Chapter Four- The Green Light
His lips pressed the back of my hand, and that was the moment I knew I belonged with him. That kiss shot through every nerve in my body, and I nearly collapsed into his long, muscular arms. “Hi Sweetheart, I’m Logan.”
Between his aquamarine eyes burning through me and the feeling of drowning, I could only squeak out the words. “My pleasure.”
Like a bolt of lightning flashing around us, another round of heart-pounding breathlessness overcame me, and my whole body shivered as my eyes moved to the other man coming towards me.
A pair of light blue eyes called me to him, but Logan tugged me closer and wrapped his arm around me.
His eyes rolled at Logan and pushed him away with the back of his hand before he kissed my cheek. “Hello, Darlin. I’m Jacob.”
With his hands tucked into his pockets, Teddy kicked at the grass under his feet. “Guys, this is my sister, Tessa.”
I took in every beautiful inch of the Norse gods standing in front of me, and my mind finally began to clear. I smiled at my own silliness and poked my finger into Jacob’s shoulder. “So I finally get to meet the twins I’ve heard so much about.”
Logan had dark blonde hair cut close on the sides and longer on top, but his eyebrows were slightly darker. He had a longish beard and mustache that were more of a reddish hue. He also sported a tan and a crooked nose. It had been broken before, I could tell.
He looked tough, and he looked like he had seen some battle. Teddy had warned me that Logan was the next Alpha. The way he caused me to turn away my face to submit when his eyes narrowed at me made me realize the true power of one.
I never gave anyone respect who hadn’t earned it, but Logan made me want to drop to my knees right there in the middle of the field.
His v -necked t-shirt stretched across his big muscly arms and chest. He had some black wolf tattoos peeking out from his chest and running down his left arm. I had seen this amongst other men here. I suppose it has something to do with pack ritual.
What struck me the most was how he was eye-fucking me, right in front of my brother, no less. He is bold and arrogant, and it was turning me on something fierce.
Jacob had a similar haircut but light blonde hair. His beard was shorter with the same red hue on the sides and blonder down the middle. He had the same type of tattoos running down the length of his arm, but far less.
Jacob might be a bit less tall than Logan but had larger muscles that nearly burst the seams on his shirt. He was also tanned, but his nose was still perfect. He didn’t seem as battle-worn as Logan, or maybe it just seemed that way because he was so much friendlier.
Logan finally released my hand from his grip when Teddy interrupted us. “I think your parents are ready to eat now.”
“Yeah, we’re coming.” I knew the look Logan was giving me, and I was pretty sure I just found my weekend entertainment.
I was already imagining him bending me over the side of my bed and pulling my hair. I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what he was thinking from the way his chest heaved up and down when he looked at me.
When Teddy tucked me into his side and turned me back to the house, I peeked up to him and spoke in his mind. ‘Thank you, they’re amazing.’
Teddy read me like a book, and it was almost like he knew what kind of trouble was brewing. “Be nice Tessa, they’re family now.’
I shoved my hip into his. ‘Don’t worry.’
Following Teddy onto the deck, I sat in a chair by Kathy, and Jacob’s fingers slid across my shoulder. “What are you drinking Tessa?”
I winked at him as his fingers pinched at my chin. “Red wine, if you have it, thank you.”
Logan had been stopped by his fathers, but he watched me throughout their conversation like a wolf stalking his prey. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I definitely knew I was ending up in this man’s bed tonight. Everything about him made my body react. I couldn’t look away from him until Jacob broke the trance. “Here you go, Darlin.”
“Thank you.” I looked up at him and took the glass from his hand. After he got a good look down my shirt, Jacob pushed a lock of my hair back behind my ear. His touch sent vibrations through my skin as the back of his fingers grazed my cheek.
The whole arrangement was in jeopardy from the very beginning because Logan never could quite accept his brother’s hands on my body. “Jacob.” When we both glanced in his direction, the future Alpha lifted his eyebrow and motion for this brother, his inferior, to come forward. Despite being born only moments after his twin, Jacob had no choice but to obey.
“I’ll be right back.” Jacob tapped his fingers on the top of my head before he jogged down from the porch.
I took a sip then set my glass on the side table. “Such handsome children, Kathy.”
“Thank you.” She smiled and peeked over at her family. “They’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a long time.”
“Really?” I watched them and licked the taste of wine from my lips.
“They’re quite smitten, Tessa.” When I glanced over at Kathy, I could see the concern in her eyes. I was getting a strange vibe from all these people here.
I’m reasonably sure Kathy just gave me the green light on both her sons. I had only been planning on bedding Logan, but if Jacob wanted to join in the fun, I wasn’t going to say no. I was definitely attracted to him as well. If they don’t mind, neither do I. It was like every dirty, wet dream I ever had was about to come true.
“So, Kathy, just between us girls, tell me how this whole thing works?” I flicked my finger back and forth between her and her men. “Do you all sleep together or…?”.
Kathy smiled, and I could tell she was pretty proud of herself. “Mostly.”
I have to admit, as a woman who enjoys putting men in their place when warranted, I was damn proud of her myself. “Well done, Kathy.”
I didn’t have a mother of my own, and most of my sex talk was learned from the dirty old bastard that lived in the room next to me. But it was nice to have a girl to talk to for once. “It doesn’t bother you?”
I winked at her. I’m sure if the family knew what kind of numbers were on my sexual scorecard, they wouldn’t be so eager to have me hanging out with their sons. “We witches are no stranger to the alternative lifestyle, you know.”
I watched her husbands with her children, and part of me was green with envy. I always wondered why people like Kathy seemed to get whatever they wanted, and I was always miserable. “I’m quite jealous, really. I don’t have anyone particularly special, and here you are getting it regularly from two fine-ass men at the same time. I think you’re my new hero, Kathy.”
She smiled, and her hand met my arm. “Maybe your luck is about to change, Tessa.”
The twins were both watching me, and I waved to them, making Jacob smile before returning to his conversation. “I hope so.”