovingly.
As he walked to the Palace with her in his arms, she pulled her eyes away from her surrounds and looked at him “I would like to see the House DeBeaux Angelo though if that would be okay” Seraphina whispered, afraid she would offend him. The Prince smiled at her fondly, “Of course my sweet flower, whatever you desire you shall have”.
The Prince carried her through the main area of the Palace, Seraphina was at a loss for words as they passed through the grand dining hall, through a magnificent ballroom and out into a large garden in the centre of the palace, she looked around and saw more trees, willow trees this time and a large lake that seemed to be fed off of a small stream that ran under the Palace, the lake was alive and dancing with beautiful, colourful fish.
Seraphina outstretched an arm and using her Dhampir abilities, guided a small stream of water through the air allowing it to rain over her, careful to avoid wetting the Prince. The Prince chuckled softly “What was that for?” he smiled at her. Seraphina feeling suddenly embarrassed told him “It has just been so long since I have felt fresh water on my skin, I am sorry your Highness.”
The Prince felt conflicting emotions of pain for Seraphina and also in awe that she was so effortlessly pure and graceful. “Do not be sorry my love, if you prefer, you can bathe in the lake? I will warm it for you” and just like that, the lake slowly started to bubble as steam rose from the surface and the fish swam away down into the cooler streams.
The Prince carried Seraphina over to the lakes edge and gently place her down, allowing her to enter the lake. She shyly handed him his cloak and slowly stepped in, she could feel her tensions melting away in the warmth of the water. The Prince gestured a Palace servant to bring some soap and towels then he turned and began to undress his self. Seraphina blushed as she saw the Prince removed his shirt to reveal a large silver mark of a Snow Leopard that spread across the length of his back, she could also see his fire sign glistening in the sun on his right flank. The Prince turned to her fully nude and began to make his way to the water, Seraphina blushed and looked down as the naked Prince swam to her.
“You need not look away my sweet flower, I am yours after all” he said softly. Seraphina blushed again at hearing his pet name for her, remembering their moment in the carriage earlier. The servant returned with the towels and soaps the Prince had requested and placed them at the waters edge, the Prince waded over to retrieve the soap and went back to Seraphina and immediately began washing her. Seraphina tried to pull away, embarrassed that someone would see the Prince washing a servant! “Please, allow me” said the Prince softly, Seraphina nodded and the Prince began to wash her long chocolate curls. She smelled like a mixture of flowers and honey, the scent was intoxicating to him.
As he lifted her hair to massage her scalp, he could see the beginnings of her dragon mark wrapping around her shoulder, he moved his hands to her neck and began to gently massage her. He could feel his fangs twitching at the sight of her neck, he so wanted to drink from her. Seraphina could feel his gaze on her neck “You can taste me if you wish to” Seraphina muttered shyly, hoping she hadn't overstepped. To feed from another Vampire or Dhamir was a deeply intimate and sensual thing to do, more so even than having sex.
The Prince hesitated for a moment, he wanted to but, he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or pressured. Seraphina leant back against the Prince and titled her head, baring her neck to him. The Prince lowered his head and kissed her neck gently before slowly sinking his teeth into her and taking a long drink. The ecstasy that flowed through them was nothing either of them had felt before, Seraphina gasped as the Prince wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and drank deeply and she melted into his embrace. The Prince felt his member stand up, hard and throbbing.
Seraphina moaned loudly as his erection brushed against her delicate folds which where pulsing with heat, longing for the Prince to enter her and take her virtue. They both could feel each other longing for the other, like a carnal need to be enveloped in each other. The Prince broke contact and gasped, a wild look in his eyes. He had never experienced such a feeling, she was like a drug to him, he wanted more no, needed more. He knew if he continued, it would have developed into something more and he did not want to deflower his Princess where a servant or his siblings could enter at any moment.
He turned her around so she was facing him, Seraphina too was breathless, her heavy breasts rising and falling with each deep breath. Her face was flushed a deep shade of red and her eyes were glowing with lust. The Prince tried desperately to calm his self and began to wash her body. He took his time to explore her body whilst cleaning her. Everywhere his fingers trailed, her skin flushed with goose bumps. His erection was standing strong, still determined but, he had more control now. He finished washing Seraphina and she motioned to take the soap to wash him but, he shook his head. “I do not need cleaning my sweet flower”, a look of disappointment flashed across Seraphina’s face and she tried to look down embarrassed that she had tried to be so bold.
The Prince lifted her chin so their eyes met “You have lived your life serving others, let me serve you, please”, he said this with such sincerity that Seraphina smiled shyly and nodded. He placed a small kiss on her lips and looked back at her lovingly. “Come, lets get to dry and into some clothes, then we can sit down for afternoon tea.” Seraphina didn’t realise how hungry she was until this moment, she hadn’t eaten since the morning previous and the use of magic on her Lady and the Prince had drained her of her energy, her stomach growled loudly in response to the mention of food.