The Demonic Gate

Not having anywhere to resort to as the red eyes surrounded her from each corner, Sara crouched into a protective position and closed her own, she squeezed them shut so hard all while covering her ears with her hands, She cried and shivered, feeling the stares on her like wicked touches, sickening and filthy, she felt herself being violated, as the touches kept on crawling on her naked self, each withholding a part of her while she crouched helplessly, she recited every single prayer she knew, begging the Gods to save her as she had no idea how to save herself, However, the Gods didn't respond, they never did to any of her former prayers, when she wished to see her mother, or when she wished to have friends, the Gods seemed to have forsaken her, yet here she was still begging them, hoping this one time they might listen...

Too engrossed in her mind wrecking struggle, Sara was surprised by the sudden painful pair of grips that clutched at her shoulders like nippers, making her scream at the top of her lungs, shooting up from her position while opening her eyes, her body tried to escape the iron hold but it didn't let go. Instead, a voice called her over and over again, urgently. Only this time, it was not strange nor alarming, but rather safe and familiar...

''Sara, Calm are okay...'', Sara's heart and mind took several seconds to calm down, the gentle patting on her back soothed her, her screams died but the violent hiccups and shivers didn't, taking in her suroundings, she recognized the walls, the furniture and the worried face that stared at her with brown eyes...

''Father?'', At her small and frightened whisper, King Edard pulled his daughter into a tight embrace, reassuring her -and himself- that she was safe and sound, He whispered safe words into her ears, letting her know she was okay, and he was there with her. The truth is, the king was mortified when the news about the accident reached his ears, he canceled everything at hand, including a very important meeting with his councillors, and travelled in the heavy rain to come to her. Sara on the other hand, was finally calming down in the safety of her father's embrace.

She was back in her room, in her bed, still wearing the hideous grey robe, her father was there with her, Worried to death, and so were the members of the holy council, all twelve of them, looking at her with a mixture of doubt and accusation...

''Your Majesty...'', One of the priests stepped forward, hoping to convince the king to discuss the urgent matters at hand now that his daughter was awake. However, the king didn't move nor did he reply.

''We would like to...''

"Can't you see that she just woke up?'' The king snarled, releasing his daughter from the tight embrace but keeping an arm around her back, he glared at the priests, silently warning them not to say anything out of the place.

''We apologize, Your Majesty. And we thank the merciful Gods for your safety, Young Lady, However, we humbly ask you to...''

''For Gods' sake...'' Sara stared at her father, confused and worried, as he kept on interrupting the priests angrily , ''Can't you wait?''.

''Father, What is it?'', King Edard stopped glaring at the old priests to look at his beautiful daughter, her deep pure eyes were clouded by fear and confusion while her little fists grabbed his shirt tightly, he felt his heart bleed for her, his own flesh and blood whom he loved dearly as she was the fruit of his love with her mother, caressing her hair, he offered her a gentle smile...

''Don't worry, Sara. You are safe, there is nothing for you to worry about..'', Sara couldn't help but smile back at her father, even though she was still shaken by the incident, her father's presence and concern were enough to warm her heart, he was her support, her only family...

''Nothing, Your Majesty? A priest was killed, a demonic gate was opened, the holy tower was sullied, And you say nothing?''

''All of you, Out!'' The king was beyond furious even if his words sounded calm and low. They were not a bit less threatening, the priests stared at him for few seconds. Offended, but none dared to say a single word as they bowed before leaving the room.

"Father, What were they talking about?''

''Tell me what were you doing in the restrained section Sara?'', King Edard never meant to sound angry, not at his little girl, but he was still upset by the whole situation and the priests accusations, he knew the old hags were not going to let the matter slide easily, especially with that demonic book they kept on mentioning. And -whether he liked it or not- the holy council was the head of the religious authority in his kingdom. Religion, being one of the pillars on which their whole system was built, made the holy council almost as authoritative a the royal council...

''I...'', Words were lost in Sara's throat and were replaced by frightened sobs and shivers, she was not yet over what happened, and also scared from her father's reaction if she told him about why she went there...

''Baby girl, I know you are scared, but you must understand that the situation at hand is quite serious, i need you to tell me the truth...'', Edard's voice was tired but patient, he knew better than anyone how frail and sensitive Sara was, he sometimes felt as if she was made of delicate glass that can shatter if he raised his voice at her, squeezing her hand gently, he nodded for her to talk, reassuring her, non verbally, that he was going to understand and take her side, no matter what the truth was...

''He tricked me..'' Sara lowered her head in shame, a tear making it way down her face...


''Patrick..'' King Edard knew who Sara was talking about, the dead middle aged priest was an honorable man and a good friend to his second son, he was known to be the kindest to the souls around him, but with the way his daughter said his name, both scared and disgusted , he doubted the man was as clean as he claimed to be...

''He, tried to kill me, he had orders to kill me...he tried to sneak in my room in the early morning but i was awake, i didn't know it was him, and then...he told me about some registers in the restricted section, he said they had my mother's name, I....stupidly believed him...''



"She said the bastard had orders...'' King Edard was at the verge of exploding, after his talk with Sara, he left her to rest while he talked to the useless priests who were supposed to protect and watch out for her but instead, nearly let her be violated and killed...

''I don't think that is what we should be discussing, Your Majesty, That book..''

''Fuck the book, I am telling you someone gave that bastards orders to kill my daughter...''

''We don't know who did that, Your Majesty...'' the king almost scoffed at the priests, he concluded that -at least- not all of them were involved, if the decision was consensually made by the holy council, then Sara would have been killed right away and the whole accident would be blamed on the pitiful excuse of a human named Patrick, but instead, she was moved back to her room and he was informed.

''Your Majesty please listen to us, That book...''

''What about the damn book?''

''It is not a book, It is a demonic tool, it is called a demonic gate, since the time they were defeated and cursed, the demons had left their eyes and ears in our world, to spy on us until the time of their return, this book is none other then one of those eyes..''.

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