Chapter 7 The Limo Returns
Emily may have been unlucky in love, but she was extremely confident about her career. She could always find another company to work for, but first she needed to go to the police. This Josh situation was getting out of control.
Just like most of the people at work, the officers at the station were very sympathetic when she told them the whole story.
“It’s a tough city to live in, even without being stalked by an ex,” said the sergeant, a tired-looking woman in her forties.
The whole process of getting a protection order would take much longer than Emily expected, and she would have to appear in court to testify. On the bright side, many people had witnessed the incident of aggression in the office. It would likely be enough to convince the judge that Josh was dangerous.
“In the meantime,” said the sergeant, “you could try to think of a safety plan. Have all your most important personal belongings quickly accessible. If you’re really feeling threatened, you could move to a women’s shelter.”
The idea sounded so extreme, and Emily hoped it wouldn’t come to that. It was tempting to have a safe place she could escape to, but at the same time she didn’t want to give Josh the satisfaction of driving her from her apartment. She wondered if he knew where she lived now too... He obviously knew where she worked, and maybe he could have followed her home. But she had sworn not to let him intimidate her.
Emily left the police station somewhat reassured since Josh would be receiving a summons to appear in court. He might even get arrested if the court decided the threat is serious enough.
Josh came from a rich family, so she worried that he would get out on bail easily enough if he did get arrested. She just hoped the legal complications and the possibility of having a criminal record would prevent him from stalking her again.
She kept an eye out for Josh as she made her way home, but there was no sign of him. Maybe getting booted out of the office made him more cautious.
Completely exhausted as she walked home, Emily was not prepared for the sight that awaited her outside her apartment building.
The quiet, tree-lined street probably did not have limos parked there too often, but this time it happened twice in the same 24 hours. Darkness was falling, and she couldn’t be sure, but it looked like the same one that had dropped her off last night.
This was just what she needed! Another stalker.
How could she have been so stupid as to tell the driver her address? Now Byron knew where she lived and could come by any time he wanted, just like Josh had done at her parents’ house.
It was probably the alcohol that made her careless last night. Drinking and partying were not something she did too much, but once in a while they made a good escape from reality. Now they had become her worst enemy.
Just as she turned the corner and walked quickly towards her building, Byron came out of the car. She couldn’t believe it! He had been sitting here waiting for her like a typical stalker, and he noticed as soon as she approached.
Remembering her resolution to stay strong, she faced him with a steely look in her eyes.
He wore a dark blue pullover sweater and jeans, giving him a more casual vibe. Those rugged-looking boots helped complete the laid-back, sexy picture. She wished he was just a normal person, but after all she had read about him, she would be reluctant to see him again, even if he wasn’t behaving like a classic stalker. He was a bit shocked when he saw her expression.
“Sorry if this is a bit unexpected,” he began in his pleasant voice.
“This is not just unexpected,” Emily said sternly, “it’s unbelievable. What makes you think you can show up here and stalk me?”
“I... I wasn’t.”
Just like Josh, he was rich and could probably get away with a lot more creepy behavior without too much legal damage. Emily regretted falling for his ‘nice guy’ act.
“Even after everything I told you last night,” she said, “how Josh would come to my house at all hours, you decide to do the same thing?”
“I know how it looks,” he said, “but I just wanted to see you again. I’m really sorry if I scared you, Emily.”
“You don’t just show up at someone’s house without calling,” she said, walking past him towards her door. “Now leave me alone. I don’t want to see anyone.”
She hoped he wouldn’t try to stop her, and he didn’t.
“I won’t bother you anymore,” he said, looking forlornly at her as she entered the building.